You have a realy good questin and you make it easy to answer becaseu you took the time to think out what you were goign to say and to correc the spellings etcetera some of our spellings and grammar are not good here but we do not have time to fix it. feel free to ask us whatever you need to help you have a safe and enjoyable life.
Hormones chemicals in our bodies cause us to grow hair and have sexual changes in our bodies. In our meats and foods especially chicken these hormones are injected. Also the natural hormonesin your body or the chemicals that tell your body to start using thse hormones are wrapped in protiens and othre things that are gradually worn away in us. When they start to unravel and there are many and they do it gradually then we start to go into puberty and to sexually mature. Do you understand? then some eat meat or chicke in our culture and some of thoise hormones that we put in the neat to try an dlmake it grow faster get in us and may be able to produce the effects you are talking about when you were 7. It is also ( very posibly trye) that things your parents did when children and their diet and your grandparents diets may have effected your genes. There was a long study done in the 1930's that seems to have proven this to be true. It was mostly rejected by our governmetn and society becaseu unfortunately Western science has much less to do with facts ( as we think it does ) and much more to do with political preasure to make certain ideas become labled as the correct ones. It often has to do with the ability or inability of some group to make money.
pottinger did the studies and you can look them up ion the web. They showed that diet effected sexual development and things like the childen, grand children and great grandchildren of beings eating ceratin diets beign born either much more interested in meterosexual behavior than what woudl normally be accepted or other offspring being homosexual in naturea nd strongly so and some being very large and others being too tiny to survive.
We in the US have used that diet for three generations now if not longer.
Then in your case, well you do not know how much we hope and pray tha you are a virgin. If you are not one start acting as though you are one and stay that way till you frow up. IF you are a virgin thank God that life kept you that until now and make a presonal promise to your self thast you are going to keep yourself pure until you find the speacil person God created especially for you to be your wife. GOd did that and if you put your penis into any one elses body oyu will pick up germs and micro-oganisms from them that they got fomr their parents and from anyone they ever had sex wioth. YOu will get all those germs in you forever and your children will fget them all. The point of life is to survive and to have your children survive. The least germs and microorganisms you pass on tyo oyur children the safer they will be.
Do you like to think of your parents as perosn who had sex before they were married? Or do you feel safer and stronger and happier thinking of the ide tht your mom and dad loved eachother and only each other for their life times?
MOst perosn say yes we want it to be that our parents were abstinant tillmarriage and then mongamous.
Are you anxious about growing up? Do you want ot fast or do you prefer being young. Are you worried that you won;t or tht there is something wroing wiht you becaeu you had those falee starts to your sexual maturation when you wer 7 and 12.
What do you eata? Do you have acne? where in the world do you live. There are few places where diet and absense of certain food si n the diet ( minerals mostly) prevent the men fomr ever maturing sexually then a forty year old man has the same size penis as a ten year old ( a little biogger but mnever having matured sexually no hair and no ability to make children. email us and tell us aboutyour acne.
Ther is nothing wroing with you of that wea re fairly certain.
please be a virgin and do not fool around wiht your self. Wait till you have a few wet dreams untu9il you start ot even think abotu fooling wiht htis stuff. GO do a seearch US news and WOrld reports and brain and teens and sleep and see if you can fond a set of articles about 5 to 9 years old in an August edition abouthtat topic. Read up on it and learn it and share it with your parents. Love your parents. Ask them questino s about sex. athey had sex tomake you. If you vae no parents or feel q\awkward then emai us and ask away we will try to get ytou to understand enough so that you end up having a meanigful talk with your parents about htis that is the best and most appropriate way for you to grow in this way. HTings have to happen in your brain it needs to develop to a certain stage before you can enjoy sex. You need ot let that happen or you will do things that migh teffect how you see life and how you percive yourself sexually for years to come. KOve yourself enough to protect your self from damage youmight do to your self in thei way. DO you understand?
YOu are goign to have sex for 80 years if you do the right things now which have to do with waiting and preparing yourself for a good life you will enjoy itmore an dbeter if you do as many do hwo haave been born on our society you are gogin to do foolish comont things now that set up life long troubles for you.
Do not have sex. Stopo looking at porn? It gets ideas in your mind that you can never satisfy. The best part of sex has to do with growing up and being abel to satisfy the ideas and desires about it that you developed while growing up. If you go for porn and free sex whenyou wnat you end up doing too much too fast and never realy being able to be satisfied. There are many guys who started that way and then got bored and went to guys and then went ot animals. YOu do not want to do that dol you? Then GO back to the start. IF you are a virgin then stay there . You are not losing anything by waiting. YOu can only lose your virginity once. MOst humans prefer to do it with the wife they beleive a loving GOd create especially for them it helps build up their ego and feeling of self esteme. you know it matters or you woudl not even be asking these questions.
YOu are inteligent and you write well. That shows you have the seeds inyou of a responsible pro active adult. DO you want your children to have a sex adict for a father or a loveing caring well rounded human being who loves them and cna show it and who ca help them to grow up wiht a wonderful life? DO you want to be bale to be 80 and have had one wife ( the only person you ever really lioved or had sex with and be able toreflec ton life and realize you didi the safest and best thing for yourself and your grandchildren? Or do you want ot hear about a great grandchild born with som edefect and wonder if it might not have been caused becasue you stuck your thing in places it did not belong and picked up a germ that some how casued that life long trouble for your descendants. Ye some one can say that migh not be the cause. But they do not know fir suyre. They will not have that problem in their descendants you will.
