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I keep losing my hard earned victories to stale mates without being able to see what the difference is between a check mate.

2007-01-01 11:01:38 · 10 answers · asked by no name brand canned beans 6 in Games & Recreation Board Games

10 answers

Checkmate is when the king is in check and there are no moves to get out of check. More specifically, the piece that has the king in check can not be taken, no other pieces can move between the king and the piece that has it in check, and the king has no place to move that's not check.

Stalemate is when the king is NOT in check, but the player has no legal moves that do not result in check. This is considered a tie game. This can happen if the king gets pushed into a corner, for instance, and can't move back out.

2007-01-01 11:06:51 · answer #1 · answered by jplrvflyer 5 · 1 0

Here is how to avoid stalemates next time. A stalemate is a situation where your opponent has moved his King in a position where he is not in check, but yet he cannot move it to any other position without going into check. Note that it is his turn to go, he is not in check, but yet all the option boxes are under check attack. This then becomes a technical draw. For this to be, he should either have no other pieces on the board, or if he does, they should be in positions where they are blocked and therefore absolutely cannot move.

On the other hand, a checkmate is where the king has been checked and has no safe option to move to.

So, when you are closing in on an opponent, see that he is not leading you to a stalemate. Its a cunny way to avoid defeat and cause a draw.

2007-01-01 20:38:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I played Chess like, 3 years ago, but i know that a stale mate is when there is no winner, when there are no moves left to make, a tie.

A check mate is when one person wins and they say "Chack Mate" which ends the game

2007-01-01 11:07:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is "stale mate" even legal? And legal I mean like allowed in the game. I would just use "check mate!"

2007-01-01 11:04:11 · answer #4 · answered by lucky_gurl1631 2 · 0 0

stalemate...A situation where a player has no legal moves to make. Any move he/she would make with the King would put the King in check and he/she has no other pieces on the board that can move. This game ends in a draw.

checkmate...complete victory

2007-01-01 11:11:10 · answer #5 · answered by C K 3 · 0 0

Ok, to make it simple...

Checkmate is where the King is directly in check by another piece, and there are no legal moves to get out of it.

Stalemate is where the King is not in check, but cannot move without putting himself in check, and no other pieces can legally move.

2007-01-02 05:09:18 · answer #6 · answered by Yep-itsMe 3 · 1 0

A stalemate is where there is no move that you can legally make without putting your king into check, this results in a tie.
A checkmate is where your king is in check and there is no move that you can make which will get your king out of check. This results in a win/loss

2007-01-01 11:11:38 · answer #7 · answered by adriantheace 4 · 0 0

a stale mate is more like a tie and a check mate there is a declared winner.

2007-01-01 11:04:38 · answer #8 · answered by Retarded Genius 4 · 1 0

Checkmate occurs when your opponent's king is in check, and can't legally escape it. If you do this, you win.

Stalemate occurs when your opponent has no legal move, but is NOT in check. This results in a draw.

2007-01-01 11:07:31 · answer #9 · answered by Chris S 5 · 0 0

in short stalemate is DRAW and checkmate is (Win and Lose )


2007-01-01 20:26:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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