When you are ready to purchase a gun, go to a retail store (Wal-Mart) or a gun shop, pick out the gun you want and tell the person at the counter you wish to purchase that gun. They will then gather information from you and at the same time they will be filling out an application for a permit. They will send the information in to the proper places (State police, F.B.I, etc) then after a waiting period of up to seven days you will get your permit and then you will be able to obtain your gun.
2006-12-29 03:48:33
answer #1
answered by tpbthigb 4
In many states, you can carry a gun openly and legally. Of course, if you do it say in the downtown area of a big city, they can arrest you for disturbing the peace.
It is quite different when you talk about carrying a gun concealed.
48 of the 50 States have some sort of "Concealed Weapons Permit." (CWP) Some states, such as California, are very restrictive as to who can get a CWP so if you are not a lawyer, politician or big name actor you may as well forget it.
Most of the states have what is called a "shall issue" CWP law. That means that if you meet the requirements, they shall issue the permit to you. Most require some sort of training, fingerprinting and a background check.
You can find all the various state laws on firearms at Packing.Org a concealed carry database
2006-12-29 19:56:15
answer #2
answered by forgivebutdonotforget911 6
Usually you go to the store and buy a gun. Then they have you fill out the mountains of paperwork, they submit it to the state, you wait to be approved, then you go pick up your license and gun. It does vary state by state, but the gun store will know the rules and laws and will assist you when you make your purchase.
2006-12-29 12:18:57
answer #3
answered by Goose&Tonic 6
Each state is different. Check local gun laws.
You can find them on the web.
2006-12-29 11:46:14
answer #4
answered by Bacchus 5
Assuming you are in the US, the NRA has an excellent compendium of the laws governing ownership and purchase for the various jurisdictions.
2007-01-01 05:14:05
answer #5
answered by jmwildenthal 2