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2006-12-28 17:14:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

6 answers

I suppose you are talking about "born again" It is when you ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart. You admit to him you've sinned, and that you are sorry and that you want to live a life for him. He most assuredly will come into your heart and save you, and your life will change, if you meant what you said. "Behold, old things are passed away, all things become new" Life is then worth living. I hope that you accept the free gift of pardon from the Lord Jesus. John 3:16

2006-12-28 17:26:50 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer N 3 · 1 0

From your name I understand that you are not a Xian, but because of your question, I came across beautiful concepts from Xian beliefs as well as the Budhist view of rebirth...

Hindus believe in transmigration of souls or what you may call the Rebirth.. something similar to what Budhists say, taking another body after death... but with the difference that the Hindus believe in a soul clothed with an illusory (mind) cover... that goes on taking birth after birth,,, suffering the consequences of its actions (the reason for the difference at birth - as rich or poor, healthy or handicapped and so forth) till that time the individual learns to come out of the illusory mind cover and merge with the Divine...

2006-12-29 04:11:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

That depends on what you mean? Rebirth was a pegan ritual which started many years before Christ. Even to this day Spring is the sign of rebirth. What was old is now new. For some, it is the awakening of the senses to a higher level of Consciousness. The knowing of things not known or understood before. ie For a Witch to be "reborn" they must understand the entire relm of how nature works. an eye opener to the "real" world around them. For christians it is opening their eyes to see the true light of Christ. For some indians, it is taking on your true spirit within. Being reborn into your new gifts. (Usually coming of age).

You are being reborn into a new world which you must now explore.

2006-12-29 01:46:43 · answer #3 · answered by danielle Z 7 · 1 0

Rebirth is a part of the cycle of Life. It occurs as a consequence of Karma and Karma is a consequence of our Actions during Life. The Buddhist view is that all natural phenomena occur in cycles. For example weather patterns, the seasons, our own body rhythms and so on. The cycle of Life is the same.

Perhaps I should explain Karma, as it has an important role to play in this cycle. Karma is a phenomenon, it is the resultant consequence of a previous Action. Action includes deeds, our speech, our thoughts and non deeds or inaction. You see we, as humans, interact with all Life Forms and this interaction is an experience which can be positive, negative or neutral depending on our choices at that moment. We say something, do something or not, or think something towards the other Being. These Actions then have consequences either immediately or later on, and that consequence results in either happiness or suffering or no consequence at all for yourself or the other Being...do you follow this reasoning...? And the consequence then is our Karma. Sometimes, and this is rare, our Karma is not immediately felt, it is so negative and has therefore such negative consequence that it is felt in a subsequent Lifetime.

Just a note...Karma is often mistaken for retribution or reward...this is a wrong view. Karma is a phenomenon of consequence due to our Actions not a judge and jury. If we hit someone, they get hurt and suffer pain. We then as the perpetrator suffer guilt and remorse..(sometimes)..and if we don't change our attitude we hit someone else....Do you see then our Karma is to keep suffering the guilt and remorse because we keep hitting folks eventually suffering the humiliation of a jail sentence....and the more we do it the worse are the consequences....do you follow...? To change our Karma in this case....we become a nice person and tolerate the other folks... That is the way to enlightenment....we change as a human Being...

The inevitability of Rebirth can be changed, depending on the choices we make and the resulting Karmic consequence of those choices. As a Buddhist I strive to make choices which result in positive cosequences so that the resulting Karmic consequences are also positive.

I'll explain the Buddhist concepts which I've just mentioned in case you're unfamiliar with the terms.

What is Life...? To Buddhists, Life Forms are all sentient Beings including animals which include fish and birds and humans, it does not include insects. Buddhists consider all Life Forms as precious and are forbidden to take life this is one of the 5 Noble Precepts. It is important to understand because if you take a Life it is considered a grave error and a heinous crime and will earn very negative Karma. And will definitely result in a Rebirth.

A question often asked and one which may have crossed your mind, is how do we escape the cycle of Birth, Life, Death and Rebirth..? The answer is to attain enlightenment by adhering to the 5 Noble Precepts and following in the Buddhist Eightfold Path. These concepts are vital because without them wrong Actions result from wrong choices made during our Life. This will earn negative Karma which, if not negated in this Life will also result in a Rebirth.

The cycle is broken when there is no longer a Karmic consequence of a previous choice in our Life to experience. This occurs when all of our choices and Actions have led to a condition where only positive Karma remains to be experienced and this occurs when an individual has attained enlightenment.

Another question to do with Rebirth is often asked....How come I don't remember my previous Lives..?

This question raises the issue of 'Soul'. Buddhists don't believe in a 'soul'. A Human Life to a Buddhist consists of 5 aggregates or parts, I won't name them, its a bit complicated for this answer. Just understand that these parts are disolved at Death and then, again due to Karma are reformed in different amounts to rebuild the next Rebirth. One of the parts is called consciousness, and it determines how aware we are at Rebirth. This part of us contains some remnant of our previous existence and is therefore poor in memory. This is why we don't have the same personality or characteristics as before also.

Rebirth then is a part of the cycle of Life. It is a result of the consequences of Karma which in turn is a consequence of our Life choices and decisions. On Rebirth our previous constituant parts are dissolved and reformed in different measure due to our Karma and the new Life begins a new cycle. If we work hard and concentrate and follow the Path and adhere to the Precepts we have a good chance of evolving into better human Beings and escape this Rebirth Cycle.

I hope I have covered the issues enough for you. It is a big subject and dificult to explain to a novice, this task is generally left to the Teachers, and I'm definitely not a Teacher nor an Adept but I hope I've helped and not confused.There are other issues to do with Rebirth that I haven't covered such as Rebirth to a Lower Realm. Buddhists believe that there are several Realms Lower than this one and several higher ones above this one. We believe that Rebirth can occur Lower as a result of serious negative Karma. But that is another concept and I won't go there in this narrative.

Peace my friend...from a Buddhist...in the season of joy..

2006-12-29 03:02:11 · answer #4 · answered by Gaz 5 · 1 0

Rebirth is concept which is applied to great souls for correcting social evils/misdeeds and minimise individual sufferings

2006-12-29 02:16:57 · answer #5 · answered by balkrishna c 4 · 0 0

1. I must realize that in my present condition I am a sinner bfore God. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3.23.)
2. I cannot save myself from eternal punishment in hell "For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord: (Romans 6:23)
3. Christ has paid for my sins and my punishment with His death on the cross. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus should not perish, but have everlasting life: "(John 3:16)
4. I must accept His crucififixion as payment for my sins, personally. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13)
If you would like to have assurance of eternal life, then pray this prayer: "Lord, I know I am a sinner. I believe Your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me of my sins and make me a new person. I commit my life to you today. Amen,"
If you prayed this prayer you can send for Dr. Stanley's booklet, "The Only Door to Heaven." www.intouch.org.
When you are saved, you are sealed with God's Holy Spirit for eternity. You cannot loose your salvation because you are now adopted into the family of God.
It is important to find a bible teaching church and become part of the body of Christ to help you grow in your walk with the Lord. Read the Bible daily. You will find it easier to understand if you read it with a daily devotional magagine such as The Daily Bread or In Touch by Dr. Charles Stanley, which is on line at the above web site. Set at time aside daily to talk to God in prayer. Your prayers should include 1. Affirmation of God's character, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. (ACTS). If your church is a bible teaching church, they should practice believers baptism. You should be baptized out of obedience to Christ, but it is not required before salvation, but should be done after you become a believer.

2006-12-29 03:59:13 · answer #6 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

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