ok, im really nervous now! I noticed the counting stop going up, and is now going down, and at 30 weeks this really scares me...
what are the chances of me having an early labor??? (preterm) i did smoke for 4 out of the 7 1/2 months???
i talked to my doctor about not having to have an epiderial, and she said the best way to avoid that is stay as far away from the hospital for as long as possiable, but i told her i did want an alternitive, she suggested something other then Demerol, any ideas??? i forgot what she said it was...
mom's please share some of your first time baby stories, im scared, and really nervous, i keep getting really crabby, and it makes my fiance in turn really crabby, is this normal??? please say it is!!!
anything i forgot??? feel free to add and ask
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