Wow, what a credible source. No matter how much name calling liberals do, Pres Bush still ignores it.
2006-12-31 04:32:22
answer #1
answered by Chainsaw 6
Antichrist: (Christianity) the adversary of Christ (or Christianity) mentioned in the New Testament; the Antichrist will rule the world until overthrown by the Second Coming of Christ
I very much doubt that Bush will rule the world, so... NO.
2006-12-31 04:34:33
answer #2
answered by r1b1c* 7
The Anti Christ will be loved and admired by the world he deceives. I think that takes G W off the anti Christ list of possibles.
2006-12-31 04:53:34
answer #3
answered by Eye of Innocence 7
No because the Anti-Christ is alive and well living undercover as Barbara Streisand. The Anti-Christ also hates Bush too.
2006-12-31 04:52:18
answer #4
answered by murkglider 5
So, you're going to repeat the ranting and raving? Were you not born with your own common sense? This is just more whacked rhetoric, and it's INSANE! This has got to be in the top 5 list of idiotic, ridiculous, and down right full of crap questions in the history of Yahoo Answers!
2006-12-31 04:39:33
answer #5
answered by xenypoo 7
The anti christ comes out of Europe and it is to soon. Not all prophecies fullfilled for the anti christ. Rome has to become the capitol of the E.U. Temple has to be rebuilt, war against Israel by GOG and Magog (ezekiel 38,39)
Hey Lamplight. that means you could be the anti christ
2006-12-31 04:37:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I say no he is not. On a side note I actually believe President Bush could be Christ Reborn. After all, he hates Iraq. Iraq used to be Babylonia. The Babylonias persecuted the Jews and tainted their pure blood my intermixing with their race. Now it's time for Pay back , and Christ is head of the world's greatest super power. Coincidence? I think not.
2006-12-31 04:49:56
answer #7
answered by crazylifer 3
Bush is just our President.Rev. Billy Bob?Is he the one that said the Wiggles were gay?Or the one that was paying a male escort to have sex and smoke meth?I get so confused...
2006-12-31 04:45:34
answer #8
answered by Ms Lety 7
Bush being the anti-christ is about as likely as Bill Clinton being a choir boy.
2006-12-31 04:34:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Cheney might be, but Bush is way to dumb to be the anti-christ!
2006-12-31 05:24:35
answer #10
answered by Anarchy99 7
I can garauntee that George W Bush is not the anticrist
2006-12-31 04:36:58
answer #11
answered by Anonymous