First of all, where did you buy it? If it was bought at a place other than a LV store or (the authorized internet retailer) then it could be fake. You will never find REAL bags at purse parties and flea markets. I would even question bags from boutiques unless they are authorized retailers (the Louis Vuitton website will tell you authorized retailers). The purse should have come in a big brown box that said Louis Vuitton and wrapped in a simple dust bag. No emblems or key chains should be hanging from it and it comes with a small card that says "Louis Vuitton Malletier Paris" and "Coated fabric Cowhide leather trim Man-made lining". Look at the outside of your bag, is the LV pattern symmetrical on all surfaces or randomly placed? The cowhide trim on a new authentic LV is very light. It darkens up over time as you handle the bag with your hands and the bag is exposed to sunlight. A brand new "LV" bag with uniformly dark trim is probably fake. The price is also a dead giveaway. Real LVs run $800+ so if you didn't pay around that price, then it could be a fake. There are so many good counterfeiters out there though. The best way is to take it to a Louis Vuitton retailer and have them look at it-they can tell you right away. Hope this helps and hope you didn't get ripped off.
2006-12-31 13:08:11
answer #1
answered by sukditup 3
Louis Vuitton Au
2016-10-05 06:09:57
answer #2
answered by ? 4
These days its very hard to tell a replica from the real thing.
Most replica's have the LV stamp insode along with fake authenticity documents like green envelope etc,
The stitching is usually a good sign. LV stitching is very yellow. Also the leather work should be a creamy pink, rather than a mustard colour like the fakes.
On the Lv stamp inside, it should be stamped neatly. A fake is stamped roughly & he stamp is a wierd uneven shape.
The gold hardware (studs, buckles etc) should be of good quality & usually stamped LV & dont look gold plated like the fakes.
Check out which is a authenticity checker for a small fee. Or the LV site and compare the photo's
When purchasing a Louis Vuitton handbag online, I ask for a reciept. The excuses the people give as to why they dont have one is very very funny.
Be aware of when a buyer offers a refund if the bag is found to be a fake.
LV stores will not put in writing that they think the bag is fake. Its against their policy.
Go to a LV store & ask if they have your bag in stock & study it carefully to notice the quality, then compare to the bag you are thinking of buying.
2006-12-31 19:55:55
answer #3
answered by kriskros54 3
If you check the inside of the bag there should be a reasonably large Louis Vuitton written on the inside, and maybe some writing and dates underneath.
You also might sometimes know from the price. If it is anywhere under 50 dollars for a small LV bag, then it is either fake or you found a totally amazing deal. It is best to ask the salesperson if it is real or fake, unless you are buying it in a LV store, (obviously). And as for LV luggage, it is a lot of more expensive then normal LV bags, just for the information.
hope I helped!
2006-12-31 09:18:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Hi there. I have been collecting Louis Vuitton bags for nearly 6 years now. There are many many different ways to tell if it is real or a knock off. It would of course help to know which bag you are interested in (epi, monogram, damier collection...etc...).
There are many many fakes floating around out there and many many sellers selling fakes as authentic bags. I would have to say that the biggest stay far away sign would be price. If it is too good to be true....chances are it's fake. There are many reputable sellers on ebay that ONLY sell authentic Vuitton bags. I would be happy to guide you if ever you would be interested. I bothers me when I see so many people being had and spending hundreds of dollars on a bag that is fake.
I am assuming you have the traditional monogram collection. If it is not a problem, please let me know exactly which bag you own and I can be much more helpful in authenticating you bag for you....
I would first look for date code NOT SERIAL NUMBER. Many people call it a serial number when in fact it is called Date Code. Now, as for the code it should begin with 2 letters followed by 4 numbers. The Model number of the bag is NOT a date code and is NEVER stamped inside the bag.
Secondly....Authentic Vuittons should NEVER EVER have a tag hanging off the bag, a green envelope, white paper tags with a model number and certainly not certificate of authenticity. Vuitton does not do this.
Third would be lining. There are many different linings from Alcantara (raspberry, charcoal or beige colored). Brown cotton coated canvas lining, leather lined etc... The interior should be fine and soft. Not hard beige uneven suede like materials.
Forth would have to be stamping and if it matched the date code. Example made in U.S.A have certain date codes. made in France have others as well as made in Spain and made in Italy (mind you, only very very few are made in Italy).
I hope this helps. If you should EVER need help in the future with buying a Vuitton bag, please email me at anytime and it would be a pleasure to help you out.
Take care :o)
2007-01-02 13:30:35
answer #5
answered by ? 3
2014 High Quality Louis Vuitton bags Online Sale 80% Off781
2014-06-13 19:16:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
LV did made a bag called Tweedy which was half tweed half monogram. It as a Limited Edition bag and it would cost thousands if purchased today. But from the pictures and the dimension, the bag you have looks fake. Do you have better pictures like the interior of the bag. It seems like you are only show all the really close up shots for some reason. Also, if you did not buy this bag at the LV Store, then it is definitely a FAKE.
2016-03-17 21:59:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
This Site Might Help You.
Is my Louis Vuitton bag real?
I can tell you a lot of details about my Louis Vuitton purse, and can you please tell me if it is the real deal? Thank You! What do you need to know about the bag, and I can tell you.
2015-08-14 14:25:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you have to ask it's probably not real. Unless you paid over a $1,000 for most styles then I'd say it's not authentic. Replica's are very easy to purchase. The only places you can buy an authentic LV is, sax, etc. They do not sell wholesale or irregulars.
Many replica bags have all the correct markings, you can get them with real leather and they have the LV tags and even serial numbers. And you can also buy replicas with authenticity cards. I used to sell them.
The only way to know for sure is to bring it to an authorized dealer and have them take a look. They can tell.
Other than that if you tell me the style, I can tell you what to look for. (Alma, Piano, Manhattan, etc.) Also let me know if it's the fabric monogram, multicolore, damier or denim. How much you paid and where you got it from.
2006-12-31 09:14:50
answer #9
answered by Nette 5
Usually real Louis Vuitton bagswill have the feet at the bottom of the purse, and a certification thing on the inside that says where it was made and stuff.
2006-12-31 09:14:25
answer #10
answered by blahblahblahblahblah 4