this death isn't "kill the head of the snake, the body dies" type, the violence will continue, other countries in the area will continue to be pissed, u.s. soldiers will continue to die (almost 3k), and overall, im aganist the lost of human life, despite what he did in the past. "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind"
2006-12-29 19:14:34
answer #1
answered by bigbruth 2
There were Judas, Nathuram, Beantsingh and a lot who belongs to different policy associations and the Association Head has to be responsible. There was a country behind him and each citizen's action and results goes to the credit of the Head of the Nation. Saddam individually not, but the policy, aim of his life is discouraged which is a lesson for whole the nations and national heads. Here there is no question of justice or injustice - the whole procedural delay only.
2006-12-29 19:20:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Dissapointing death, he should have been hanged publicly. But his courage prevailed. He was a soldier, and he hung, without any remorse for what he did. He will be remembered as a brave dictator. He did what every leader would do for his Country. And in the process, if the Shias felt let down , it was because of thier doing. Their distastefull attempts to assasinate him, brought about all this. He has done what every disctator does. Protect his presidency. He conquered Kuwait, for its oil. He admitted, that if given a chance, He would not hesitate again.
2006-12-29 22:57:29
answer #3
answered by raseema 3
The trial was a farce. US has eliminated him in a very unjustified manner. US had no right to prosecute him.
Though he was a criminal & guilty of homicide, he desereved at least a better trial as he was a former head of state. He should have been punished and he has been punished for his inhuman treatment of his adversaries. What about the applicability of the rule to the US Administration or to the other such persons around the world?
2006-12-29 20:58:27
answer #4
answered by sharma.kulbhushan 5
Good thing it happened in 2006 so we (the world) won't have to hear about him in 2007!
Hopefully in 2007 people will say, "Saddam who? That's so old news. Didn't that guy die ..., like last year. Let's discuss something important like poverty, hunger, diseases, what to have for lunch, any good movie coming out Friday, who's Jen dating now, anything other than that old fart who ... What did he do? That's right. The best way erase him is to forget about him. Saddam loyalists want people to talk and think about him: good or BAD. Ignoring him and/or not being interested/tricked into talking/thinking about him would upset the 'Friends for Saddam' idiots the most.
2006-12-29 19:19:47
answer #5
answered by d 1
Saddam hosain
2015-08-05 01:07:48
answer #6
answered by ? 1
This will be "business as usual" for the Bush family in Iraq, and something for all Iraqis to watch. Capital Punishment is a blight on civilization. For us to encourage people to see yet another example that our policy is "violence is good," and that we stand for nothing noble is proof to those that oppose what is going on in Iraq should increase their opposition. Our invasion was contrary to international law and ethics. Bush Sr. supported, armed and trained the Bath party and its leader Saddam, supported him when he oppressed his people and then when he attacked Iran. Then in the first Gulf War, Bush Sr. encouraged the Kurds and Shiites to rise up and fight him, only to sit back and watch as Saddam crushed those who did so. To now go in, throw him out, bomb those that oppose our new choice for who should run Iraq, and then hang Saddam for all to see, is an act of such moral bankruptcy as to inspire the most apathetic fence sitter to join in the battle against us. Is it possible that there is anyone left in Iraq who still believes anything we say? How is it that Americans are allowing BushCo to completely destroy our reputation in Iraq, the world and our soul as well? Is this really what we want the world to believe America stands for? It disgraces all those who paid such a high price for our country to be a beacon of hope, freedom, and honor for the world
2006-12-29 20:01:25
answer #7
answered by michaelsan 6
The trial and all the events leading upto the execution were the result of some expert puppetery by George.W.Bush and his team of ruthless hawks. the disappearance of members of the defence and the resignation of a judge are resplendent of american brutaility and selfishness.
2006-12-29 19:43:57
answer #8
answered by V 1
that's spectacular what number ignorant human beings there are in this united states. Saddam grow to be a mass assassin who grow to be tried by utilising an Iraqi court docket, with Iraqi criminal experts and an Iraqi jury. He grow to be got here across answerable for his crimes and he grow to be sentenced by utilising an Iraqi decide to die for his crimes. He grow to be hung by utilising Iraqis and buried by utilising Iraqis. how are you able to no longer have faith that the solid human beings of Iraq did no longer hate this guy who had murdered harmless human beings for 30 years and plundered their wealth? President Bush had no longer something to do with it different than taking photographs him and liberating the country to be ruled by utilising frequent regulation abiding human beings. i can not understand what is going on interior the pinnacle of people such as you.
2016-10-28 17:17:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
From what I heard and read, the trial was a farce.
I'm against the death penalty.
That being said, I won't shed a tear over the outcome... he was a bloody dictator... live by the sword, die by the sword.
2006-12-29 19:16:23
answer #10
answered by zingis 6