If you have had three children from a previous relationship, then the chances are that your fiance may have fertility problems. I would suggest you both getting checked out for infertility problems to be on the safe side, but definitely him. He could have something as simple as a low count that can be treated with hormone therapy or he may need surgery. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.
2007-01-01 12:57:47
answer #1
answered by jjodom1010 3
It may be that you are not ovulating (but you have had children before, so unless there has been a hormonal change in you, it's probably not that)...or he could have a low sperm count, or a low number of 'good sperm', or he could be sterile, or he could have a blocked duct somewhere...it could be a TON of things.
When you go to the doc, he may want you to chart yor basal temperature...so you should start that now (it could save you a few months time if you go 'prepared' with this info). You can do a simple search online for how to hart your basal temp, if you dont already know hwo to do this.
If you see a fertility doctor, he will most likely want to do a semen analysis with your finace. Some insurance pay for this...others dont. He will just 'do his business' in a cup, and they will check it over, and get the numbers and everything.
They will be able to rule out problems with numbers of sperm. They can even tell if his sperm are strong enough swimmers to make it up to the egg on their own, or if they have long enough 'tails', and all kinds of crazy stuff. So that woudl be very beneficial to have done.
No matter what the problem, (unless he is 100% unable to reproduce), there is always procedures you can have done to get pregnant if you shoudl choose to do them.
2007-01-01 20:31:55
answer #2
answered by Kelly J 3
It sounds like he may be the problem in this equation. The first test you should do is a sperm count for him. Some problems with sperm count are fixable but you need to diagnose the problem first. It is unlikely that after having 3 children, you have suddenly become infertile but age can play a factor in fertility as well. Just see a Dr. and take things one step at a time.
2007-01-01 20:25:40
answer #3
answered by tallgirl 3
Considering the fact that this isn't the same man as your ex husband, maybe your fiance's sperm is no good. There are sperm donors. You should look into that. I'm not sure that is the case, but thats what it sounds like to me, being that you were able to have kids with your ex. Hope this helps and good luck!
2007-01-01 20:07:04
answer #4
answered by Gina 4
There are so many reasons why couples don't get pregnant.it's more of a miracle people actually do conceive.
If you've been trying for 6 years....it's important that you both have full checkups from an ob/gyn for you and a fertility urologist for him. Just because you've been pregnant before does not insure that everything still is in working order.
Once you do that you will KNOW what the issues are and what you can do about it.
Good luck to you
2007-01-01 20:24:16
answer #5
answered by NancyO 5
Wow, I cannot believe you have not already seen the doctor, you must be more patient than me!
It could be either of you but with the circumstances it looks more likely to be him, but while at the doctors get yourselves both checked out.
Good luck hope something happens soon for you.
2007-01-01 20:21:22
answer #6
answered by Marmitemonster 2
Could be something wrong with the new fiance. Ex-hubby and you didn't have problems so I would have him checked out first. Good luck
2007-01-01 20:07:07
answer #7
answered by Mrs. Always Right 5
I'd definitely go to the doctor, but if you've already "proven" that you're able to conceive, they'll probably say that the issue is more on your fiance's end of things.
2007-01-02 03:37:58
answer #8
answered by E Yow 3
I would get both of you tested. I know several people women who have one child and when they went to have another the women had the problems. I recommend seeing an endocrinologist.
2007-01-01 20:35:07
answer #9
answered by dcarroll28 4
Are you timing yourself right. Sometimes women think that we have a 28 day cycle we ovulate on day 14. this helped me concieve my son www.fertilityfriend.com
2007-01-01 20:05:56
answer #10
answered by Dareisha 2