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I am very worried about the 40 crows i feed for 3 months a spend 40 dollars every day and buy them grain and peanuts and cat food and Evey day i go feed them in the morning they wait for me and all of them fly to me and after 2 months let me touch some of them

my husband hit me and told me never to feed them again or i will regret it
I am so scared that the crows will starve because they relied on me I cry every day because they are my only friend science i moved from Baghdad 5 months ago now i am letting them down Please tell me if they will starve and should i secretly feed them till spring comes
I am 4 months pregnant and i get sad very easily and the crows make me happy what should i do

2006-12-28 19:04:15 · 25 answers · asked by Mira 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

25 answers

You should not make joke of something like wife abuse!

2006-12-28 19:06:59 · answer #1 · answered by toxisoft 4 · 4 2

They will be fine. They won't starve. How do you think they got food before you got there? If the crows make you happy you should get a pet to replace them. Even though forty dollars a day is too much money your husband still should not hit you.

2006-12-28 19:15:02 · answer #2 · answered by chaos 2 · 0 0

Don't worry about the crows. God will feed them. They have wings and will fly to where there is food. You really were not feeding them--you were just training them. Find joy in other areas of His creation that will not offend your husband. The crows are worth the bruises you might incur because of them.

The much greater concern that I can see in all of your questions is to find a way to get help with your abusive husband. Marriage is NOT a license to hit you--it is a license to love you and responsibility to care for you and your unborn child. I pray that God will help you in your hour of need.

2006-12-28 19:11:45 · answer #3 · answered by CDA 2 · 1 0

Crow are smart and resourceful. Do not worry about them. I would be more worried about you. Spending so much time and money on crows show that you are unhappy about something. The treatment of your husband also seems to illuminate this. I hope your future child willelevate your loneliness, but I can't resolve the other problem since I am not so familar with your culture, and of what I was told are limited compared to the U.S. My suggestion is to perhaps talk to your Iman or some others to seek guidance according to your culture.

2006-12-28 19:10:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It sounds like your husband is being abusive. Maybe you can find some food elsewhere to feed the crows? Even just a little bread should be enough for them, but it won't make you happy, so i suggest finding another source of joy. Maybe you can take up a hobby like painting, fishing, or playing an instrument. Also, try to explain this to your husband, because if he isn't treating you right, the best time to tell him and break up (if necessary), is before your child is born, not after.

2006-12-28 19:08:46 · answer #5 · answered by Brommy A 5 · 1 1

well i think spending 40 dollars a day on crows is a bit over board and i can understand why your husband would get so upset but that is absolutely NO reason to hit you i think you should talk to your husband about how you feel about the birds and feed them a bit less

2006-12-28 19:12:17 · answer #6 · answered by pot head 1 · 0 0

first of all let me say, I'm sorry to hear that your husband hit you. The crows will be alright, they are survivers. I thing it's very cute that you feed those crows they way you do. I don't think you should spend all that money on feeding those birds, but if it makes you feel good I guess it's o.k. they still might come up to you though. You should try anyway to see o.k...GOD BLESS....

2006-12-28 19:52:20 · answer #7 · answered by Lea, 2 · 0 0

You have multiple problems:
#1 -- it is totally unacceptable for your husband to hit you. Find a woman's crisis center or trained professional to help you deal with that situation.

#2 -- sounds like you are depressed -- talk to your doctor about this. Being pregnant may limit your options, but it needs to be addressed

#3 -- Crows have and will continue surviving. Feeding them table scraps is one thing if it makes you happy, but $40 a day is unreasonable. This may have arisen in response to your lonlieness & depression.

2006-12-28 19:10:05 · answer #8 · answered by jazzman6812 3 · 2 0

well, crows.. are well.. crows, there scavangers, they will find food, and unfortunatly some of them will die, that is just how nature works. it is very sweet of you to worry about the crows but i would worry more about your unborn child and your abusive husband. Is there anyone you can go to for help? This sounds like more of a issue then a few crows, it is good of you to try to take care of them, but your hiding behind them, you need to get help and possibly get away from your husband, your pregnant and he should not be hitting yo u!

2006-12-28 19:10:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you got urself into a bad habit....crows are like rats and find their food easily. they are very smart birds. take care of urself dear and save the money for other things. Im very sorry he hit you!!
that was a very bad thing to do especially since youre having his child. maybe you will regret him now. I hope he apologizes and never does that again! good luck

2006-12-28 19:09:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

maximum new father and mom ask your self how they could tell if their toddler is getting adequate milk. As your toddler is bottle-fed, you may degree how a lot formulation she's getting, yet a more desirable thanks to gauge her starvation is to observe her for cues. at the same time as she's hungry, she will 'root' (turn her head and open her mouth) in the route of your breast, convey her palms to her mouth and/or make sucking motions. at the same time as she does this, she needs to be fed -- regardless of what the clock says. Feed her see you later as she is raring to drink. If she starts dropping interest, you may burp her and then try lower back. As an noticeably hard coaching guide, little ones who have not all started solids choose about 2.5 to 2.7 oz. of formulation in protecting with pound of bodyweight each and every 24 hours. therefore, a 10-pound toddler needs about 25 to 27oz of formulation in an afternoon. undergo in concepts that that's only a regular rule of thumb. basically as your urge for foodstuff varies with each and each and every meal, your toddler received't take the very similar quantity at each and each and every feeding. also, do not rigidity your toddler to end a bottle, regardless of if there is basically somewhat left. And keep a music of her moist nappies: a minimum of six an afternoon should be soaked through with sparkling to light yellow urine - any a lot less and he or she will be getting dehydrated. try her with some cooled boiled water. desire this helps, solid success. x

2016-10-16 22:15:11 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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