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I wannna know more about them

2006-12-28 16:33:31 · 15 answers · asked by antoine a 1 in Pets Other - Pets

15 answers

They have high metabolisms and need at least 35 percent protein in their diet. They are carnivores and do not digest sugars too well.
They need a good ferret food, such as 8in1 ultimate diet or 8in1 complete diet, do not feed them cat food.

From pet stores you are only gonna find spayed and neutered ferrets. One reason is because the ferret farms do not want anyone else breeding. Another very important reason is if female ferrets aren't bred when they go into their first heat cycle, they will stay in that heat cycle and die from anemia.
Ferrets are also descented, since they are related to skunks.

Ferrets are very active. They always want to play and explore and get into mischief. They also get lonely if you only have one so you really should buy 2.

Scooping their litter box daily, cleaning the whole cage once a week, and bathing the ferret once a month, and feeding a good quality ferret diet, there wont be much of a smell. So those people who say ferrets stink, are too damn lazy to clean their cage and take proper care of them and shouldn't have any pets whatsoever.

2006-12-28 16:54:59 · answer #1 · answered by lady_crotalus 4 · 0 0

First of all, "Ferrets for Dummies." If you want to know more, that's the book for you. I've probably recommended it to about 20 people.

Don't worry about people saying they smell bad. Buy your "carpet shark" from a reputable pet store, and the scent-producing gland will have been removed. The ferret will also be spayed or neutered. While you're at the pet store, get some high quality ferret food, like Marshall or one of those 8in1 types and, if you can, a multi-level cage. The stuff may be pricey, but just like everything else in life, if you want quality, you gotta pay for it.

There's lots of other stuff I could tell you to buy, but before you run off to the pet store, please DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Not only on ferrets, but on yourself as well. If you're the kind of person that would rather come home and flop down on the couch with a beer and not give a care about the world, then a ferret is NOT for you.

If ferrets require one thing, it's time. Time for play (2-3hrs. per day, preferably more) time for cleaning up after them, time for....well, you get the idea. If you're stingy about your time....then get a cat. From what I've seen, they prefer to be left alone.

Again, I say, do your homework. Think about your personality, your financial standing, and about where you live. Consider how these things will handle having a ferret around. Read all you can about ferrets, and when you think you've read enough, read more. It's the only way to make an educated decision. Good luck to you.

2006-12-30 02:51:06 · answer #2 · answered by puckfreak02 3 · 0 0

Yes they are from the skunk family but all pet store will remove the scent glands before you get it. They will start coming to thier names at about six months old. They have a personality like a kitten so think of a young child playing with a hyper active kitten. The ferret wouldnt bite to mean just because it was playing. They make a low funny noise, and they always poop/pee in corners and in the same spot so you could litter box train it. Most of them dont really shed, my guinea pig sheds more than my ferret did. And they eat mice and small animals like a cat would. They will adapt thier scheduals to yours so they sleep when your gone and theyre awake when your home. If you keep one in a seperate room from you it might dig a hole through the carpet to get to you. When you do let it out to play you will know when it has to pee or poop and you can put it back in the cage. When you go to the pet store to look, remember that the baby ferrets have been in a cage all day, if not longer and they are full of energy and very excited to play so they might bite(playfully) or scratch.

2006-12-29 22:28:37 · answer #3 · answered by cuetee220 2 · 0 0

Well, partner, those things stink like the dickens...just so you know. They're from the skunk, possum, weasle, and mink family, so they have that elongated body. I do know that female ferrets will die if they can't mate when they're six months old (this is why people who don't breed them should have them spayed). Ferrets are generally carnivorous, so keep them away from hamsters, mice, rats, guinea pigs, canaries, finches, parakeets, and rabbits. They also need a lot of space to move around in.
Hope some of this info helped.

2006-12-29 00:48:36 · answer #4 · answered by ღQueenღ 3 · 0 0

Ferrets are carnivorous, belonging to Mustelidae family, the oldest living family in the Carnivora. There exist two species of Ferrets: Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) and European Domestic Ferret (Mustela Putorius). Wild Ferrets can be found worldwide, except in Australia and some Oceanic islands.
Ferrets - Description
The European and the Black-footed Ferrets are two different breeds that are similar only in size. Black-footed Ferrets have broader heads, less pointed faces, and larger ears and eyes than their domestic cousins. Their legs, feet, tops of their heads are black or dark-brown.
Domestic Ferrets have large front feet for digging, wide tails that taper off towards the tip, and may vary in the color. . Ferrets' eyes are black or red with round pupils when open, and slits, like cats, when closed in bright light. But the slits are horizontal, not vertical. There are sable, albino, silver, cinnamon, and chocolate Ferrets. Even Angora Ferrets exist with longer hair.

