Interesting question. However, there are two possible dimensions to this question.
1) Is there a fool proof answer? NO!! Because none has ever been part of such a world.
2) Is the question applicable equally to all individually? Again answer is no. Because mere mortals like me might not be happy. For me happiness is relative. And if every one is happy, I might feel good. but, I am sure that won't last. However, people like Mother Teresa might be just over joyed to live in such a world.
2006-12-29 03:05:54
answer #1
answered by BUTUN 1
Complete peace between humans does not mean an end to natural enemies. So while all of us may be frolicking in the streets people would still get diseases, waste away and die. People would still die in weather related incidents. Peace does not = happiness. Plus there are some of us who do not want peace so a peaceful planet would be depressing.
2006-12-29 11:15:20
answer #2
answered by Immortal Cordova 6
Happiness is not peace. Happiness and joy are found in the little things - the present moment. Peace is acceptance of WHAT IS, not necessarily what makes you happy.
2006-12-29 10:57:40
answer #3
answered by Freedspirit 5
Not a chance.... as long as there are more desires than capabilities and resources, there would be unhappiness. However, world peace will help take the unhappiness of non-fulfillment better and strive for improvement. Lack of world peace takes away our time and energy from addressing our own issues.
2006-12-29 10:55:50
answer #4
answered by small 7
no. Complete peace wouldnt solve anything. The reason there isnt peace is beacuse of the problem that affect everyone. Land, money, religon, sex, and pride. Making everyone happy dosent solve anything
2006-12-29 10:59:00
answer #5
answered by Alex G 2
Even if world peace happened it would fall apart because something would happen and war would commence or a disease would break out and people would go to extreme lengths to get away and end up killing someone anyway so no.
2006-12-29 10:53:20
answer #6
answered by fred 1
Human ingenuity is the result of unhappiness; ergo, peace does not equal happiness and vice versa.
2006-12-29 10:53:24
answer #7
answered by Prakash V 4
As Bertold Brecht sad " war is ove, be afrayd of peace people" so peace is not enough for total happyness.
2006-12-29 15:41:02
answer #8
answered by LAZY_STAY_IN_BED 1
Absolutely, but it cannot be peace that is processed as in the "peace process"--such peace is like processed baloney, full of stuff, including mold that we might not wan to eat. So to with the idea of this world's peace.
--Jesus made a very interesting statement, please note:
(John 14:25-27) “25Â “While remaining with YOU I have spoken these things to YOU. 26Â But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach YOU all things and bring back to YOUR minds all the things I told YOU. 27Â I leave YOU peace, I give YOU my peace. I do not give it to YOU the way that the world gives it. Do not let YOUR hearts be troubled nor let them shrink for fear.”
--His discussion centered around the helper God's Holy Spirit-no not a person but God's active force.
Please note its frutage:
(Galatians 5:22-24) “22Â On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23Â mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Â Moreover, those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and desires.”
--Also contrasting the world's spirit or attitude please view this major difference:
(James 3:13-18) “13Â Who is wise and understanding among YOU? Let him show out of his fine conduct his works with a mildness that belongs to wisdom. 14Â But if YOU have bitter jealousy and contentiousness in YOUR hearts, do not be bragging and lying against the truth. 15Â This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is [the] earthly, animal, demonic. 16Â For where jealousy and contentiousness are, there disorder and every vile thing are. 17Â But the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. 18Â Moreover, the fruit of righteousness has its seed sown under peaceful conditions for those who are making peace.”
--Please note that peace does not just happen , just like delicate plants if the soil conditions are not right, proper amount of h20 ,plant food--the result a sick or dead plant! What are the needed conditions for "true peace" that Jesus said he left with his disciples?
James stated --peace must be accompanied by goodness & righteousness and other strengthenin g qualit8ies. What would work for 2 individuals who are at conflict would work with 2 and many more nations if true peace were pursued. The world has rejected the 'peace that Christ left'--for the peace process that is full of molded holes.
True peace will be experienced on this earth in fulfillment of this prayer that Jesus recommended in the Lord's Prayer .....they kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...."
--Please note what was said by a man who had the ultimate respect for the greatest propagator of peace, and showed it by his life course:
*** gh chap. 4 pp. 29-30 A Practical Guide to True Happiness ***
2 The Bible can be of tremendous practical value to us. Many thinking persons have acknowledged this fact. As an example, there is the following report in Treasury of the Christian Faith by S. J. Corey concerning a conversation between the Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi and the former British Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin:
“Lord Irwin paid a visit to the Mahatma in his ashram. During the conversation Lord Irwin put this question to his host: ‘Mahatma, as man to man, tell me what you consider to be the solution to the problems of your country and mine.’ Taking up a little book from the nearby lampstand, Gandhi opened it to the fifth chapter of Matthew and replied, ‘When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon on the Mount, we shall have solved the problems not only of our countries but those of the whole world.’ That from a Hindu!”
2006-12-29 11:51:59
answer #9
answered by THA 5
Let's think about that....
If there were complete peace, there would be no war. No crimes. No sadness?
Without sadness, can happiness exist?
I don't think so. There must be something to relate happiness to, otherwise, it can't exist.
2006-12-29 10:53:19
answer #10
answered by Cameron L 4