Warlock: Male witch, used in the TV shows "Bewitched" or "Buffy." In Paganism, a negative term for someone who breaks an oath. The normal etymology derives warlock from the Old English wǣrloga meaning deceiver, or "oathbreaker". However, one source suggests that the word may come from the Old Norse varð-lokkur, "caller of spirits".
Wizard: A person with magical abilities, usually a male and usually very powerful or knowledgable. It's also a title for leaders in the KKK, and used to denote exceptional abilities, such as "pinball wizard" or "video game wizard" or "math wizard."
Witch: A person with magical abilities, usually a woman. In older times this was a bad term, could get you burned at the stake. Meant you were serving the devil, or were an ugly old hag. Often used in modern times by both men and women who are involved with spellcasting, herblore, etc., but who do not follow the Wiccan religion.
Wiccan: A person who follows the religion of Wicca, "a Neopagan religion and a religious movement found in various countries throughout the world. It was first popularised in 1954 by a British civil servant named Gerald Gardner after the British Witchcraft Act was repealed."
2007-01-01 01:15:35
answer #1
answered by Torchbug 7
Wiccans are followers of the religion of Wicca, which (proudly) has as many variants as practitioners.
Many Wiccans practice witchcraft and are, therefore, witches. Witches work with the raw forms of magic - the shaping of the elements, plant magic, the runes, and so forth. Most male practitioners are also called "witches", but some prefer "warlock" or "wizard" for cosmetic reasons.
Wizards, strictly speaking, work with more formal, ritualistic magic. The magic is very specialized and is more complicated. Neither magic form is "better" than the other - it's a question of what the practitioner wants to accomplish, and how.
Warlocks, again speaking strictly, are magic practitioners that are outcasts. But the name has become vogue for men who feel that "witch" is too feminine a word to describe themselves.
2007-01-01 02:03:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Warlock is a term that means "oath breaker". To make someone a warlock is the same as excommunicating them. A wiccan is a follower of the religion Wicca. A witch is a person who practices witchcraft (contrary to popular opinion not all witches are Wiccans).
2007-01-01 00:36:03
answer #3
answered by bobbert 2
Wicca - an earth-based religion composed partially of pre-Christian beliefs, and partially of ideas and rituals borrowed from other groups. The religion of Wicca will often include the practice of Witchcraft, meaning that many Wiccans are Witches, as well.
Witch - one who practices witchcraft. In general this does not recognize any social or religious boundary, so there are many who could be called "Witches". Tying into the previous paragraph, while many Wiccans are Witches, not all Witches are Wiccans. "Witch" can be used for both male and female practitioners of witchcraft.
Warlock - sometimes used as a term for a male Witch, however in general usage today (at least in neo-Pagan communities) the word has a meaning of "oath-breaker", so its usage is frowned upon. Male Witches in the neo-Pagan community are generally referred to as "Witch".
Wizard - I have generally heard this used with regards to people who practice non-religious magic, while "Witch" is applied more to those who practice magic that is tied into spirituality as well.
2007-01-01 02:04:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Warlock is a traitor, not a male witch. a witch is a person who practices witchcraft whether male or female. A wizars is also a practioner of magick whether male or female. Wiccan is a witch because we practice witchcraft. Wicca is an earth based religion and we honor the God and Goddess equaly.
2007-01-01 05:41:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Wizards are magicians with supernatural powers, with real magic. Warlocks are male witches and a witch is a wizard that uses her powers for bad and it uses dark forces. and a wiccan is a women who uses her powers for good and uses the power of nature.
2007-01-01 13:03:27
answer #6
answered by الإيمان 2
The correct term is witch if you're applying it to Wicca. Anything else is insulting.
But not all Wiccans are witches, only those that cast spells and not all of them do.
Warlock is an insult. Wizard isn't used.
2007-01-01 02:21:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The word warlock acually ment traitor. Wiccan is a religion and a witch practices magik. A wizard is some one who teaches another in the craft.
2007-01-01 00:18:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
All depends on the culture & context of their usage.
That is the problem there's as many different usages as grains of sands.
2007-01-01 01:58:08
answer #9
answered by Rai A 7
It is all part of an acient regilion still practiced today
2007-01-05 15:26:21
answer #10
answered by lulu 3