When someone calls you, they are paying to see your cards! As the last person to raise, you show YOUR cards. If no one else can beat you, they don't need to show theirs unless you ask them to, but as the last person to raise or bet you are the first person to flip your cards.
At any rate, you can't muck the cards unless the other guy shows his hand out of turn (which is legal and encouraged if you think you have the winner) and lets you get away with mucking them. Any hand that has been called can be looked at--you only have a 'right' to hide cards if no one calls your bet/raise. When you play online, you always have to show if you are called.
2006-12-29 04:02:16
answer #1
answered by wayfaroutthere 7
If you bluff with like 5-hi and know you're beat, you can elect to muck rather than show when called.
Make sure you toss them into the muck, and not just toss them to the dealer. Because some casinos allow those hands to be shown if another player (even those not in the hand) ask to see your cards. If they physically hit the muck, in most casinos, they're dead.
Just be aware if the casino you are playing in has stupid rules like that, and that some clowns will try and get your cards shown even if your intent was to muck them.
2006-12-29 11:27:43
answer #2
answered by H_A_V_0_C 5
If you bet and get called, you are supposed to show your hand first. The caller can muck if he wants after seeing your hand.
2006-12-29 15:46:08
answer #3
answered by ? 3
What matters is who has made the last bet and who is calling the bet. If you made the bet, you are obligated to show your calls. If you simply called the bet, the bettor shows his cards first and then you have the option of revealing your cards or mucking them.
2006-12-29 11:12:07
answer #4
answered by auken_hill 2
Yes, if you are called and your opponent shows their hand and it beats your, you can "Muck" the hand without showing.
2006-12-29 10:26:55
answer #5
answered by Ray8l 2
2006-12-29 10:30:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you can muck at any time.
2006-12-29 10:31:02
answer #7
answered by Kutekymmee 6
2006-12-29 10:48:20
answer #8
answered by Carson C 2