nearly a million people dead, what with the civillians and soldiers, just to get ONE man, I don't think anyone thinks that the war is worth it. Seeing pictures of one dead Iraqi child tells me the war isn't worth it. We have surely killed more people than Saddam ever did.
2007-01-01 05:34:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
For me? No. I've seen so many friends die there. Most of my friends from High School and College that have gone over have either been wounded or killed. The minority have come back unscathed. Now, I am seeing young kids from my Church being called to go and it makes me truly afraid for them.
For the Iraqis? Time will tell. I think with the execution of Saddam, a new day will begin to dawn for them. If they allow it. Some will, some wont.
For America? The blood cost will always be too high. We aren't the America of World War 2. I feel our love of the quick win and the quick fix has made us lose sight. The economy is ... ok. For nearly 8 years or more, the dollar has been weak against the pound. So, I dont know.
2007-01-01 05:58:15
answer #2
answered by caeser.geo 1
It became a purely conflict whilst Bush forty-one did desolate tract hurricane. It wasn't properly actual worth the fee of Bush forty 3 stepping into following 9/11. concentration on Afghanistan fallowing 9/11 could have been understood, going after Saddam Hussein became ludicrous.
2016-12-15 13:04:42
answer #3
answered by ? 4
It was never worth it - what about the huge (unknown) number of poor, innocent Iraqi civilians killed by the UK / USA bombings and insurgent bombs? I read that we have killed more people in Iraq in 4 years than Saddam killed in 25 years.
When something does not add up, you have to think the unthinkable. It was all about money. The people who supply the weapons and ammunition and the companies who provide the food. 300,000 troops have to have 900,000 meals A DAY. Who profits from this every day that the war goes on?
Bush is a conniving son of a ***** - I hope he and all his cronies choke on their money.
2007-01-01 05:40:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your description sounds like the U.S. except for the Muslim fundamentalist point. Easy to tell its a U.S. puppet state. Of course it's not worth it. Very seldem is war worth it. In fact, of all the military conflicts the U.S. has been in since 1900, only WWII was a just war. All others are total manipulation of the public for plunder and gain to the elitists.
2007-01-01 06:19:00
answer #5
answered by protocols 2
understand why we are REALLY there.
we are, well Cheney is, putting in a international oil pipeline. Goes through Afganistan, Iraq and ummm Iran. Gee, wonder why we are on both sides of Iran now, why Bush talks about how bad Iran is, like he did the others, etc. War with Iran on some level is a given due to this project.
The oil line is to pump oil out of the middle east, like our alaskan pipeline. It will pump it down to the sea to where our ships will be sitting to bring it to the USA.
Why? Cause our Gulf Coast oil banks are drying up and the coast line there is wearing away to the point all the oil establisments are at risk. Then you have the alaskan pipeline that is barely spitting out 17% of what it use to be. We have people like Chevez starting crap and places like Russia that wont' give up more to us.
So our only choice to survive is take over the 3rd worlds largest oil bank area, by force. Build a pipeline so we can get it out and bring it back to the USA to keep the USA as it is and going like it is.
Otherwise we are foced to change how we drive, operate business and basic daily life almost over night due to lack of oil.
They are looking 5, 10 yrs out when our oil supply will really be hurt...this is when the pipeline will be finished. Hence why Bush says this war will go on after his term...he knows it will.
Why do they not just tell us this? Cause the masses can't think past today let alone 10 yrs out. They will say to stop the war, get out, we will figure out another way. But by the time that happens, the oil will run out and we will be standing with our pants down.
Past the fact it will grind our economy to a hault...but our military won't be able to protect us either.
Google the pipeline for info, google where our troops and bases are over there, then over lay the maps and you'll see a perfect fit.
Terrorism is just a propaganda line to get the masses to go along with the effort....terrorists are created by the CIA. Bin Ladin was on CIA's payroll for over 20 yrs along with many others.
So did we pull of 9/11.....sure....the CIA pulled it off with their terrorists. Why? To scare the masses into this so called war to get his pipeline built. If Bush had got on TV and asked or said we had to go to war for oil, the country would of laughed at him. So the brains had to come up with a plan....just like they did for Pearl Harbor. And yes....its proven fact from government papers that we knew Pearl Harbor was gonna happen and we let it happen. Why? So we could enter the war.
2007-01-01 05:38:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
War is never "worth it". They hang Hussein for slaughtering innocent people, yet there are countless civillian victims that are dying because of this war. Where is the difference- the end jusitifes the means? Hardly.
2007-01-01 05:38:16
answer #7
answered by scouseryank33 3
No, definately not. Its not just about dollars and cents, the loss of human life is shocking and the haunting eyes of the children that are left behind - you really can't put a price tag on that.
2007-01-01 05:40:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I believe that other countries should help more. After all we all share this planet. Unfortunately, there is corruption everywhere one looks. As for the weight of our debts, if we keep importing so much and don't increase exports of goods, it's only going to get worse. We have forgotten what made this country great.
2007-01-01 05:42:41
answer #9
answered by us5we2 3
It's not worth to have a insane monster as a president of USA.
2007-01-01 18:45:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous