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my fish is actting like its gonna die and i dont know why but he wont eat and wont move hardly the only time it moves is when i tap on the glass why does it do that for and what else besides gold fish that they eat can you feed him feeder goldfish?

2006-12-29 15:29:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Fish

4 answers

First off goldfish are not healthy food for oscars. They are OK for occasional treats but do not have enough nutrition. Go get some cichlid pellets for your oscar and that should help a whole bunch.

Just to make sure that is actually the problem would you mind telling me how big your tank is? Also how long has it been set up, how did you cycle it, and are there any tankmates?

Also, don't tap on the glass, this causes stress for the fish, it may be contributing to your sick oscar.

2006-12-29 15:36:18 · answer #1 · answered by fish guy 5 · 0 0

A brief rundown on Oscars for you, for more information you should search them in google or go to a website like www.cichlid-forum.com. There's plenty of info out there for those who really want to know.

1. Oscars respond to stress by lying on their side at the bottom or leaning against things. Since introducing the Oscar into a new tank is stressful for it, this is a normal response. All it needs is time to adjust, and a hiding spot when they are young.

2. You should have a 50 gallon tank for your Oscar at the very least. If your tank is not this big and you have no intention of getting a tank this big you should return the Oscar and get something more suitable.

3. Oscars should get a staple prepared food like any other fish. There are pellets made specifically for carnivorous cichlids just like Oscars, check out your fish store. As treats you can feed them shrimp, prawns, insect larvae (blood worms), insects (crickets), and worms. You can feed them feeder fish occasionally for fun, but they are not naturally piscavores, that is, they eat very little fish in their habitat.

Good luck with your new fish, but please research them some, from the questions it sounds like none has been done at all.

2006-12-30 09:48:14 · answer #2 · answered by Ghapy 7 · 0 0

Step one: Don't tap on the glass!!

The tank may not be big enough for the fish. Or, if he is knew, he may be suffering from shock. Get some cichlid pellets for him to eat, www.elmersaquarium.com.

2006-12-30 02:50:45 · answer #3 · answered by Flames Fan 3 · 0 0

my cousin has two oscars and sometimes she feeds them tiny shrimp things and feeder goldfish.

2007-01-02 22:45:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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