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My daughter often knows what people are getting ready to say or she'll finish their sentences when they don't say it fast enough. It's amazing how often she does this, and it's not just obvious things people would say, it's often something random or rare. For example, just today I was going to tell her about a movie I saw, but I couldn't think of the name of it. She blurted out "The Royal Tenenbaums." And that was it! She heard of it, but she had never seen it. She does that really often with alot of people. What do you think it is?

2006-12-28 17:05:43 · 24 answers · asked by ? 5 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Parapsychology

24 answers

Sounds like your daughter is very intuitive, but this could be a mixture of things. She might be exceptionally good at reading people's body language, remembering conversations that took place weeks ago, or just a very good listener. All of these are extraordinary qualities for a child. However, she might also be using some sort of extra sensory perception. I find that what people interpret as 'intuitive' is often a constellation of all of these ablities.

2006-12-29 06:19:54 · answer #1 · answered by publicparapsych 1 · 0 0

I do that frequently myself. Sometimes it's quite explainable and logical, sometimes it's uncanny.

I'm not sure what it is....I don't believe I have a talent for reading minds per se; I may just be a good judge of body language and of the things that people tend to say. Or maybe I'm very empathic.

On the other hand, I have had one person literally read my mind, as in he plucked out a name that I was thinking of. That to me is proof that it can happen. I don't believe anyone would have enough talent to sit down and read your mind like a book, though. That type of thing is strictly in the realm of science fiction.

On another occasion, someone didn't read me literally, but they did "hear" something I was putting out very strongly. Not only were they not in the same room, they weren't in the same city and they were not someone I was in contact with. I got a phone call out of the blue to tell me about a dream they'd had of me, which matched what was going on at that time.

2006-12-29 11:04:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Much has been made about the psychic ability of children. The theory I've read the most about is that children don't have any concept of the impossible until someone (usually an adult) creates doubt in their minds (i.e., breaks their spirit)..

I had out-of body experiences, especially at night, until I was about eight years old. I would feel myself "drop" back into myself. Most folks I've talked with have similar memories.

My topic of study du jour is the relationship between early childhood traumas and lifelong psychic ability.

2006-12-29 15:38:13 · answer #3 · answered by Gracie Babeeee! 2 · 0 0

I think our children quite often amaze us at their grown up ability to get things we think they don't get. The context of what you were talking about the movie, she may have seen it advertised or heard about it from someone else at school. She also may be very good at picking up on peoples body language and facial expressions which can clue anyone into how someone else is feeling which may affect what they are saying and how they are describing something. She sounds like she is a very personable person who is empathetic to other people's feelings.

2006-12-29 22:06:19 · answer #4 · answered by sjb83162 2 · 0 0

A person who can read minds has an opportunity
to make a million dollars. The magician James
Randi has a check for a million dollars ready to be
turned over to anyone who can demonstrate any
kind of paranormal ability under conditions that
will preclude cheating. Various people have tried
for it. None has succeeded.

2006-12-29 12:54:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

From a spooky supernatural standpoint no. However, bringing into play quantum mechanics, string theory etc. Why not? I'm sure if two sub atomic particles can keep in touch over vast distances without any visible means, humans can do it to some extant as well.

2006-12-29 15:03:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I do. I think your daughter has excellent intuition. Check to see if she can finish sentences from strangers without you being in the conversation. She may be so in tune with you that she can accurately predict your next thought. Children listen and hear more than you think. Especially young females. I would say she is a very bright young lady.

2006-12-29 01:15:51 · answer #7 · answered by spils 3 · 4 1

keen perception, to start with.
We could all be 'more psychic' if we didn't carry a bunch of miscellanous data in our heads that doesn't relate to the MOMENT.
She is obviously IN the moment - as most kids are before they become overfed with TV, video games and the like.
As an NLP practitioner, I went through training in my classes that encouraged us to shed our pre-conceived opinions of people, and to REALLY pay attention to them in the moment.
Attention to Body posture, breathing, and the bit of information we were given by our opposites yielded amazingly keen insight into what they were thinking.
Having all of our senses intact is the NORMAL, not the abnormal state.
Hearing about your child warms my heart. Help her preserve her perceptiveness by not exposing her to electronic spoon feeding.

2006-12-29 17:45:51 · answer #8 · answered by flywho 5 · 0 0

Nothing happens without explanation. How could the thoughts in one's mind be examined by another? Our minds are private, we choose what we share in our minds, and even the communication of our ideas are not perfect. Your daughter has wonderful powers of intuition, a human cognitive intelligence used to size up and measure situations, but she does not have ESP, because there is no such thing.

2006-12-29 11:28:25 · answer #9 · answered by Pfo 7 · 0 1

I think she probably just knows you well. She is your daughter, after all. My friends and I do this too. 'you know that guy, who was in the that movie ...' 'alan rickman?' 'yes!'. Happens all the time. But if you think she can do it for real, try a test. Shuffle a deck of cards, pick one out, and see if she can guess it with no clues. If she can do this consistantly, you can win a million bucks here www.randi.org . If not, she's just perceptive - like everyone else.

2006-12-29 01:25:09 · answer #10 · answered by eri 7 · 0 1

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