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people tell me to imagine it as a ball. but what if it is not?

2006-12-31 06:48:32 · 11 answers · asked by leo 1 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

11 answers

it never does theres like a trapdoor we get out of to exit the universe

very weird

2006-12-31 06:53:41 · answer #1 · answered by coolman.fot 1 · 0 0

When you look at a ring, or a circle, where does it begin, where does it end? The same can be said of the universe.

In the 1492 Christopher Columbus was warned not to sail to America for his ship would certainly fall off the edge of the earth. People believed the world was flat and his ships would fall just off. The concept of a round earth was not understood.

The universe is similar. It's hard to explain, but a bubble is what scientist theorize. A bubble into what you might ask? Questions like these are at the forefront of scientific exploration where there's always room for more thinkers like yourself.

2006-12-31 19:35:09 · answer #2 · answered by NeckLover 2 · 0 0

Our minds cant understand questions like these like where did the universe come from or when did time started or where does the universe ends but there is no anwer that we can understand even if by someway we got the answer we cant understand it.
Answers like : the universe ends where the other starts
my response is if this is true how many iniverses will it take to fill this vast space up,
our answer will be infinity
another answer like : the universe is like a ring there is no begining and no end
My response is that the universe expands in all ways and it must meet in some point to have an example like the ring but it doesnt
So you see we cant find answers for these
But i have an answer for myself that i believe in and it is that i believe in the one and only god and he created the concept of time and space to be applied on humans and these are our limits and bounderies that we cant live without them they are our rules that we cant break....

2007-01-01 22:00:49 · answer #3 · answered by moorathebest 1 · 0 0

Hello here is my explanation + some quote from wikipedia, I hope you will have the time to read it, as I dedicate some time to write it.



And a happy new year.

If you want to read more about wikipedia definition you might go to the link
In theory, in ends where other universe starts,

In theory there are many different universe.

Every person has it´s own theory, and they are all theories. Very difficult to prove.

I give you a tip for you to understand something:

In the old times people believe that the earth was square, now we believe that is elliptic.

It is the same with every theory, a theory is nothing concrete. There are many different theories.

But you can imagine a universe a huge neighbourhood, where lots of stars live together. We only know a small part of it.

And inside a universe there is another universe.

Lots of people speak about how small we are

But we are also giants, if we compare our-self to the molecular level.

My native language is Spanish, so I might have some problems to explain this.

You are going to find lots of different theories, and you might even get confused, that is because our understanding of the world in where we lived is very limited.

When you read about theories you have to know more about the background of the person who spoke about this theory.

For instance Sigmoid Freud spoke a lot about the libido, which he defines as sexual energy. So basically means that it is a sexual energy that you use to do things which seem to be unrelated with sex. Like when you bake a cake, or just anything.
But maybe he was obsess about sex, so he used to relate everything with sex.

It can happen this to anybody, they explain theories, and this theories are not completely objective.

and here I put a quote from wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Physical cosmology

The deepest visible-light image of the cosmos, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

This article discusses the universe from a physical or empirical viewpoint. For other uses, see Universe (disambiguation)

In strictly physical terms, the total universe is the sum of all matter that exists and the space in which all events occur or could occur. The part of the universe that can be seen or otherwise observed to have occurred is called the known universe, observable universe, or visible universe. Because cosmic inflation removes vast parts of the total universe from our observable horizon, most cosmologists accept that it is impossible to observe the whole continuum and may use the expression our universe, referring to only that which is knowable by human beings in particular. In cosmological terms, the universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time continuum in which all matter and energy exist. Some scientists hypothesize that the universe may be part of a system of many other universes, known as the multiverse.
Main article: Multiverse (science)

There is some speculation that multiple universes exist in a higher-level multiverse (also known as a megaverse), our universe being one of those universes. For example, matter that falls into a black hole in our universe could emerge as a Big Bang, starting another universe. However, all such ideas are currently untestable and cannot be regarded as anything more than speculation. The concept of parallel universes is understood only when related to string theory. String theorist Michio Kaku offered several explanations to possible parallel universe phenomena.

2006-12-31 15:26:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You've got a great question.

Charles Eddington and Edwin Hubble postulated the idea of an expanding universe based on observations of "Red shift" of objects farther away from each other, it's a great theory and the astronomy backs it up pretty conclusively.

However it was "just a theory" with a rather abstract observation set until some engineers and scientists in the 1960's put an extremely sensitive microwave receiver together to use for communications purposes.

When they switched it on they got an odd result, microwave "traffic" from EVERY direction of the sky. Everywhere they pointed the antennae there was this same microwave radiation, very low frequency , very low intensity but it was everywhere.

For a while nobody knew what it was, it wasn't from the Sun or from our satelites or difracted from manmade transmissions in the atmosphere somehow, so nobody knew but they suspected some stuff.

1. Alien transmissions - one exciting but short lived theory which was disposed of quickly was that Earth was being bombarded with phonecalls from ET. This was dismissed since there was no discernable intelligent pattern or anything.

2. Someone guessed that the radiation from the natural universe - basically it was suggested that this "MIGHT" be background radiation from the Edington/Hubble big-bang, a second hard measurable thing to test the theory against. It was more or less proven as fact at that point.

Think of the "after" effects of turning an incandecent lightbulb on. Even after it's off it's still warm for a short time.

About 15-20 years later, the US put the COBE satellite up in space which mapped the background radiation with some high-precision and better levels of accuracy / intensity. From those readings they figured out that for this radiation to be this diffuse, it would have to have been in "one" spot and nearly infinitely powerful some 15-20 billion years ago.

