I do agree with you, that this is a most difficult realization. However, it leads you to the point where you will have to decide between earthly values (money, oil...) and moral values. I would always risk or willingly give the first one in exchange for the second. Easily said, but this is where the character comes to play a role. Morality is just a mockery if it disappears at the first sight of hardship.
So hang on to your real values, see what is right and what is wrong and stay on the side of the consciences. Don't sell your character to money and power. Stay strong. That is what makes us human beings. We are not worth a penny, if we loose all that is worth living for.
2006-12-31 05:03:51
answer #1
answered by wild_pig_is_playing_now 3
I have only one question; If Iraq exported bananas instead of oil, would George Bush be able to find it on the map? War does not sadden the Bush Backers, they planned this war since the 90's, read Rumsfeld's papers from the think tank he was in, read Richard Perle's, who now says he was against the war. These people have no regard for our soldiers lives, they wanted to conquer the Middle East and Iraq was their jump off point, Iran was next, you can't force your system down peoples throats, they will rebel no matter how bad their leaders are. Listen to Colin Powell, we now own the devestation we have brought to Iraq, their infrastructure is decimated, we can't even afford to fix our own country. We have had the technology to change our energy policies for many years, we made hybrid cars in the early 1900's, but Henry Ford and GM killed the electric car because they were tied to the oil magnates. Your wife sounds like a very wise person and you were pretty smart for marrying her. Happy New Year!
2006-12-31 13:27:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Here are my two cents: Yes, oil dependency is a huge problem, and I don't think either party is doing enough to address it; however, I do think the dems are a little less tied to the big oil companies (they get less money from them) and there are some dems who are working for alternative energy (including efficient ethanol).
Oil dependency cannot justify the number of innocent people who we are responsible for killing (and I include Americans). So high oil prices may be the impetus we have to have to make any advances in weening ourselves off foreign oil (including trading in those dam SUV's). It also doesn't justify lying: lying about Sadaam being tied to Al quada (when that's not even a mistake, but a known lie) and having WMD's. That's bs.
Of course change takes time and is hard, that doesn't justify selling out and giving up.
2006-12-31 12:54:28
answer #3
answered by Angry Daisy 4
Canada has just discovered 800 billion barrels of oil locked in sand but easily extracted and refined.The US has between an estimated 1 trillion to 3 trillion barrels in shale oil. That is some 1 1/2 times the known world reserves. We also do not import oil from Iraq and only get 12% of our oil from the middle east.
2006-12-31 12:57:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If oil blows out? We will have to switch to wood burning industry, cutting down even MORE trees, Destroying MORE of the O-Zone and making it harder to breath in the long run. oil will run out. That is a fact. But to change the world we will need things like cars that run off of O2 and water (they are both out there) or that E2 ethanol. But altogether we need to be prepared for the time when we run out of oil or we cant get at it anymore. I am not saying this to be penilistic or whatever. I truly beleive that the leadership(or lack there of) of George W. Bush has gotten us nowhere except without more energy alternatives and behind other countrys in technology and energy. I am a twelve year old Republican and though i am young i have seen many things like this in history already. There will be a change to come. Mark These Words.
2006-12-31 12:56:48
answer #5
answered by silversnipe12 2
If it was all just for oil the war in Iraq. Do the people know that they just executed another Hitler Saddam. Trust me do you really think the Democratic are going to make a difference? The reason why the people voted for the Democrats is because of Mr George Bush they are not liking his decision making right know and they want the troops to finally come home for good. And stop trying to figure out what party I am. I agree to some status on what you are saying.
2006-12-31 12:56:26
answer #6
answered by Good Grief 4
Oil and global warming are the two biggest problems we face. GLobal warming will cause places that are currently fertile crop lands to become arid, and without oil, we cannot transport food, people, etc., to the places (if there are enough) that become fertile.
