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2006-12-28 16:28:09 · 17 answers · asked by ~lovinhearts~ 1 in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

17 answers

Well, i personally think the efforts should come from the countries' governments because they can create a bigger impact. They should:
- Regulate automobile fuel emissions and factory waste products
- Regulate the use of CFC consumer products
- Fund or Support the development of environment friendly products.
- Encourage planting of trees.

2006-12-28 16:33:56 · answer #1 · answered by sakuragi h 1 · 0 0

Global warming and the environmental deterioration of our planet is going to continue to expedite exponentially no matter what humans attempt to do to prevent it, simply because the cause of Global Warming has been severely misdiagnosed.

Pollution, fuel emissions, and the human factor ARE NOT responsible for the "green house effect" and Global Warming. Note that even the polar ice caps of the planet Mars are also radically melting. The cause of all of this is an "extrasolar" object that is swiftly approaching. The fact is that our entire Solar System is on a collision course with the Sirius Binary Stellar System (the Dragon, and "Great Dog Star"). The two nearing systems are being drawn to each other, electromagnetically, thus causing havoc on the Sun and the internal magma of the planets, which is heating up the planets and atmospheres. The pending cosmocataclysm will be an extinction level event as the two star systems pass through each other, and all of human civilization will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

It is impossible to stop this celestial collision. Instead of wasting time, energy, resources and money on the useless anti-pollution agenda, the governments of the world should be working on a “subterranean repository” to save a fragment of our civilization with stored data, information, and resources along with a few remnant lucky people, post-catastrophic survivors, whom will have the Herculean task of reactivating civilization in a Neobarbaric Period.

2006-12-29 01:13:31 · answer #2 · answered by . 5 · 0 0

Planting a few trees will do no good, there are too many people absolutely depending with their very lives on growth, expansion, wood, FOOD from cleared land, ocean-derived resources and other "natural" means of carbon sequestration. Not to mention that rich westernized folks are the only ones with enough resources to actually plant very many trees, rather than harvest them to sell to feed their families..
Reducing consumption in the western world will not "stop" global warming, merely slow the currently exponential increase in CO2 emissions. Slowing does not reverse or stop anything at all.
So what are we left with? Perhaps, if the will is there (and I very much doubt that it will ever be), some sort of technology could be invented which could sequester carbon from the atmosphere. The sheer energy required for such an operation, however, renders it economically unfeasible. Currently, we burn millions-of-sun-years worth of carbon for loads of glorious energy.. where would we get the (even greater) energy necessary to resequester it?
To completely STOP what we are globally doing now, that is the only feasible way to stop things from progressing, at least beyond the equilibrium point which will come to pass due to current CO2 levels. Stop ALL carbon emissions past-the-point-of "natural" resequesterization (go carbon neutral), stop ALL CFCs and other atmospheric warming agents. Stop ALL logging past-the-point-of-regeneration. Stop ALL oceanic pollution which threatens CO2 sequestering and oxygen generating phytoplankton. That is the only feasible, possible solution which has a passing chance at stopping global warming.
How do we do THAT? I have an idea, but it's not a popular one... Drop out of the culture of mass-destruction, re-tribalize, the only proven non-polluting way for humans to live for various reasons including: largely localized production and distribution reduces energy needs, reduced capitalism to pre-"civilized" levels of trade-between-tribes eliminates wanton destruction of far-off (and nearby) ecosystems for profit, increases the sanity quotient of the humanity involved (humans= tribes the same way parrots=flocks, elephants=herds; remove individual animals from their natural social structures.. they go insane to varying degrees, no surprise crime and consumption are so high in that light then, but like parrots and elephants, we too can be re-socialized and healed)... We do these things, we destroy our "need" for so much "stuff" by replacing "stuff" with "human love and support" the way it should be, and maybe, just maybe, we have a chance of stopping it.

2006-12-29 13:28:45 · answer #3 · answered by E. N 3 · 0 0

We will not stopp the global warming but we will discoer that it is not bad.
For now the globale warming hide the real factor of the bad way of climat change which is the human activities on water cycle in the way of diminution of the water inside the ground of continents and of cause more specialy about the deserts.

To fight this and to resolve the problem we only need to irrigate all the world by catching the runoff and sending it in the dry places.
Like i already test it since 20 years on my prototype canals :

2007-01-01 11:00:53 · answer #4 · answered by pingouin 3 · 0 0

We currently are at one of the coldest periods in the geological history of the earth. Even if humanity were not here, the temperature of the earth would most certainly be increasing, perhaps not as rapidly, but it would be increasing.

Unfortunately, the science of the warming of the earth has been obscured by the politics and it is increasingly difficult to avoid making rash moves before all the relevant facts are known.

Politics typically corrupts science.

2006-12-29 00:59:43 · answer #5 · answered by Alan Turing 5 · 0 0

I'm trying to do may part, but it won't be easy. I'll answer the question with a question. How can we change the selfish, energy wasting habits of the western world and how can we convince the developing economies like China and India that copying us is a very, very bad thing to do.
In addiotion to that, we need to develop alternative, renewable, clean sources of energy because no matter how much we change our ways, we'll still require huge amounts of energy to maintain societies that are remotely similar to the ones we live in today.
Start by driving less, buying less and wasting less.

2006-12-29 00:35:36 · answer #6 · answered by mitchleck 2 · 0 0

Please see the web pages for more details on Global warming.
The current scientific consensus is that "most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been attributable to human activities". The main cause of the human-induced component of warming is the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), especially carbon dioxide (CO2), due to activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture.

2006-12-29 00:43:19 · answer #7 · answered by gangadharan nair 7 · 0 0

We can slow global warming by taking care of our world by recycling, reusing and limiting polution. But we can't stop it persay, because alot of other things that are natually occuring cause the world to warm. Can you stop a cow from producing gas without the animal explodeing? They produce methane gas which is a natural factor in global warming.

2006-12-29 00:36:37 · answer #8 · answered by mommyramey 2 · 0 0

Use less Energy.

Drive more fuel efficient (smaller and lighter) vehicles or use public transportation.

Improve homes to be more energy efficient.

Increase recycling efforts.

Use renewable resources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, or Nuclear power which does not produce any greenhouse gases.

2006-12-29 01:30:49 · answer #9 · answered by Jess 2 · 0 0

since global warming is supposedly caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide, we could plant more plants and trees or at least stop cutting all of them down. plants use carbon dioxide for their survival and we cannot exactly stop producing it since it's a large part of what we breathe out. strategically tear down old, run down, unused buildings and stuff and use the lots they're on to plant trees and flowers and stuff and simply let nature take over from there.

2006-12-29 00:53:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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