I myself don't like playing on-line poker at all, because on-line players tend to be very loose. I like playing in a real casino myself, but some people do very well playing on-line. I always do much better when playing face to face. I play a somewhat tighter game on-line then at a brick and mortar casino for sure, but i guess you have bad players in real live games as well.
2006-12-31 17:46:42
answer #1
answered by sincity usa 7
Use a Poker Calculator and the best one is Poker Pro 2006 - it auto connects to your table and gives all of kind odds and stats as you play. It also analyzes your opponents as you play in real time. It’s easy just a bit of practice.
2006-12-31 14:17:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your best bet is to join a free to play poker site where you dont deposit and you just play for fun.Asking questions at tables and in forums is a good start. http://www.freepowerboards.com/pokertalksplus/ has free poker and a discussion forum
2007-01-01 03:46:49
answer #3
answered by Trivium 1
Read, study, hire a poker pro, be prepared to be told where you're going wrong and don't have an ego. http://www.church-of-texas-holdem.com
2007-01-01 09:05:48
answer #4
answered by Father Ashley 4
ther is always a tips section and strategy section..check it out.. REMEMBER: IF U HAVE THE MOST MONEY ON THE TABLE U RULE THE TALBLE..BLUFF IT ALL IN..THEY GO OUT TAKE ALL The money...also always put in some money in each hand/flip.. and on the last card go all in ...lol
2007-01-03 06:52:55
answer #5
answered by :..::bd::.: 2
Save your money. It's a scam cuz there are a thousand seasoned guys they plant there to take your $$.
2006-12-31 16:57:44
answer #6
answered by krazykritik 5
You can contact me on my site for any advice and strategies.
Take care
2006-12-31 14:23:49
answer #7
answered by pokercoach 5
try http://www.***************************
2006-12-31 15:09:49
answer #8
answered by stan 3