i agree with the one answer that fire codes would not allow it to set directly on the deck. if i were to do it in spite of codes i would install a metal frame base to allow for air flow between deck and bottom of pit. to cut down on weight i would face off pit structure with man-made facade rocks then line top with slate .inside of structure should be lined with fireproof material such as cement floated over cement board and them filled with sand which will add even more insulation for heat. you may also consider a gas fired configuration. other than this cut your hole and build from the ground up.
2006-12-29 17:10:05
answer #1
answered by DALE R 3
Without seeing how the deck is made, and how high off the ground it is, I would not put a stone fireplace on top of a wooden deck. The ones that I have seen on the deck are actually built from the ground up and the deck built around it. I would purchase an enclosed fireplace that has a rustic appearance or build a stone fireplace on the side of the deck that appears to be a part of the deck but if freestanding. The later way is expensive compared to purchasing a sit on top enclosed fire pit. (Lowes and Home Depot has these).
2006-12-29 11:59:48
answer #2
answered by sharib60 1
Fire Pit Deck
2016-12-15 18:33:11
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Fire Pit On Wood Deck
2016-09-30 11:13:46
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Most building codes would allow only a free standing fire pit of this style: http://www.firepit.com/
I'd strongly reconsider if I were you. IMHO, a far better method, if you really want the stone, is to build it on a concrete slab at the edge of the deck or making an opening in the railing. Done correctly, it could be very appealing without the weight considerations.
2006-12-29 11:37:25
answer #5
answered by Jim N 4
you can buy cement board at any DIY store.
you can seal the underside from moisture with mastik, and screw this to the decking, then lay pavers or what ever, making sure all edges of board is covered since this material (concrete board) isn't used outdoors usually.
2006-12-29 13:22:22
answer #6
answered by mystk1111 2
Yes but make sure you put a sealent on the wood to make it more fire-proof, and always keep water nearby.
2006-12-29 11:37:18
answer #7
answered by hecate07666 3
Hope this helps!
2015-05-02 21:49:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous