Absolutely... the polar caps and the ice shelf are dissipating by the second. There are lots of studies currently being conducted.
2006-12-29 02:34:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm astounded at the resiliency of the lies. They persist in the face of overwhelming evidence.
I know none of these naysayers would ever see An Inconvenient Truth even if they were paid $1,000,000 to watch it and that's a shame because they completely BLOW AWAY every single shred of counter-argument that is being used here.
The nonsense about global warming being cyclical is bogus. If you look at planetary temperature change over 1000s of years through MULTIPLE ICE AGES there is NO PRECEDENT for what is happening NOW. Got it? IT HASN'T HAPPENED BEFORE and it isn't a f*cking THEORY. IT IS MEASUREABLE, it's been MEASURED and you won't find ONE scientist not on the payroll of an oil company or in the pocket of the GOP that will tell you otherwise.
Take 15 minutes and do your own research from a source other than Newsmax or FOX news or Rightwingdittohead.com. Try see what actual climatologists and scientists say---and not the industry sponsored ones or the ones that the Bush administration FORCED TO REWRITE THEIR FINDINGS.
And NO Gunny T it's not natural decay on the ocean floor either. What part of this has no precedence in history do you guys not understand?
I'm convinced you neo-cons would chop off your own feet if you thought "liberals" didn't want you to. That would be reason enough alone. The ignorance is mind boggling.
Ask yourself this one question: What are the consquences if we do it our way and we're wrong? A few less million in the bank accounts of the oil companies. We all make a few sacrifices?
Now what are the consequences if YOU'RE WRONG and WE'RE RIGHT and we do it YOUR way? F*cking disaster.
Starting to see the picture? I doubt it, but I tried.
2006-12-29 11:05:45
answer #2
answered by Ryan 3
MAny people are so political that they believe what their party tells them regardless. No blame placed on everyone but I have met people from both parties that are so polarized they refuse to beleive anything that disagree's with their parties.
The sad thing is I have heard people like Rush bash Steven Hawkings for talking about global warming. Now lets see who is smarter Hawkings or an old radio host. HMMMMM.
Politicians do not want to do anything about the issue because their main priority is to their back room buddies. They keep us polarized and partisan to avoid delaing with the issue. Their is no profit in saving the world. If global warming is a myth big deal, we make air a little cleaner, water a little more drinkable, etc. If it isn't we all die.
I wish people would consider best case worst case before spouting off.
2006-12-29 11:03:45
answer #3
answered by cosmiccastaway 3
If there is global warming, it is not the fault of man, but rather a natural phenomenon which is cyclical. There is not enough data available to blame any rise in temperature on hydrocarbons or anything since records haven't been kept for more than 150 years. Between the rising level of sun activity, and the natural wobble in the earth's orbital rotation, and the volcanic ash activity, they contribute much more to the problem than does the so-called greenhouse effect blamed on man
2006-12-29 10:56:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The fact that just this morning CNN reported a huge ice shelf in the North Pole area had broken off and was adrift in the ocean should be proof enough. There are, however, people who will not believe global warming exists until the North Pole is advertised as the newest tropical beach resort. As they say, ignorance is bliss.
2006-12-29 10:41:42
answer #5
answered by arkiemom 6
Global warming IS happening, a given, but not for the reasons our leftist liberal science sources, politicians and press are reporting. 18 percent of the percentage of the "new" Co2 in the atmosphere contributed by all contemporary sources including the overall world consumption of fossil fuel and livestock (and human) flatulation. The majority of scientific studies are now discounting Carbon Dioxide emitted by motor vehicles (burning of fossil fuels) as any MAJOR cause. Geological history indicates natural solar cycles are the culprit, something politicians have no power over so they ignore. The real short-term danger is in fact a buildup of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, but not Carbon Dioxide. The real culprit is Methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas, being released into the atmosphere by the decay of Methane Hydrate occurring naturally frozen on the ocean floors, due to the gradual (natural) warming of ocean water by the (natural) solar cycle. Another item our politicians have no control over and the liberal media will never mention. Follow the money trail... They promote revenue and power by promoting fear. "We just have to do SOMETHING...You know"? So they continue to promote cars as the culprit. I suggest you kiss your @$$ good-by… There ain’t no getting out of this life alive.
2006-12-29 11:05:46
answer #6
answered by Gunny T 6
Only the totally ignorant deny that the earth is getting warmer.
The earth has been swinging back and forth between ice ages and tropical jungle for millions of years.
The real question is whether or not mankind is accelerating the natural process of temperature change.
The jury is still out on that issue.
2006-12-29 10:42:04
answer #7
answered by sprcpt 6
Yep. Every scientific journal written in the past 15 years agrees there is global warming. The only people still claiming it does not exist or is not caused by us, are "scientist" bought and paid for by the oil companies and other industries that benefit from the continuation of our current consumption and use of the earth's resources.
People who don't want to admit this is an issue just want to drive their Hummers, buy bigger homes and eat corporate farmed food without guilt.
2006-12-29 10:37:53
answer #8
answered by harrisnish 3
Sure, but can you agree on the cause? Natural phenomenon? Man-made? Can it be reversed? Is the damage already done? Is it damaged if it is a naturally occurring process?
2006-12-29 10:34:21
answer #9
answered by Blunt Honesty 7
You got my vote! Now, may I have yours! Global warming is evident everywhere and in everything melting and rising, like the sea levels. El Nino and other natural occurrences are more prevalent and destructive now, more so, than in times past.
2006-12-29 10:35:21
answer #10
answered by HotInTX 5