DO what i s socially accepted fomr years be a man and be in charge of your sexuality and your acitvity.
Please understnad we love you and that is why we speack such a hard line. IF you disagree feel free to discuss it wiht us. or if you need encouragaement or help to do what is right we will help you.
NOrmal is the wrong word to use when speaking about sexual development. 'do you know what a bell curve is? Imagine a line that is in the shape of a bell when you look at it sideways. A line that would follow the bellup and ove r and down.
Then pelase understand that in most things in life this line that looks like the curve of the bell shows how the variation exiosts amongst certain aspects of a given subject. Do you follow me? For example whaty age do guys normally develops sexually . at the beginig of the line it is at the bottom tere ar e a very few persons who never develope at all. Then the space between the bottom and the top line ( that would exist if you drew a straight line accross and then the other line to go up and down as the top of the bell would. The more toward sthecenter you get the more 'normal' persons fall. Most guys develop (start to develop) between 12 and 14. Some develope at age 5,6,7,8,9,10 but not too many. THen more at 11 and moreat 12 then between 12 and 15 the bigest mumber develop. The number of person is shown by the space between the top line and the bottom line do you understand? then as you go older you get to ones who develope as late as 19 or 20. However there comes a place wher if those chemicals have not already been released they may never be or they may be released to late for the body to be able to add theninto the growing up process. Then there are thsose who never develop. Do you understand?
SO at what age a guy starts to get a larger appearing penis varries greatly but each [person is normal. they are all normal. Do you understand?
NOw I have question for you. Do you wake up most mornings with an erectino ( A hard stiff penis/) do you know whay that happens? what reason do you think it is that this happens? Email us and tell us and if you do know the right reason we will tell you and if you do not know we will try to explainit to you. Some guys think it means they are supposed to have sex ana dt this is the way their body is telling tem they should do it THa is the wrong answer. ( if youthought tat tell us. ) we are interested in getting this fomr manypersons so we can find out what young guys think is the reason.
Do you understand how your body works? Ask if you need to know something.
When else in the day do you get erections? Do you just get them when thinking about your girl frined or sometimes does it just get hard and it seems there is no ryhme or reason for it?
Well that is our answer.
2006-12-29 05:18:47
answer #1
answered by Answer M 3
Most probably you confuse the age despite you now believe you was 7.
The same thing happened to me but once, through an old pic, then I realized that I only was around my 11-12!
Anyway, during the infancy even if the sexual development is so far to come, penis can get hard easily.
Children can get aroused as well as having spontaneous erection. Don't forget that some hormone already is in circulation.
Despite in the medical literature there are some cases of premature puberty, since you had it later I don't think that is your case. In fact at 12 your sexual development had to start actually!
Facial hair isn't a precise sign of puberty-start while the growth of the sexual organs just is the first right one. Today the average age for it is among 12-14 years, while its end within 16-18. The fact you have no spontaneous erections recently, means your testosterone level is stable and maybe in the norm.
2006-12-29 06:18:14
answer #2
answered by whole_feelings 7
A buddy of mine as soon as advised me any individual reached puberty on the age of 18 i might say there's early and late. As soon as some woman have her interval when she was in like. 4th grade but you can become a person some day, i am no longer really certain concerning the entire "Masturbating in 4th grade" although. Hormones are crazy. However suppose me, you'll be able to attain manhood. Excellent success dude, expectantly your voice-cracks do not make your associates snort like hell Heh, i am not making fun incidentally, simply pronouncing hopefully this was once adequate
2016-08-10 05:45:48
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Erections are not of themselves anything to do with puberty - even baby boys can get erect.
The puberty bit involves the hormones causing growth of hair, bones, etc as well as obvious increase in size of penis, manufacture of semen etc.
Hope this helps
2006-12-29 04:20:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's not early - if you were 7 then that's the age that YOU started puberty, it was the correct age for you. Anyway, I've heard male children will have the same experience as you at the same age.
2006-12-29 04:16:44
answer #5
answered by Lori E 4
Yes, everyone hits the puberty thing at their own pace and age. Don't worry about it. it's ok.
I used to get hard when I was going through it and I couldn't get the damn thing back down. Now It's NEVER up! !!!
getting old sucks.
2006-12-29 04:16:05
answer #6
answered by a1tommyL 5
Well it all depends on your own time. If you were getting hard at age 7 you might have a Genetic Disorder called Turners.
2006-12-29 04:16:59
answer #7
answered by monkeygirl 2
No there is not because puberty dosent have a standard time it is going to come at someone so there is no such thing.
2006-12-29 06:28:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
At...7??? yes for puberty thats early...but for erections u have them all your life..
2006-12-29 04:18:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Haha damn. That's young, kid.
...although I started when I was about 6. Not my periods, but the whole curiosity stage. I'm 16 now
2006-12-29 04:26:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
depends on the person, early puberty is possible
2006-12-29 04:41:10
answer #11
answered by Anonymous