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ok, im really nervous now! I noticed the counting stop going up, and is now going down, and at 30 weeks this really scares me...

what are the chances of me having an early labor??? (preterm) i did smoke for 4 out of the 7 1/2 months???

i talked to my doctor about not having to have an epiderial, and she said the best way to avoid that is stay as far away from the hospital for as long as possiable, but i told her i did want an alternitive, she suggested something other then Demerol, any ideas??? i forgot what she said it was...

mom's please share some of your first time baby stories, im scared, and really nervous, i keep getting really crabby, and it makes my fiance in turn really crabby, is this normal??? please say it is!!!


anything i forgot??? feel free to add and ask

2007-01-01 12:08:02 · 3 answers · asked by ruspecialenuf 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

3 answers

I'm right there with ya! I'm 33 weeks pregnant! It IS TOTALLY normal for you to be getting irratiable (however talk with your fiance abotu this so he understands).

Try not to worry. It always helps me to calm down when I htink of it liek this: 'If it was THAT bad, people woudlnt have more than one kid!!!! They would take ANY precautions to PREVENT havign another kid, so they dont have to go through laor and delivery again...but there are people out there with 2, 3, 4, 8 kids!!! So it cant be that bad!' Also, keep reminding yourself that as a woman, our bodies were made fr this....we were made to give birth.

I smoked as well until I was about 6 1/2 months pregnant. Preterm labor IS possible, however, it is also possible from stress/anxiety, and a NUMBER of OTHER things. Just breath and relax!

Good luck hun...everythign will be just fine...believe in yourself, and talk with your fiance so he can support you through this.


2007-01-01 12:13:30 · answer #1 · answered by Kelly J 3 · 0 0

The doctor probably suggested Stadol. Any client I've ever had take this has not liked the effect. It makes you feel like you're drunk. You still feel the contractions but don't care. You also the have to stay in bed with the bars up because there is a risk of you falling out of bed. I always tell my clients that with this option you aren't in control of your mind or surrounding, but the problem with an epidural is you're not in control of your muscles. So if you are going to choose pain meds, which would you rather feel? Also, Stadol can only be used during early - mid labor, because it does effect the baby. They try to have it all out of your system by the time the baby is born so his/her heart rate is back up and he/she's not too lethargic to start breathing on their own.

I agree with your doctor about staying away from the hospital as long as possible, if you are trying for a natural birth. Another great suggestion is to take private childbirth classes, and not the hospital based ones because they typically don't go over natural methods of pain relief and techniques very well.

You may also want to consider hiring a doula. A doula will be by your side for the whole labor and birth, offering suggestions for different positions, natural pain relief, and helping your fiance to help you as much as he prefers to be involved. The doctor and nurses are not going to stand there and hold your hand - they will be in and out of the room, but a doula is there just for you. You can check out www.dona.org for more info.

I've had 4 wonderful labor and births, all medication free and vaginal. And I loved every minute of it! Birth is an amazing experience! Just remember when you get nervous that your body was designed to do this, and women have been having babies for thousands of years. You can too, just like your mother did and your grandmother did.

2007-01-01 12:26:51 · answer #2 · answered by mcdaid36 2 · 0 0

Congrats and try to relax, my first and only child I did without any pain meds at all. 100% natural... I never ever thought I could do it and I won't lie.. IT HURTS.. but I was so proud of myself afterwards. And yes it is normal to get crabby but try to share it with your fiance and work thru it together.. Good luck and remeber to BREATHE... :)

2007-01-01 12:35:41 · answer #3 · answered by bababoey24 2 · 0 0

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