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My son is 9 months old when he want something he scream, jump up and down and pull hid hair. Is he having anger problems?

2006-12-28 19:08:03 · 18 answers · asked by Nina 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

18 answers

no its normal my son does exactly the same its cuz he cant say what he wants and finds it frustrating cuz he cant talk

2006-12-28 19:12:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He probably isn't having anger problems, I should imagine you may soon be if he does it fairly often. My second child is at a similar age and is also developing some quite annoying behaviours. Many answers have already said that this may be due to language difficulties and this generally seems to be most 'expert' baby book advice. I have had experience of deaf toddlers and babies and notice that they don't seem to go through these sorts of issues, this may be because they start to sign to their parents before this age (and could also be because their D/deaf parents don't respond to their screaming in the same way?)
Try not to get flustered, continue to talk in your normal voice and try to model the appropriate behaviour and language. For example my daughter screams at full volume for her drink of water - I know what she wants but I'll say 'you want your drink' a couple of times before I give it to her. It doesn't stop her screaming but I did this with my eldest and we avoided the toddler tantrums later on.

Best of luck.

2006-12-29 11:15:11 · answer #2 · answered by Amanda C 3 · 0 0

No, he is not angry - he is frustrated. Imagine you were in a country where you don't speak the language and you asked for a bowl of spaghetti and they showed you where the toilet was. Wouldn't you get frustrated?

Try baby sign classes such as sing and sign (you can get DVD's too) and teach him the basic hand movements for what he wants - he will be able to sign for "more", "milk" etc. and cut down his frustration and you will know what it is he wants.

If it is a case that he screams for a while but eventually you give in and give him what he wants then it's simple. He has learned that all he has to do to get what he wants is cause a fuss and scream. He's learning what you teach him. If he screams and screams and you don't give him what he wants until he calms down then he'll learn that if he's calm he'll get it.

2006-12-29 03:20:32 · answer #3 · answered by Carrie S 7 · 1 0

Most babies go through this: it is caused by their lack of communication. Have you ever considered baby sign language? This isn't just for babies/children with hearing difficulties! It is proven to help hearing children actually talk earlier! However, teaching your baby even just a few basic hand signs (like milk, play, hot, cold, hungry, etc) can help him out a lot because he will be able to tell you what he wants, which is something he obviously can't convey any other way right now because he can't talk and tell you that something hurts or that he's too hot in that sweater you put on him or that he is thirsty.

2006-12-29 03:37:49 · answer #4 · answered by BraidyLocks 6 · 0 0

right now, he is having a hard time expressing himself, becaue he hasnt learned to talk. when he starts screaming and pulling at his hair, get down on his level, look him in the eyes, and redirect him by lowering your voice so that he knows screaming is not a way to get what he wants, if you know what he wants, take him and have him show you what he wants. if he calms down, make sure you praise him for being calm. if you dont know what he wants, and he's still screaming, try to find something to get his mind off of being upset, like his favorite toy or game. dont punish him for getting upset, and always praise him for good behavior, he'll love the attention! i hope this helps

2006-12-29 03:21:11 · answer #5 · answered by superyduperymommy 5 · 0 0

No .. he is just starting to assert himself! My daughter did this, and I would just ignore her until she calmed down! Talk to him in a soothing way, telling him to stop screaming .... he will understand you! He is probably a little frustrated as he cannot voice his feelings so try and read him before he gets upset. Sometimes you might say no to something, and he will kick off? then just ignore him. I did it with my little one and although it took awhile, she eventually got the message. Screaming gets you nothing!! Just make sure any other kids, adults around him dont scream either. He may be copying them!

2006-12-29 03:14:07 · answer #6 · answered by lynne 3 · 0 0

I find your questions a bit strange.Potties and tantrums at 9 months?
And this is the weirdest question of all: quote - I am transgendered person. ever since i was in primary, Secondary school people mock me that I look like a woman, I changed my organs and appearence now I look just like a woman. but know I am blemming myselve for doing it. I want to go back to me.

SO thats where you're going wrong obviously. How you going to feed him mum, you aint got no ****!, were the words of Eminem and I think he got it this time.

2006-12-29 03:30:24 · answer #7 · answered by cigaro19 5 · 0 0

wow a 9 month old that can jump up and down. amazing.
its not uncommon for a preverbal infant/child to resort to screaming hair pulling hitting and other aggressive behaviours to make their needs known

2006-12-29 04:27:39 · answer #8 · answered by jennifer 4 · 0 0

sounds like it give into this now and you wont be able to control him by the times his two. get a naughty circle or stair and get him to have time out on it when he dose wrong don't speak to him while he sitting on it ignore him them when his been on it for two minutes, come down to his level and ask him to say his sorry for what he has done, he will soon learn what he can and can't do , reward only good behaviour not bad,what i use is a large table mat on the floor , that makes a good naughty circle..

2006-12-30 14:26:08 · answer #9 · answered by twinsters 4 · 0 0

Be glad you have a normal baby, at his age they start to discover their own emotions and learning how to express frustration. My little girl did that too and what I did was distract her with something else "look at that" or "oooohhh what happened" ,it always worked for me. Don't feel bad when you have to correct him (no spanking!)but be persistent on teaching him, babies are very smart and they need to learn that there are limits too, that will make him feel secure , he will turn out to be a sweet little boy, wait and see, good luck!

2006-12-29 03:30:39 · answer #10 · answered by Paula 2 · 0 0

Don't take this personally, but you might be spoiling him a little bit. Teach him that he doesn't get everything he wants and if he continues with his bad behavior, have consequences. Don't make them too hard, so that he won't be too afraid of you, but show him who's boss. Consider time-outs, and reward him when he is good. He will then understand the routine.

2006-12-29 03:12:54 · answer #11 · answered by nikkecola17 3 · 0 1

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