The "solution", I believe, lies in starting to wean ourselves NOW of oil. EVERYONE can cut down on fuel consumption, LOTS of people can put up solar panels, windmills. EVERYONE can stop buying raspberries in the middle of winter that had to be flown in from chile. EVERYONE can push for his taxes to be spent developing alternatives like solar, wind, geothermal power, instead of funding a war that has killed close to a million people and plunged us so far into debt that maybe we can't afford to solve the real problems. War for oil, IF SUCCESSFUL, is only going to postpone our running out of oil, so why not face the problem now and stop killing.
2006-12-31 12:51:35
answer #7
answered by firefly 6
well, if you are interested in removing oil dependency, you can't support spending all the money that could be going to research on war. all that is doing is providing a temporary solution to a very bad problem.
if you haven't noticed, since Bush has been in office, pell grants per student has been cut, even though the overall amount to pells grants have increased. Student loan interest has shot up. Only alternative fuel research that depends on utilization of fossil fuels have felt increased funding. now does that even appear to be the way to help find a solution to being depend ant on foreign oil??
the only way to remove foreign oil dependency, and end the problem once and for all, is to fund the research and education that will promote that action, as much as we are funding covert wars over seas.
it appears everything our government tries to do in other countries has the complete reverse effect from its intent of making us more secure.
i mean, what actions of our government over-seas, other than outsourcing all of our jobs to communist countries, doesn't create more terrorism??
its like the drug wars.
if the drugs weren't worth so much because of the drug wars pinching supply, they wouldn't be worth more to dealers than a college degree. anyone who is educated enough in basic concepts of supply and demand, should see this little quirk of reality.
the same thing is going on with these covert wars that are intel agencies are involved with, that most Americans hear nothing about. it causes everyone in the world to distrust America, increases hate against Americans, and therefor promotes the ideals of terrorists.
If you realize this, then you are automatically a lib. because you either support everything the right says or you are a lib. The ultimate right-wing scapegoat...you're just a lib!
the religious right have declared war on everything. just look around you.
they have declared war on drugs, war on the poor, war on people of different religions, and war on anything that isn't capitalism; war on terrorism, war on immigration, anf war on science.
the only possible words that don't get attacked by the religious right is:
"I am an American born, of American citizens, a Christian Republican that belive God created everything. I haven't ever done drugs, and completed by engineering degree from an Ivory league school. I have never lived on welfare, and give money to my church every sunday. I served in the military and am a pro-lifer, a homophobe, and feel my marriage is threaten by gays who wish to marry other homosexuals. I own three shot guns, 2 desert eagles, and things President Bush is an honest, God-fearing, trustworthy politician(like any of those words go together in the same sentence)."
that is the only type of person the right-wingers haven't declared war on....yet. but how many people truely fit that?? I know many many people, and I don't know anyone, who fits the above comment.
now you can talk about being between a rock and a hard place with this war, but simply put, even our own intleligence reports shows that saddam wasn't a threat, wouldn't be a threat for at least a decade, and there were other countries and people who were more of a threat. including Osama. do you really think they just couldnt' track him with the good 'ol eye in the sky??
they used it to help during Katrian rescue, so don't say it doesn't exist.
Yes Saddam probably needed to be removed, but he was definitely the lesser of evils in regards to American security than NK, Iran, and Osama. do you see Osama captured?
why are they all of a sudden wanting to use diplomacy on the real threats to our security??
we weren't between a rock and hard place even if it was for oil. there are oil alternatives that have already been invented. if they were owned by exxon, we would already be using them.
even the gas prices we see now isn't because of an oil shortage, it is because of refining shortage, which isn't caused by environmentlaists, it is caused by refineries, who lose profit margin by increasing supply.
2006-12-31 13:26:31
answer #8
answered by qncyguy21 6
The fact that we are dependent on oil does not mean we need to be dependent on war. We could simply pay the market price for oil, like we do for every other commodity. And, if the price of oil gets to high, that will spur the market to look for substitutes - isn't that free market economics 101?
2006-12-31 12:51:01
answer #9
answered by Longhaired Freaky Person 4
My opinion is this, had we invested all the money in an alternative fuel supply--solar, wind, etc-- that we spent on this war, all those lives would have been spared and we would not have to worry as much about the impending oil shortage.
2006-12-31 12:55:17
answer #10
answered by Faithnomore 2