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2006-12-28 16:40:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

LOL. The bible never hurt anyone? That's like saying Reagan was a great president! It's just not the case.

2006-12-28 16:58:59 · update #1

Wow. Someone said that the Bilble is the cornerstone of western civ? Are you kidding me? I have suffered through countless hours listening to people and their definitions of truth, and how the bible is not meant to be taken literally. That there is wisdom there, and that we should appreciate the book for its moral, and virtue. Joke. The idea of heaven and hell, of invisible men freezing in the vaccuum of space is appauling to me. And worse yet, that there are those in the world who believe in this nonsense, but argue that the bible is meant as a guide, or a code by which to live your life. These systems of morality have existed far beyond that of the bible, and its various inacuracies. If one believes in the Christian God, or of any God that is of biblical nature, and then states they think the document is old, and out of date, and should be used and observed with caution, how can they then dismantle the very structure of their beliefs and still keep the integrity of them. Nonsense.

2006-12-28 17:42:59 · update #2

19 answers

first fact disproving the bible...
Evolution (yes, contrary to what fascist ideologues will tell you, evolution is an observable and predictable event, both backwards in time and going fowards and therefore, under the definition of FACT/Theorem, Evolution by means of Natural Selection is a FACT. Ask the makers of facts, not the disbelievers of facts. Don't listen to those whose agendas are to hide the real facticity of Evolution. In fact, ask these Faithers that if the observable and repeatable observations are so untrue, then what does that make of Faith and those that believe in the Bible? If they are so willing to denounce the FACTS of the matter as they are observed and repeated, then what do they do to the superstitions of the bible that are neither observable nor repeatable? Do they really choose to dismiss the reality method of science but accept the pagan/mythological method of superstition?)

2nd fact... round planet, not flat, revolving around the sun, not sun around us, as part of bigger galaxy, fleeing the scene of the Big Bang some 6-8 billion years ago, not 4000 years or whatever the bible says. (and again, this is observable to anyone with a high powered telescope, opposed to some story mistold for 2 thousand years... see 3rd fact)

3rd fact... the holy bible was written over several hundred years, each time by hand, by monks with their own agendas and slants on what it should say and what it shouldn't... example, greek orthodox bible versus the King James Bible.... both theHoly Bible, neither one the same as the other... so which bible is it? it cannot be both. The fact that it cannot be both, yet is claimed by both sides to be both, is a necessary prevention from either being the TRUTH, and if neither is the Truth, then one disproves the other.

I think those 3 should do it...

The real question is, do facts-disproving-the-bible really have any impact on the ludicrious simpletons that have faith in the holy bible and by holy bible, I mean any of the Christian texts, the Qu'ran, the Talmud, or any biblical book passing the True Word of whateverness. (judaism, christianity and islam all worship the same god, by the way... the God of the Books)

so, disproving the bible doesn't change the fact that proof is not the issue in the realm of the biblesnesses. Faith is.

and Fact and Faith do not need to mix for Faith to prevail and continue. That is the 4th Fact that disproves the bible, the FACT that Faith is not diminished by Fact.

Truth is subjective (faith), Subjectivity is untruth (Fact), Truth is Untruth (Fact).

Just the facts, ma'am.

2006-12-28 17:00:03 · answer #1 · answered by mezizany 3 · 1 1

Well in my opinion the Bible had to be created in order to control the masses through the Dark Ages...being that Catholicism was the only religion allowed until the Reformation....and if you ask me it did a good job at it since ppl still read and follow it today....its like a bestseller (lol). Anyway there are a lot of things that disprove the Bible for me. One being that there are 2 creations stories...which one is it????....come on people...oh and the fact that EVE was created out of Adam's rib...keep in mind the Bible was written by men...can you imagine if it was written by women...history would be very different...the woman is always the bad person (with a few exceptions...VIRGIN MARY). All I have to say to that is "it took Eve to tempt Adam...but it took the Devil himself to tempt Eve"...yet women are the ones that are more feeble minded and weak according to the Middle Ages readings of the Bible....and still some of the readings today. Now I'm not just saying this cuz I’m a girl...but yeah ok I think the Bible served its purpose...but as far as omissions...what about Muslims, Buddhists, Jews? to name a few...they all sort of have the same ideas just different readings and versions of God....and what about Heaven...it's for everyone and all but what if your not Christian...I honestly think the Bible would have worked if Catholicism stayed the only religion...but in today's world there are way too many things that need to be overlooked if you want to take the Bible to heart.

