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10 answers

I don't know if this would work for you, or whether I might just have messed up cycles, but I was on micronor, which is a full hormone cycle, without the placebos, and I would only get a preiod every few months. Naturally, but if you really want to skip, try the seasonel pill or yaz.

2007-01-01 09:45:49 · answer #1 · answered by aj28 2 · 0 0

The basic answer is yes AND no. It's a good thing, but only if you do it right.
I am not a doctor, but have read a bit about this... doctors in Europe did a study years ago about women limiting their periods through the use of the pill. They found that not only was it something women liked doing, but that it was HEALTHIER for women to have fewer periods. The average woman a hundred, a thousand years ago had many fewer periods than modern women, because they were pregnant a lot more! The female body is not exactly designed to menstruate every single month. Menstruation drains the body of iron, as well as doing other icky things, some of which we know about.
The key is, you MUST be consistent about how you moderate your periods with the pill. You MUST NOT skip EVERY period. You MUST keep a regular cycle, preferably menstruating once ever three or six months. You should also ask your doctor about special brands of the pill that are designed to limit you to four periods per year. Many U.S. doctors are suspicious of this idea, however... or at least they used to be. And the truth is, you don't HAVE to use a special version of the pill, so long as you're not on a heavy dosage of hormones and you're organized enough to keep track of your cycle.
Again, I am NOT a doctor and have not been on the pill in years, but this is an established practiced that has been well researched and well documented in other countries. For your own comfort and health, I think it's a good idea.
As for knowing whether you're pregnant, I can't help you. Pay attention to when you have sex, and don't skip every period, and you should be able to tell what's going on. And pregnancy has other symptoms besides not menstruating! Your breasts may become sore, etc. And let's face it... if you're in touch with your body, you'll probably just KNOW.

2007-01-01 09:47:43 · answer #2 · answered by Katie 3 · 0 0

Your period is your body's way of naturally cleansing itself. You do need a period. You are supposed to only skip 3 periods at a time, then have 1 period. As far as pregnancy, I guess you will have to take regular pregnancy tests, although the chance of getting pregnant on the pill is small. Maybe use condoms too? That way you are protected from STD's as well.

2007-01-01 09:40:14 · answer #3 · answered by Jamie R 4 · 0 0

You need to discuss this with your gyncologist, but depending on what kind of pill you take, I think you are only supposed to skip your period for up to 3 mos, then you should have one.

The not knowing if you are pregnant thing is one reason that I never feel comfortable skipping more than one month.

2007-01-01 09:39:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If its not the actual 3 month pill... then yes! My sisters Dr. told her that w/ the kind she takes its ok to just continue on w/ no period for 3 months at a time. Now her body is all outta wack and Dr. says they are realizing that it is not good for you. Because the 3 month pills have different levels of hormones!

2007-01-01 09:42:11 · answer #5 · answered by Angel 3 · 0 0

No, its not bad usually. You don't want to do it too many months in a row though. Talk to your doctor about it though.

They actually have a pill that lets you only have 4 periods a year. I would check into it instead of doing it the old fashioned way.

2007-01-01 09:41:43 · answer #6 · answered by ssc 2 · 0 1

Taking the pill messes with your body's chemistry. I don't think it is good to throw off your body's chemistry. It is a trade off, but is it worth the risk? Eventually, your stomach would grow if a baby were conceived, I guess.

2007-01-01 09:41:19 · answer #7 · answered by ruthie 6 · 0 0

Some birth controls regulate your perios, but you would want to talk to your doctor. in the case of getting pregnant, you would probably get morning sickness and have other symptoms like irregular urination.

2007-01-01 09:46:08 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

if you do that you should at least once every three mths take the ones you skip just to keep your body regular.. i liked getting my period cause my husband and i knew we were not pregnant.. its such a relief sometimes

2007-01-01 09:40:03 · answer #9 · answered by kodapia 2 · 0 0


2007-01-01 09:38:26 · answer #10 · answered by Lauren 3 · 1 0

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