To misquote Shakespeare for the umpteenth time:
"Vanity, thy name is woman"
(He actually said: Frailty, thy name is woman.)
Actually, it's more like embarrassment and annoyance. A lot of woman grow up with the notion that the only thing valuable about them is their youth and beauty. This is a issue with our society that doesn't seem to go away. Woman face it in advertising and Hollywood daily, sort of like the "Macho" issue with males.
If you are talking about folks on line, conversing with girls in chat rooms etc, you've probably got a 50year old male pervert, and that is why they are reluctant
2007-01-01 10:14:02
answer #1
answered by Gordon M 3
It's becasuse they have insecureties aboutthemselfs and the way they look. Women and girls see models and actoress and think they have to be as thin and beautiful is them. Thats what women think all men want. Some girls I have talked to say the same thing cause they are insecure about who they are. I was told I was rude by a women today cause I asked. I asked again and she said she was 109.. but called herself a fat , ugly old hag ..she was only 22.
She was insecrue but I still talk to her shes fun to talk too.
2007-01-01 18:15:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think that's because some don't like to be judged by their age and weight ...
they might feel embarrassed or uncomfortable due the insecurities!
2007-01-01 18:06:54
answer #3
answered by Mysterious 6
Women like to be mysterious. And it shouldn't really matter how old they are or how much they weigh. It's the person inside that makes it worth it.
2007-01-01 18:06:53
answer #4
answered by Dorkboy 7
We want to stay young and thin all the time...never gain weight or get old.
2007-01-01 18:20:11
answer #5
answered by November 3
The same reason you don't like girls to ask you about the size of your penis and how much money you make.
2007-01-01 18:18:15
answer #6
answered by Debra 1
Not all girls. I'm 27. I weigh 110 or 115 lbs. (I don't have a scale so I don't know for sure, now.)
2007-01-01 18:07:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
2007-01-01 18:05:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Cuz it's nobodys business and rude to ask someone what he/she weighs!
2007-01-01 18:11:40
answer #9
answered by IT'S JUST ME ! 7
because our culture values youth and skinnyness?? and it could possibly make people a little less secure with themselves
2007-01-01 18:08:37
answer #10
answered by squirrelgirl749 3