The simplest way of imaginging it might be to think of it like this, in one way the universe is like a series of balloons one inside the other, each one with stars and galaxies on the surface.

In this imaginary set of balloons, each one is expanding but the space/distance between each balloon and the ones inside it is
growing in size as well , so the space between the galaxies and stars on one balloon are getting "farther" apart from another balloon. Since each balloon is expanding the stars and galaxies on an individual balloon are also getting "farther" from each other as well.

The problem is that while this helps explain the idea of expanding space-time you get to a point very very distant towards the "outside" of these layers of balloons where there just isn't a next balloon it's expanding forever there isn't anything else beyond that "last balloon" , part that's hard to imagine is that there really isn't a last balloon it's just a place where there are no stars , just slightly heated hydrogen gas which is too diffuse to form stars and each particle of hydrogen gas is now very very far apart.

If you were in some hyperspace spaceship, and tried to travel to this boundary, you would "never" "get" there since time itself is "spread" out over a huge distance from the outer "layers" of the balloons you would simply travel through galaxies into a fog of hydrogen and then eventually a subatomic particle soup so diffuse there would be no energy no atoms or particles in between light years of space.

It's a hard concept but if you keep in mind the balloons part that kinda get's you about 2/3rd of the way to understanding something that stumps the smartest people on our planet.

2006-12-31 16:53:54 · answer #5 · answered by Mark T 7 · 0 0

The end of the universe is where ever you are.

Think of it this way; Where is the end of the surface of the moon? You could walk and walk and walk,ect... There is no end, it could be considered infinite because there is no end. iF you accept logic then you would say the end is where ever you are.

The universe is no different, you can walk and walk and walk and never find the end just like the moon. You would just end up where you started. When walking on the moon you are also walking in 3 dimensions but are unable to leave the surface which would be considered the 4th dimension.

When walking in the universe you are also walking in 3 dimensions but you are stuck to the fabric of space just as you were stuck to the ground on the moon. On the moon your elevation changes are caused by mountains and your elevation changes in the universe is caused by mass and/or speed.

2006-12-31 16:33:25 · answer #6 · answered by aorton27 3 · 0 0

I think almost every day someone asks a question of this nature here. Take a look at the previous postings.

2006-12-31 16:20:33 · answer #7 · answered by robert 3 · 0 0

The universe may be of finite volume, but it is unbounded regardless, due to space-time curvature.

2007-01-01 16:38:11 · answer #8 · answered by Dr. R 7 · 0 0

It does not end. Scientists have been trying to minimize the enormity of it for eons. Is there an end to the smallest number we can count down to ? Is there an end to the largest number we can count up to ? No--the simplicity of that alone should make us think "infinity" & this without the thought of God as the Greatest of Scientists!
....-------------1+++++++ (a table)

Now if we take into account some Biblical texts that involve the sciences and laws of science and God as The Greatest of Scientists. Please note:

(Ecclesiastes 3:10-11) “10 I have seen the occupation that God has given to the sons of mankind in which to be occupied. 11 Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the [true] God has made from the start to the finish.”
--If in fact he has given the hope to faithful mankind to look forward to a time of living forever--according to this text will they ever even approach within a trillion miles, the full knowledge of the Almighty?

(Ecclesiastes 3:14) “14 I have come to know that everything that the [true] God makes, it will prove to be to time indefinite. To it there is nothing to add and from it there is nothing to subtract; but the [true] God himself has made it, that people may be afraid(have respect-my comment) on account of him.”

An example of this in the next text refers to the constellations & how they are bound securly, that indeed nothing can change their pattern:
(Job 38:31-32) “31 Can you tie fast the bonds of the Ki´mah constellation, Or can you loosen the very cords of the Ke´sil constellation? 32 Can you bring forth the Maz´za·roth constellation in its appointed time? And as for the Ash constellation alongside its sons, can you conduct them?”

(Isaiah 40:21-22) “21 Do YOU people not know? Do YOU not hear? Has it not been told to YOU from the outset? Have YOU not applied understanding from the foundations of the earth? 22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell,”
--circle of the earth & gauze of the milky way written c.2500 yrs, ago!

(Isaiah 40:25-26) “25 “But to whom can YOU people liken me so that I should be made his equal?” says the Holy One. 26 “Raise YOUR eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of them] is missing. . .”
--...Due to the abundance of dynamic energy......
Energy produces matter and matter produces energy. E=mc2 --some 2500 yrs. before Einstein theorized his equation.

The chasm between what God knows and what men know or will know is referenced here.

(Isaiah 55:8-11) “8 “For the thoughts of YOU people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways YOUR ways,” is the utterance of Jehovah. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than YOUR ways, and my thoughts than YOUR thoughts. 10 For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.”
--Imagine now if the "heavens" goes on forever as far as man know how far that would be?

Lets put aside what humans know & don't know about the universe and just think about what they do not know about our little, little solar system--should that not put an auora of humility around our great minds?---Especially when they try and figure-the idea of Universe?--I would think so!

Now please understand this, this I believe in very much, and for arguements sake suppose the texts I used do indeed make sense and are accurate--should this not be a humbling experience for us personally and question really what men know & what indeed God Knows.

2006-12-31 16:25:57 · answer #9 · answered by THA 5 · 1 0

the universe has no starting and no end it is a vast expansion

2006-12-31 14:58:06 · answer #10 · answered by chaitanya 1 · 0 0

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