2006-12-28 18:10:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There are numerous all over the Bible. An early one would be the story of Adam and Eve where in Genesis it states that they were both created at the same time. It then later goes on to say that Adam was first created, then he does a bunch of things and then God creates Eve out of his rib and so on. Also one of the things I've found quite intriguing is the whole fact that there seems to have been a few Messiah's around the same period. Research Apollonius of Tyana and you'll see another man who's story is quite similar to that of Jesus, but it's not the same story. The Bible should be used for Metaphorical interpretation, and not what as moral code. We can see in the same book of Exodus, the Ten commandments which as catholics we live by, but then later in the same book, it says that we should stone to death disobedient children, or anyone working on the Sabbath should be put to death. The Bible needs to be taken for what it is, which is a predominantly mythical story, with lessons we can learn, but not take the entire book as a whole truth.

2006-12-28 16:57:36 · answer #3 · answered by Jason L 1 · 1 1

Intellectual Moderns tend to misunderstand the Bible, and project their very own modern precepts and viewpoints upon these remote times, personhoods, characters, situations and ancient societal mentalities and customs recorded within the Holy Scriptures, thus producing revisionism, and skewing the original intents and purposes in a bias attempt to discredit the Holy Bible for their own humanistic agendas and purposes.

CAVEAT: In your attempt to disprove the Bible, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”

When the Holy Bible is properly understood by its “reader” as a multidimensional "Sacred Tool", then one begins to comprehend that the Bible (a collection of genuine historical manuscripts cross-supported by external sources, i.e. the Jewish historian, Josepheus, and others) operates on multiple levels of interpretation and comprehension, requiring tangible spiritual guidance by the Entity called the "Holy Spirit". Thus, the Holy Scriptures are not merely documented factual accounts, but also possess a "property of mystery" that can actually be unlocked, and the "Wisdom of the Ages" can be revealed to the "reader" within the holographic depths of the written "Word", the text within the Bible's pages. For those properly versed in these matters, the God of the Universe is actually capable of "communicating" and "communing" with the human factor that is allowed to access a direct link to the Triune Godhead via the profound and powerful "Words" of the Scriptures.

2006-12-28 20:40:14 · answer #4 · answered by . 5 · 1 0

Ah, yes, evolution is an "observable and predicatable" event in only 150 years. Yes. We have seen man's appendix fade into oblivion! We know a time when there was no pattern baldness and have pictures to prove it.

I thought all the atheists were at R&S! I came here for something different!

The FACT that PLUTO is not a planet DISPROVES HOYLE'S CLASSIC astronomy text book!

Hoyle seem to think poor Pluto WAS a planet! Boy did Mr. PH D get it wrong!

Hoyle also backed Steady State and made fun of the Catholic Priest's theory by terming it 'Big Bang.'

That's two things Dr. Hoyle got wrong.

See how easy it is to disprove Science, all you gotta do is wait for things to change and cite old books.

Let's see, the Bible. Jesus restored life to a man with a touch.

Today Boy Scouts do that with CPR.

I guess that proves the Bible is right.

Jesus walked on water. Eistein says in the proper relativistic framework falling bricks can stand still or fall upwards.

If a falling brick can stand still (stay on an even keel), then a falling man can stay on an even keel. If that's over water, the man can stand on water and if he moves forward he can walk on the surface of that water.

Obviously God and Jesus know more about relativity than we do.

So, Einstein offers a proof that man can stand and possibly walk on water. Hence the Bible is proved once again to be correct.

It just takes the right relativistic framework.

And remember folks, if you are 18 and your 36 year old mother travels around Alpha Centauri and back at about half the speed of light when she returns her son is around 38 years old and she's around 37 years old. That's a time pradox.

The son becomes older than the mother.

The mother can live longer than her grand kids if she keeps traveling in space at half the speed of light.

See, anything is possible.

If all this is wrong, then Einstein is wrong. But Einstein seems to have gotten the A Bomb right. Also atomic clocks have verfied that an Earth based clocks gains more time than a space based clock going around the earth once an hour.

2006-12-28 17:24:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I believe that the Bible exists. In fact, I have one in my library right now. I don't know how I'd disprove it.

This being said, I think what you mean is a)Is the Bible entirelly true to the last iota and if not b) How can we possibly consider it inspired by God?

