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Im a 21yo girl, i am 290pounds (130kg) and I am obviously obese / over weight, im wanting to lose 110 pounds.
I know the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is regular exercise and eating right.
Im wondering if there are any tried and tested methods out there that anybody could suggest to me, even methods that i should not try.
I am an open minded person so i welcome any taboo answers too, ill try anything.
Tell me what you tried and tested, how you did and what you would suggest.
Many thanks.

2006-12-28 18:37:56 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

30 answers

Diet and fitness work together toward a healthy lifestyle. Changing your diet and your level of fitness is what can change the way you look and feel. The best way to lose weight is about living a healthier life than what you may be living now. You will need a complete lifestyle change and you will need to be committed. The body loses about 2 pounds a week optimally and that’s 2 pounds that stay off. When you drop at a faster rate your body could potentially rebound and either plateau your weight loss or put extra weight on. If you are committed then you should reach your goal.

This bit of advice is something I tell anyone who asks whether you are my client or not.
There are 5 most important things that must go together in any workout program. These are part of changing your complete lifestyle to one that is healthier. They also help you to naturally optimize your metabolism. The faster your metabolism the better your body uses your food for energy, instead of storing it as fat.
I put them in the order of importance.

1. Eat more. Yes eat more. More meals that is. It is best to eat a small meal every 3-4 hours. The meal should be just large enough to where you are not hungry, as opposed to eating you are full. There is a difference, think of it as no bigger than the size of your two fists put together. Eating 1 or 2 meals a day slows your metabolism down. You should have at least 4-6 meals a day. For most a ratio of carbs-proteins-fats should be 50%-25%-25% is good, but each person is unique.

2. Drink more water. Most of us don’t have enough water. This means our bodies are dehydrated. Two things a dehydrated body has trouble doing, one is releasing water. In order to lose fat you must be able to release water, because fat cells in your body are composed of mostly water. A dehydrated body cannot build very well. Muscle tone indicates a constant building state in your body. If your body isn’t building that means it is losing muscle and it’s never good to lose muscle that slows your metabolism and makes you look flabby.

3. Maintain a balanced workout regimen of cardio and resistance (weights). Cardio is good for fat burning and it’s easy to do and to progress yourself. Resistance is a little harder because it’s not as easy to know what to do. If weights aren’t your thing then try Yoga or Pilates. Both are very effective resistance and core training and can help you maintain lean muscle and increase your overall metabolism.

4. Smart supplementation of your diet is your best solution to making sure you get the nutrients your food doesn’t give you. A daily multivitamin will suffice in most cases, and if you don’t like pills they sell it in liquid form. Plus cleanses, as well as detox formulas are awesome for eliminating toxins we take into our bodies without knowing.

5. Sleep is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle regimen. When we sleep our bodies and minds refresh themselves and allow us to function at an optimal level. Sleeping allows muscles to rebuild themselves and when they do that, it speeds your metabolism.

You may ask why I gave you this long list instead of just telling you what exercises to do. The reason is if you think that exercising is all you need then you are mislead. If exercising is all we needed to look and feel great then everybody who works out at the gym would have great bodies and be healthy. If you have been to a gym before you know its not true.

2007-01-01 02:52:56 · answer #1 · answered by jt66250 7 · 0 0

Hi there, Having nothing to go on other than what you have written, I think it would be worth getting your doc to do a full physical, and include the bloods for your hormones and for insulin levels. Second, a nutritionist can be anyone whereas a registered dietitian can give you advice based on sound scientific evidence - and may be because you have tried so many different routes you have got into habits that are not helping, which some sound advice could sort. Thirdly, your hub loves you because of you - and you need to accept that and like yourself regardless of your size to have the best chance of succeeding in weight loss. Most obese people who have self loathing punish themselves with food...

2016-03-28 23:21:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All I can say is see a nutrition. And plan out your diet. And stick to it. Remember its not an overnight thing. You'll probably see results after a month of dieting. BUT REMEMBER TO FOLLOW YOUR DIET. What helped me lose weight also ( 70 pounds) was , I made a small collage. The collage contained people that motivated me : Friends , Family, sports figures. And I posted the college in front of me everytime I ran on the treadmill. Its all about motivation. Find someone that you wanna make proud.And think about that person during your workout. That will help BIG TIME. GOOD LUCK....YOU CAN DO IT!!!

2006-12-28 19:41:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've tried many diets and couldn't make anything work. Since having my first child, I've been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. This diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time.

The plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything plan said and lost 23 pounds in the first three weeks. I'm now starting the diet again to lose 7 more pounds. This plan has changed my life.

Get started today!

2016-05-15 02:28:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to the gym 6 days a week. Do cardio for an hour on an empty stomach. Lift weights. Cut out all refined sugars and processed foods from your diet (but give yourself a "cheat" day ONCE a week where you can eat 15 pizzas if you feel like it). Start drinking protein and lots and lots of water. Weigh yourself every day; this will allow you to monitor your weight and also know when you've good or bad (so be good, for goodness sake!).

2006-12-28 18:42:05 · answer #5 · answered by angrysandwichguy2000 3 · 0 1

I know of a group of professionals that conduct FREE workshops on proper weight loss techniques. Their next seminar is on 13 January 2007. Call 64825411 to register. Learn the scientific method of losing weight. Workshop comes with Hi-tea.

2006-12-28 18:42:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This should be obvious enough. There are no "magical fixes". From the sound of it, you're eatting A) too much and B) the wrong foods. Eat ONE PLATE of food per meal, don't reach for seconds, your body does not need it. Drink water and water only. Or fruit juice. Stay away from all carbonated drinks. NO CANDY OR FRIED FOODS! Just don't do it! That means fast foods too! 30 mins on an exercise bike or running/jogging will help you a ton. Good luck!

2006-12-29 20:54:14 · answer #7 · answered by sam 2 · 2 0

*getting up on soap box*
Ok, the most effective way to lose weight is to follow the diet and exercise plan that works for whatever is 'wrong' with you.
*getting off soap box*
If you have IR, low carb no sugar and Metformin (and BCP if PCOS is causing the IR and you are not TTC).
Low fat if the problem is the amount of fats you consume.
Etc, etc, etc.
The BEST way to go about this is to go to your doctor and have an hbA1c blood test done. I would tend to believe, since you are so overweight that there is a medica/hormonal cause behind it. I have MANY questions I would like to ask in order to point you in what I think may be the right direction. (follow the link in my profile to contact me)
Please read the information on the link below just in case...this syndrome is pretty common and wouldn't it be nice if it was a medical problem that could be treated relatively easy?
Good luck, HTH

2006-12-28 18:44:04 · answer #8 · answered by Star 5 · 2 1

Im sorry if obesity has been painful for you. I think you have it right when you say that regular exercise and eating right are important. Another thing that has helped me greatly is Usana supplements and something called the Usana Reset.
Best Wishes,

2006-12-29 16:13:55 · answer #9 · answered by Not Here 1 · 0 0

I know many ways. Liquid diets I have heard work but ugh that just sux. I'd join weight watchers... my uncle lost 50 pounds in just 2 months!


go see a dietitian... but please make sure she is skinny first! My dad went to a dietitian for that purpose and she was bigger then him! OK also u need exercise... hit the pool for now until Ur light enough to run without damaging your knees and hips. You need to eat healthy and exercise!

2006-12-28 18:40:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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