He actually called President Bush - Satan.. and stood in the United Nations and said he could still smell the sulfur from where Bush had been there. The reason is because Chavez is a tin-horn terrorist dictator and knows President Bush will keep him in line.
2006-12-31 07:43:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The economic reason is Bush allows business to operate based on the needs of others in the U.S. Chavez controls the Venezuela economy and throws successful business people in jail for success. He despises the notion the US law allows innovation and business to be formed to easily and operate so freely. He believes the heavy handed governments should dominate and control all aspects of business. I don't understand his concern, he should see that Bush supports a massive increase in government and in time the US will be just as Socialist as Chavez' country. Bush has created a Monster government and it is taking over free markets with regulations, etc so Chavez should take note and enjoy the process as the US economy shuts down.
2006-12-31 07:43:55
answer #2
answered by Lighthearted 3
Chavez is an evil man who is trying to antagonize the civilized people of the rich and powerful United States of America. Chavez just wants to get something going so he can get lots of press coverage while he does the devil's work.
2006-12-31 07:41:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Chavez is a vocal critic of the current administration. There are many countries who sympathize with his criticism but do not agree with the level of the rhetoric. Economically Venezuela sells most of its oil to the US (which imports little from the middle east). If they embargoed us, it would harm our economy, so most talk in the US about doing something to Chavez is just bluster.
2006-12-31 07:46:04
answer #4
answered by snarkysmug 4
Chavez used the comments for his re-election to gain a political agenda for votes,not that it mattered since he is a leftist-marxist and could easily kill or intimidate any one whom ran against him.Y'know like Fidel Castro.We also but oil from him,and I wish we could tap our own reserves in the gulf and in the pacific and I guarantee,the rest of the world would miss our money real fast,then they would really have something to cry about
2006-12-31 07:42:59
answer #5
answered by stygianwolfe 7
Chavez does not understand American politics. It is the Dems that are donkeys.
2006-12-31 07:39:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, what is a synonym for donkey? 3 letters, 2 "s"'s and an "a". That's my guess.
Wasn't he the one who called Bush a devil and said he could smell the sulfur when he followed him at the UN?
Hilarious. That guy is a riot.
2006-12-31 08:19:20
answer #7
answered by tcdrtw 4
In his country,to call someone a donkey is synonymous with Dumb..a$$
2006-12-31 07:42:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Chavez is a frenchie loving gasbag, screw them! We dont need them venezuelan cocaine growers anyways!
2006-12-31 07:38:34
answer #9
answered by Montecar3 3
because he's a jackass
2006-12-31 07:39:00
answer #10
answered by stinkypinky 4