If you've read "The DaVinci Code", you'll find out that the pentagram is not a satanic symbol. I forgot exactly where it comes from, according to the book, but it is a sybol of feminism representing Venus, I believe. It has been corrupted, mainly by Hollywood, to be something evil. Of course, this information is from the book.
2006-12-31 08:57:10
answer #1
answered by wizard of ozma 3
The Star of David is often called Solomon's Seal--it's a six-pointed star made of two triangles put together. It represents man and woman, the union of elements.
Pentagrams aren't satanic--the usual reckoning behind them is that they represent the four elements and "spirit", or that it's a human and the points are the arms, legs, and head.
The upside-down pentagram sometimes has a goat's head drawn over it. This is the Scapegoat--which is in the Bible. Basicially, the scapegoat is a pure, blemish-free goat that has all the sins of the community placed on it (symbolically, I guess) and then it's sent away from the community to send away evil. Kind of a cop-out, really. You sin and all you have to do is put it on a goat and he walks away with it? Where does it go? Symbolism is stupid sometimes. But the Scapegoat is a Biblical idea.
Jesus is sort of a Scapegoat, though for some reason, he's a lamb. I don't get the whole "sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell" bit. Goats are cool. Yes, they're a little naughty, but they're not evil--so how come stupid-a $$ sheep get to go to heaven? What a crock.
2006-12-31 16:59:38
answer #2
answered by SlowClap 6
The earliest known use of the pentagram dates back to around the Uruk period around 3500BC at Ur of the Chaldees in Ancient Mesopotamia where it was found on potsherds together with other signs of the period associated with the earliest known developments of written language.
In later periods of Mesopotamian art, the pentagram was used in royal inscriptions and was symbolic of imperial power extending out to "the four corners of the world".
Amongst the Hebrews, the symbol was ascribed to Truth and to the five books of the Pentateuch. It is sometimes, incorrectly, called the Seal of Solomon though it's usage was in parallel with the hexagram.
In Ancient Greece, it was called the Pentalpha, being geometrically composed of five A's. Unlike earlier civilizations, the Greeks did not generally attribute other symbolic meanings to the letters of their alphabet, but certain symbols became connected with Greek letter shapes or positions (eg Gammadion, Alpha-Omega).
The geometry of the pentagram and it's metaphysical associations were explored by the Pythagoreans (after Pythagoras 586-506BC) who considered it an emblem of perfection. Together with other discovered knowledge of geometric figures and proportion, it passed down into post-Hellenic art where the golden proportion may be seen in the designs of some temples.
Pythagoras was known to have traveled all over the ancient world from the mysteries into which he was initiated, and it seems likely that his travels took him to Egypt, to Chaldea and to lands around the Indus. There may be a connection here with the presence of the pentagram in Tantrik art .
To the Gnostics, the pentagram was the 'Blazing Star' and, like the crescent moon was a symbol relating to the magic and mystery of the nighttime sky.
For the Druids, it was a symbol of Godhead.
In Egypt, it was a symbol of the 'underground womb' and bore a symbolic relationship to the concept of the pyramid form..
The Pagan Celts ascribed the pentagram to the underground goddess Morrigan.
Early Christians attributed the pentagram to the Five Wounds of Christ and from then until medieval times, it was a lesser-used Christian symbol. Prior to the time of the Inquisition, there were no 'evil' associations to the pentagram. Rather it's form implied Truth, religious mysticism and the work of The Creator.
During the long period of the Inquisition, there was much promulgation of lies and accusations in the 'interests' of orthodoxy and elimination of heresy.
The Church lapsed into a long period of the very diabolism it sought to oppose. The pentagram was seen to symbolize a Goat's Head or the Devil in the form of Baphomet and it was Baphomet whom the Inquisition accused the Templars of worshipping.
2007-01-01 04:57:48
answer #3
answered by WillieRoberto 3
pentagram....a pentacle within a circle
pentacle....a five pointed star
A pentagram is a symbol of protection. Right side up it means protection from outside influences, upside down means protection from interior sources. Sure sure you can pervert its use, just like the christian cross, and call one way good and the other way bad....but seriously, it honestly has no issue with either direction.
Satanism is often seen as the counter of christianity, but truly, Satanism has nothing whatsoever to do with christianity. True satanism as it is is practiced is all about power from within, from yourself...the person...the one who is, notgiving in to the weak willed superstition of lacking a spine and letting the first semi super deity with more power than you define your destiny.
The pentacle is a symbol for many misunderstood practices, beliefs and philosophies and often has nothing to do with satanism. It is as was said above a symbol of protection, it is also a symbol of rank, a symbol of a goddess, a symbol of harmony.
Things mean only what you believe them to mean. Should you be conned to believe this pentagram is a symbol for satanism, then who am I to tell you any differently since everyone else is more knowledgeable than I.
2006-12-31 17:23:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Hi, people usually get the star of David and the seal of Solomon mixed up,the seal of Solomon is also the Pentagram, and has been used by satanists and Freemasons who believe that it has magical properties.
2006-12-31 17:01:06
answer #5
answered by Sentinel 7
None of the above.
The pentegram is an ancient symbol representing the five elements that make life possible.
The Satanists turned the pentagram upside down standing on one point and put a goat's head in it.
Solomon's seal was a six pointed star (not a five pointed star).
2007-01-02 08:03:55
answer #6
answered by Rev. Two Bears 6
No it is not. It is far older than Christianity Used by the Celtics and other pagan groups, It means spirit, earth wind fire and water. The star of David along with some other symbols is the seal of Solomon. There are many web site that can teach you what these and other symbols mean.
2006-12-31 18:17:19
answer #7
answered by raven blackwing 6
The pentagram is not any more Satanic than is a reclining Buhdda. It is a non-christian holy symbol. Ask your local preacher if Buhdda is Satanic. If he says yes, then you know he'll feel the same way about the pentagram.
Here it is:
2006-12-31 18:46:38
answer #8
answered by B SIDE 6
The numbers of points in a star diagram represent it's use and corresponding symbolism. The five pointed star (inclusive/collaberative, versus a pentagon which is exclusive/exploitive) is a synthesis of five. Commonly those five are: earth, air, fire, water, spirit. There are other assigned traits of the five. But it is specifically relative to the Microcosm.
The six pointed star, yes, has reference to good ol' Solomon and his trusty brigade...
2006-12-31 17:10:24
answer #9
answered by Invisible_Flags 6
no it is not satanic.
In the current day. it's use is mainly
as a sign of earth based
faiths,showing the four elements topped
with the realm of spirit.
The elements are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit. Thats what each point on the pentacle represent.
2007-01-01 00:14:33
answer #10
answered by crystalfairywitch 1