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I keep haveing these Hippie Liberal Know it All Types tell me to check out Nepoleon Dynamite... Ive already seen it and thought it was dull and boaring (yea a couple funny bits) but all and all verry dry.on top of that every movie I have seen Jon Heder in has been the same thing like he just plays the same guy???

2006-12-29 13:05:56 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

30 answers

I don't see what the allure is about that movie. I saw the movie and didn't find it to be "all that". I know people at my job who have pictures of John Heder in their cubicles, wear
"vote for Pedro" T-shirts and all the other regalia associated with "Napoleon Dynamite". I guess it's a fad that went over my head because I just don't get it.....and probably never will.

2006-12-29 13:16:38 · answer #1 · answered by Ozzie B. 6 · 3 0

Napoleon may be a big nerd but you have to admire how he saves the day for his best buddy and wins the girl in the end of the movie. SWEEEET! This is what it reads on the back cover of the DVD: "Napoleon Dynamite is a new kind of hero, complete with a tight 'fro, sweet moon boots, and skills that can't be topped. Napoleon spends his days drawing mythical beasts, duking it out with his brother Kip and avoiding his scheming Uncle Rico. When two new friends enter Napoleon's life--shy Deb and mustachioed Pedro--the trio launches a campaign to elect Pedro for class president..." Maybe you can't identify with any of these main characters but I can. I remember those high school days all too well--trying to act "cool", thinking that there was no way in hell that I could be elected class president, be rejected by the opposite sex because I wasn't one of the "in" crowd, having to bum a ride or ride my bike, being bad at sports, not having a date for the prom, and not having "any skills", as Napoleon puts it..

2006-12-29 13:11:42 · answer #2 · answered by HoneyBunny 7 · 2 1

I think it just depends on your sense of humor. To some it was the BEST MOVIE EVER and to others it sucked. I think the same goes for Nacho Libre. You have to like that type of, as you say, dry sense of humor. Everyones different. I thought it was hillarious, but not the BEST MOVIE ever made. You are right tho, Jon Heder does play the same character in all his movies and I think it's because of his voice. His Napoleon voice will never go away! Crap!

2006-12-29 13:12:20 · answer #3 · answered by Island Princess 6 · 2 1

I didn't really like the movie either and I think Jon Heder is annoying.

2006-12-29 13:14:26 · answer #4 · answered by Gemini Girl 4 · 1 0

Yes, the movie is boring, if I had to fight Napoleon Dynamite I would kick his @ss!!!

2016-03-29 00:20:20 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Napoleon Dynamite is the only movie I ever walked out in the middle of. Totally cruel, tasteless humor. The film's treatment of the characters kind of reminded me of the way bullies in school made fun of people.

2006-12-29 16:07:25 · answer #6 · answered by krustykrabtrainee 5 · 0 2

Its the things that are said in the movie. I personally hated it the first time I saw it but watched it agian and loved it. I guess you have to have patience to watch that movie. Its pretty funny. My friends and I quote it alot. I guess everyone likes it because in some way they can relate to the challenges Napoleon faces.

2006-12-29 13:27:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I loved it. You're right, there are a few funny parts. Each time I see it, I find more and more that is hilarious. I think the premise is funny, too. Plus, it is a good clean funny movie about teenagers, which is hard to find these days.

2006-12-29 13:14:21 · answer #8 · answered by Becca 5 · 2 1

Its just plain silly. Everybody went to school with a kid like this, right? I am a teacher and the last couple of years the kids have been wearing the t-shirts and saying "Gosh, whatever I feel like." I'm just thankful they are imitating a movie that's not violent or sexual.

2006-12-29 13:11:11 · answer #9 · answered by Ernimay 4 · 2 1

I like it because it was honest, funny and subtle. Not in-your-face, over-the-top, desperate-to-be-funny like many of the sorry comedies put out today aimed at a supposedly dumb, low brow audience.

We are so used to gross, stupid and obvious jokes that it always interests me to hear what people think who didn't get or like movies like "Napoleon Dynamite".

Respectfully asker, your tone sounds like you don't get many things.

2006-12-29 13:24:17 · answer #10 · answered by Lost Panda 5 · 2 1

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