i guess u must be using home plan 250. whaen u open a website, the content in the website (pix,videos,text ect..) are automatically downloaded to a folder in ur computer. these files are erased when u move on to another site. hence when u just browse there is some data being downloaded into ur computer. so every time u open a site u download a few kbs for data to ur comp. i think it is better for u swith to home plan 500 or 900 as they allow 1gb and ulimited download respectivly.
2006-12-31 17:40:37
answer #1
answered by Goanchu 3
First of all there are various browsers: 1. A web browser is a software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network. 2. A file manager or file browser is a computer program that provides a user interface to work with file systems. They are very useful for speeding up interaction with files. The most common operations on files are create, open, edit, view, print, play, rename, move, copy, delete, attributes, properties, search/find, and permissions. However - Downloading means: Uploading and downloading are related terms used to describe the transfer of electronic data between two computers or similar systems. Therefore, to answer your question regarding downloading a particular amount of information depends exactly what your ISP allows you to take from the internet. 400 MB is a vast amount, and you probably won't use that much as a nominal person, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
2016-03-29 02:42:18
answer #2
answered by ? 4
The 400mb of downloading would be stated with the intention of meaning all data transfered to your computer. Most people define browsing as looking at webpages and downloading as obtaining a file somewhere else other than your cache, but your ISP won't make such a distinction.
2006-12-31 17:07:36
answer #3
answered by JamesWilliamson 3
Though in actual meaning of download, only files downloaded from sites can be considered as download, for the purpose of calculation of download by the internet providers, browsing is also considered as download. Hence the moment you open any website the meter for calculation of download starts.
2006-12-31 17:06:23
answer #4
answered by vakayil k 7
You browsing to any site containing online streaming video also included in downloading total. I think you are subscriber of bsnl. Check your account detail, it even counts browsing data transfer, be aware of video viewing, they require more data transfer, you may exceed your limit within hours and that may have an adverse effect on ur pocket. Chatting, browsing, downloading, online streaming, everything counts ! good luck.
2006-12-31 17:07:41
answer #5
answered by V 5
browsing is to view anything on the net via a program (ie irc, web browser, pine, etc)
downloading - is the action of your computer receiving information from websites that can include pages, images, videos, music via a program (ex web browser, music applications, irc, etc)
400 mb of data isnt much...you could do that in less than 4 hours oftime on the net, or visiting one site that has a bunch of multimedia on it. dont forget that this can include downloading any emails.
2006-12-31 17:03:02
answer #6
answered by arus.geo 7
when a company says that 400mb free data download then it means that once u click on to a page that page was downloaded so when you open any website that should be counting in your download data
2006-12-31 17:17:16
answer #7
answered by sanj 1
"Whenever you receive information from the Internet, you are downloading it to your computer. " If you see a picture, or software that you've purchased, and save it to your HDD, (computer) you're downloading.
Browsing.. is nothing more than viewing.. window shopping, looking up information in the yellow pages.. is nothing more than browsing. One does the same thing while connected to the internet through his or her internet service provider,
2006-12-31 17:09:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
buddy..... for every webpage u open it counts under downloading...... it will be around 200kb for a normal webpage..... downloading refers to bytes generally thats y downloadin speed wil be 1/8th of the browsing speed..... have a happy newyear
2006-12-31 17:10:09
answer #9
answered by ani 2
When you are browsing you are downloading the page you are looking at and the images that it conatins.
2006-12-31 17:08:18
answer #10
answered by simpsonsfreak 3