The problem is that this way of thinking, that the Bible came from God and that it is the true, indubitable word of God is anachronistic and a cause of much confusion today. First, the Bible is a canon of different texts, arising from different translation, chosen by the Catholic Church, and later different protestant denomination, whose councils discussed at length what should, and should not be included in the sacred canon. It never appeared whole as we know it today. Fundamentalists will deny this, of course, but a first year student of Theology, Classical Greek or Hebrew knows this is true.
The standard of scientific truth which we take for granted today only became academia standard after the Renaissance. The people who wrote the texts which later came to be known as the Bible had no knowledge of our scientific values, and probably would have had no interest in them anyway. The original texts that would later form the Bible were meant as a form of spiritual education; much like the parables of Jesus, the point is not whether these stories are true, but what they are trying to teach about realities which go beyond the mundane. Of course, other things were understood as factual. Things get muddied, but suffice it to say the ancient Hebrew were not as literal as we are today.

So in conclusion, the Bible remains one of the cornerstones of Western civilization and it would be a mistake to disregard its wisdom, the place it occupies in literature and philosophy or its historic value. But anyone who tries to swallow it whole and thinks they can abdicate judgement because of the existence of this book today will suffer a severe intellectual indigestion.

EDIT: All I meant to say was that the Bible, for better or worse, is one of the strongest influences on western culture and that that influence can not be denied. If you take an interest in history, literature, philosophy, or even psychology, you can not bypass the influence of the Bible. To say it is of no value whatsoever is like stating that your childhood is of no value whatsoever because you are ultimately destined to become something else than your origin. One can not fully understand the man you are today, without knowing something of the child you were.

2006-12-28 17:17:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

read the biggest secret by David Icke ,and bloodlines of the illuminati.on www.infowars
also check AnunakiPDF
and Nephilim watch
try http//the Emerald tablets of Thoth,
which was written 36.000 years ago
many people outside of the influence of illuminati brainwashing ,now know the the Gods (plural)in Genisis whos sons were the Nephilim were Anunaki,and that they created homo sapian to mine gold for them more than 300.000 years ago.

the bible is the program written by the illuminati and updated by them regularly ,to brainwash those who have been enticed into organised religion,so that they can be manipulated.. and controlled
there is not a book more full of misinformation and lies than the bible
the greatest way to tell a lie is to base it on half truths and that is what they have done
even the story of jesus was based on the story of Horus and Osiris ,which was already symbolic ,and represented the life cycle of the Sun (a Pagan religion)
the illuminati have done everything over the centuries to humanize this story and the symbolism is forgotten and people believe they are real people in the stories not cosmic bodies.

2006-12-28 16:57:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Anyone who has blind faith in the bible, or takes it literally, is an ignoramus. It is full of contradictions, cruelties, and scientific falsehoods. This site below lists quite a few of them:

I find it ironic that despite being filled with fantasy, immorality and extreme violence, xtians are typically at the forefront of trying to ban OTHER books with these themes..."for the children." The bible itself contains large amounts of all these things, yet is forced upon young innocent minds.

For some truly damning info & commentary on the bible, check out the writings of philosopher Robert Ingersoll from over a century ago. There's a site that reads many of his works as podcasts, if audio is your thing. "About the Holy Bible" is particularly interesting:

2006-12-28 18:00:28 · answer #8 · answered by R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution 7 · 1 1

Well according to the bible Abraham died at age 175. If you take this for a basic, literal fact, then I guess you could say that "disproves." You can do this with many things in the Bible. But what about if you knew that age was a sign of high respect in society of that time? And that the exaggeration may have been a conscious way of the authors portraying Abraham to be a well-respected "father" in Jewish/Christian history? I believe that you can view many "omissions" or "facts" in this light.

2006-12-28 16:46:13 · answer #9 · answered by Lauren 3 · 0 2

I've spent three weeks working in the jungles of Africa. I've seen monkeys and other primates in their native land. Not locked up in cages at the Zoo and not on television. Anyone who says Darwin was wrong should go out there and try to tell me that we were created in an image of one man and that these creatures are not our ancestors. Can't be done. Look into a monkey's eyes and try to tell me you don't see a person in the making.

I forgot who said it but..."The only thing that separates us from the wild kingdom is fire. No other animal has the capacity of fire and by mastering fire, mankind landed on the moon".

2006-12-29 09:04:41 · answer #10 · answered by no name brand canned beans 6 · 0 0

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