First visits are getting blood drawn,weight check & internal exam.All discomforting but nothing compared to childbirth.Unless you are at high risk,the ultrasound won't begin until your 12th week.
2006-12-31 04:09:50
answer #1
answered by Dylan aka Dilly 4
Usually the first couple visits will be spaced out like once a month or so. They will check your weight at every visit,u will pee on a stick at every visit also until the baby is born. They will check your blood pressure and feel your uterus on your lower abdomen area. The first visit they will probably check your cervix for thet nice purple pregnancy color and to make sure the cervix is intact, The second or 3rd appt u will probably have a pap smear where they will swab some cultures to check for any infection or stds etc. U will get some prescriptions for your prenatal vitamins at your first visit and they will ask u a lot of history and questions. They will probable check to see if a heartbeat can be heard around 8-9 weeks and when they get a fetal heartbeat from the doppler then they will listen every visit as well. Ultrasounds are different for every doctor. Some give them early around the 8th week to check gestational age but some wait until you are at least 14-18 weeks so it really depends. If u have any questions such as when u will get an ultrasound just ask your doctor. Good Luck!
2006-12-31 04:16:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They do a pelvix exam at the first visit. Just like for your yearly. A pap smear, check the cervix, and feel the uterus. Not painful at all. Just unpleasant.
From then on you only go once a month. Those monthly visits at first only include your weight, and asking you how you feel. Unless you have reason to doubt when your LMP was, or the doctor isnt sure of the baby's gestational age, you wont have an ultrasound until about 15-20 weeks to coincide with the quad testing done then. If theyre unsure about your gestaional time, they will order a transvaginal ultrasound to check on the development of the baby.
At about your 3rd month or so you will be able to hear the heart beat at every visit with the doppler.
usually by 26 weeks you will be required to have your blood sugar tested in the one hour glucouse test. You drink syrup and wait an hour and have blood drawn. At 30 weeks you will have appointments every 2 weeks. But nothing really changes. They check your urine usually, your weight, and your belly measurements, BP and the baby's BPM on the doppler. And you ask questions and tell them how you're doing.
Theres really not much at all that happens until you're 36 weeks, when you start seeing the doctor weekly and your cervix is checked to see if labor is near.
2006-12-31 04:14:32
answer #3
answered by amosunknown 7
The first visit they will do an exam. It may cause some spotting afterwards so don't be alarmed. They will also do the initial pregnancy bloodwork. They took about 8 tubes of blood when I went. Other than that you will be weighed and given an approximate due date based on you LMP. After that the appointments basically consist of being weighed, measured, and addressing any concerns you may have. At about 24 weeks the doctor will most likely have you do the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. Most doctors schedule an ultrasound around 18 weeks but it really depends on how many ultrasounds your insurance will authorize.
2006-12-31 04:32:45
answer #4
answered by micg 4
you go to the doc once a month unless theres problems, you do a pee test on every visit, they check your weight, blood pressure, size of uterus and ask basic questions, you see youre doctor so often the it just becomes routine and reassuring that everythings s doing what is supposed to. I got my first ultrasound at 17 weeks and again at my due date, if there isn't any concern with the pregnancy you will not get many ultrasounds it can be harmful to the baby. If there is complications there maybe four ultrasounds or more. It is a really good idea to take prenatals right now, these pills are great and benefits you and the baby.
2006-12-31 04:13:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
As a father in a previous marriage I was present at every doctors appointment. The first appointment the doctor will ask questions and determine the expecting date for the newborn. Within the first 3 appointments the doctor will examine you and perform a pelvic exam. He or she will also perform blood tests, a urine test, and tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including a test for HIV. (Some STDs can cause serious medical problems in newborns, so it's important to get treatment to protect the baby.) The doctor will explain the types of physical and emotional changes you can expect during pregnancy. He or she will also teach you to how to recognize the signs of possible problems during pregnancy. An ultrasound will be conducted anywhere from 9 to 12 weeks into your pregnancy. You will usually meet with your doctor once a month to make sure everything is going well.
2006-12-31 04:16:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Don't be nervous! The first visit is taking blood to run tests and they ask you questions about you and the dad's history like blood pressure and diabetes and any genetic problems. No big deal, They give you advice on morning sickenss and go over symptoms. From there on out they feel your tummy and eventually use a doplar to hear the heartbeat (they put lube on your tummy and run a microphone over your belly-no pain). Around your 3rd month they'll do a vaginal ultrasound and you'll hear the heartbeat (I cried) and see the baby in the sac, it doesnt hurt. Don't be nervous. Once the inital is out of the way the appt take less than 15minutes. They check weight and heart rate and symptoms and send ya on your way. I'm going for my first visit thursday with my second child (i'm in my 6th week) and I'm excited!
2006-12-31 04:13:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i was so nervous too. the first few they just take you weight, check your urine, and then send you for blood tests to determine that you are pregnant. then tell you to take prenatal vitamins. its sort of like a physical exam the first few weeks. after the 12th week you go in for your first prenatal and they do a pap test and then they may try to hear the heartbeat. they will ask you all your family history and questions about the father too to make sure there is no risk for downs syndrome and miscarrages. the first ultrasound is usually between 16 and 20 weeks unless they think there may be a problem then sometimes its earlier. It's a very exciting time :)
2006-12-31 04:12:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
on the first visit they will do your bloodwork and pelvic exam and thats bout it most doctors do your first ultrasound at 18- 20 weeks depending on the doctor i have known of some to do it at like 9 weeks and then again at 20 some insurances only pay for one ultrasound unless there are problems
2006-12-31 06:57:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well the very fist one they just talk to you and ask you about your fams health history and they introduce them selves to you so you can get to know them, th second visit they do a paps mere to see how all your organs are, they might do an ultrasound to verify how far along you are but it will be a quick one, then when you start going back every month for your check ups they make you pee in a cup, you really wont get another ultrasound until you are about 5 months and that's when you find out if its a boy or a girl
2006-12-31 04:35:39
answer #10
answered by xryztal 2