Ferrets - Social Structure
In the wild, Ferrets are very territorial and live solitary lives. Male Ferrets exclude other males from their territory, and females exclude other females. But males' and females' territories may overlap, however their hunting styles are different. The females tend to go after smaller prey than males. Both males and females hunt rabbits, but females can also go down the burrows of rats and voles.
Ferrets - Personality
Ferrets are lovable, friendly, playful little animals. If you keep a single Ferret, it will get lonely. Being very curious, they need attention and lots of toys. A sleeping Ferret may seem like a dead Ferret, because its body temperature drops considerably. Waking up Ferrets shiver terribly to bring up the temperature.

2006-12-29 00:38:33 · answer #5 · answered by glduke2003 4 · 0 2

I could tell you so much about ferrets, but it would require me writting a book. I am going to give you some facts, but if you really want to know ALOT more, please e-mail me. Idgerow@yahoo.com

First off, get on line and google ferret info. You can find ALOT of info online.

Ferrets are very fun, social pets. There are also alot of downsides on owning a ferret. So, first with the bad stuff since it really is the most important information to know.

1. Ferrets are very expensive pets to have. First off, they are considered exotic pets, so the vet bills are higher. They are very prone to many medical problems, and treatment can be very expensive and last the lifetime of a ferret. Knowing ahead of time about these problems can not only save your ferrets life, but possibly catch it early enough to help cut the cost of treatment. Again, I know alot about this, so please e-mail me for specifics.

2. They have a short life-span. They are known to live between 5-7 years. Closer to the 5 year mark then 7 due to all of the medical problems. However, I own a ferret who is at least 9 years old.

3. They take alot of time and energy. Ferrets are NOT caged animals, however, are caged during times they can not be supervised for their own safety. They need at least 3 hours of play time out of their cage a day, and more time is better.

4. They are very mischevious animals. They get into everything and like to steal things. You MUST "ferret proof" all of the areas that they will be allowed to run. Ferrets can and will get into holes about one inch in diameter. Some of the smaller ferrets can get in even smaller holes. Also, they will try to get into the hole even if they can't fit their whole body through, which means they can get stuck and this can be very dangerious.

5. You can not feed your ferret just any food. They need a high quality ferret food, or a high quality cat food. This means your pet's food bill is higher.

6. They can not use all types of litter. Some people will say paper is better (i.e. Yesterday's News), however, with my experiences, my ferrets think that type of litter is bedding. I use cat litter. Now to use cat litter, you have to be careful. Never use a litter that is clumpable. This can get in their nose and they can suffocate. I use a litter that is "dust free". This seems to work well.

7. Not all vet will see ferrets. Before you ever get one, make sure that you have a good vet in your area that will see them.

8. Going out of town. This can be a tricky one. First off, if you leave them at home, you have to have someone that knows about ferrets come and take care of them EVERY day. This person also needs to be comfortable with giving them medications (more than likely you will have to give meds at some point in the ferrets life). This also means that they might have to come over more than once a day.

There are some places that will board ferrets. Do not just take them to any boarding facility. Make sure that they know how to care for ferrets. I got lucky. My vet also does boarding.

Ok, now for a little of the good stuff.

Ferrets are alot of fun. They are great pets, but only for someone that has the time, money and energy to put into them. They love to play. Plan on having alot of different types of toys, and also plan on them being all over the house. They love tunnels, things that sound like plastic bags, squeeky toys, toys that jinggle, etc. These are pets who will always put a smile on your face. You can train them to walk on a harness and a leash. They are great to travel with. Having multiple ferrets can be fun, but also stressful (not all ferrets get along).

Ok, so I think this book is long enough. Again, I have SO MUCH more information that I can share with you. Please, if you don't contact me, at least do your research on line. A good site is ferretfacts.com

2006-12-29 05:40:08 · answer #6 · answered by idgerow 3 · 1 0

well i have a ferret and he is sooo cute. they cuddle, and love u because they r so sweet. mine does his little gimper thing and when he was younger, he jumped up and gigled in his own little way. if u take the time to take care of them, i can almost garenty u will get attached to them. mine had to get surgery and i knew he wasnt gonna die but i still cried! good luck with the ferrets!

2006-12-29 01:10:58 · answer #7 · answered by TippyToes 1 · 0 0

they can be very fun pets. they steal things & hide them some times. they love milk, but shouldn't have it. like cats, it is not good on thier tummy. hmm they can get throw very small holes, if the head fits, the whole body will! b/c of this, it's not safe to let them have free run all the time. they are also more active at night. :)

2006-12-29 01:12:32 · answer #8 · answered by rblankenship_rblankenship 5 · 0 0

A ferret takes alot of care and most of all ( energy ) they tend to smell worse than any animal. so if you were to get one make sure you have alot of things to care for them.

2006-12-29 04:28:45 · answer #9 · answered by catieann 3 · 0 0

ferrets are great pets-even for children, im 13 and i had 2 ferrets, they are very platful, the only con is they are high maintenance.

2006-12-29 17:58:41 · answer #10 · answered by ferrets4ever 4 · 0 0

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