I am 38 Weeks, On Saturday I went to the hospital with contractions, and cramping. On Thursday when the dr. did a cervical exam, she loosened my mucus plug, so that is gone. last night I was having contractions 8-10 minutes apart and this morning they were gone. I am dialated to a 3 and 70 % effaced with the head in a -2 position . I just want to know if there is anything i can do besides castor oil, already tried it and it didnt help. Thanks.
15 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Dr.s wont induce now until 39 weeks, some regulations about elective inductions.
07:09:15 ·
update #1
there is nothing you can do unless you have already started the labor process. :-(
I hope baby comes soon for you
2007-01-01 07:18:08
answer #1
answered by Shellberry 5
I wouldn't. Obviously the baby is still in there for a reason. It is different if you are overdue. But to do it a week ahead for no reason is kinda pointless. I can only tell you how magical and special it is to go into labor on you own. I didn't get the chance with my first two. my daughter was 10 days late and my son had a heart arrhythmia. So I was induced with both. But my third labor started on it's own with my water breaking. IT was a very exciting experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. So as someone who has done it both ways, I would suggest you just let nature take it's course and let your body work as it's supposed to. It will be something you will never forget. I am not talking about the pain. :)
2016-03-14 10:48:32
answer #2
answered by ? 4
OK, they say it'll all start "when the baby wants". From the medical point of view the labor starts with th ehelp of the hormone - pitocin - that's what they can say for sure, the only thing is that they don't know what causes the hormone production at this or that particular moment.
Although, others say that there's a way to speed up labor. Here's what I found that might help:
1) walking a lot - gravity is supposed to help the baby come down faster, so use all the staircases you see instead of an elevator;
2) eat spicy food - chili peppers etc;
3) drink fennel tea - that's also supposed to help during the labor as it tones the uterus, although I would think that to achieve that it's necessary to drink it awhile before;
4) eat eggplant - there's a place in Boston (I don't remember for sure), so they swear by eggplant parmegian they serve there as a natural labor inducer for women in their 38-40 weeks;
5) you can eat a salad that contains pitocin - hormone that starts labor - it consists of 1 part of romaine lettuce, 1 part of iceberg lettuce, some red cabbage; use a little bit of balsamic vinegar - although I don't think that balsamic vinegar is a good idea during pregnancy as it's known to contain lead;
6) having sex is supposed to help as it raises the level of pitocin naturally;
7) do an enema - it helps for some people, also if it does help you might not need to do one in the hospital :)
8) acupuncture - press on the point between your first and index finger as hard as you can; there's also a point above the ankle bone. Some people swear by that. Although I would think it's better to go to acupuncturist - I've tried pressing on those points until I had bruises there, but it didn't work.
9) take a warm bath.
10) some drink castor oil, I wouldn't do it - they say it causes pretty unpleasant feeling and might/might not cause diarrhea.
To sum up: I've tried all the above methods (except for the last one), nothing worked, I was almost at the same situation as you, it just happened (although I did eat eggplant the night before). My baby was born exactly on my due date. But who knows - it doesn't hurt to try...
Good luck!
2007-01-01 07:30:20
answer #3
answered by Olis 2
This Site Might Help You.
What can I do to induce labor?
I am 38 Weeks, On Saturday I went to the hospital with contractions, and cramping. On Thursday when the dr. did a cervical exam, she loosened my mucus plug, so that is gone. last night I was having contractions 8-10 minutes apart and this morning they were gone. I am dialated to a 3 and 70 %...
2015-08-07 20:00:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am also 38 weeks and 3cm dilated and trying to induce.
The methods I have been told-
Walking. Lots of walking. I have walked at least three miles a day for a week now.
Nipple stimulation. I have done this until my lap was a puddle of milk, several times a day.
Sex. My husband and I have had more sex now than we did when trying to concieve.
Squatting. Until my legs cramped up.
Right now my baby is still happily crowding my belly and is assaulting my ribs as I type.
Good luck.
2007-01-01 07:23:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There are many different things people have tried over the years such as walking, riding over bumpy roads, eating spicy foods etc. but the most consistent and best method is to induce orgasm whether that be on your own or with your partner -- it is definitely the best!
2007-01-01 07:09:31
answer #6
answered by paloma 3
Wow, you are super close! The night before I went into labor, I ate spicy chicken (very spicy chicken!) and went for a walk, which is hard to do when you're already dilated. I felt like she was going to fall out of me, but hey it all worked. Good luck, and congrats!! Have your hospital bag all ready to go :)
2007-01-01 07:05:59
answer #7
answered by Lindsay M 5
Like others have said have sex. Also, when I was almost due I was waiting in the doctors office when this lady said to me, "oh you poor thing you must be due any day?" She advised for me to go home and have a warm bath. Not hot, but warmer than usual. I went home that night and had a very warm bath and the next day my water broke. Maybe just a coincidence but it worked for me. Congratulations also!
2007-01-01 07:40:23
answer #8
answered by Ohsooocute 3
if the doctor won't induce until 39 weeks and you are 38 weeks now, why not just wait 7 more days?
2007-01-01 08:41:14
answer #9
answered by alkdab3 2
Your going to think Im full of it but....Im not going to go into details because your going to think its not going to work anyway but here is what you do...
1. Have someone gently massage your little toe and achilles tendon
2. Light an insence and let the smoke flow over the the litte toe.
3. do this for an half an hour or forty minutes.
4. Start thinking of names for your baby because it going to happen now
2007-01-01 07:20:46
answer #10
answered by perrin501 2
Go horseback riding. You could go bungie jumping too, but be sure to have someone hold a catch basket.
You aren't getting over anxious are you? You sound very ripe. Good luck, enjoy.
2007-01-01 07:06:48
answer #11
answered by Anonymous