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Needless to say, yr parents will be shocked. Anyhow, hiding the matter is not a remedy. So, at first, confirm yr pregnancy by doing the required blood test. if the result is positive, tell yr parents immediately.

Don't get upset if they behave rudely. Handle the situation with utmost care. Dear, pls don't support abortion b'coz its a sin..(killing a human being).

May God bless u.

2006-12-28 16:23:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You should face them like an adult since you made an adult decision. Don't put of telling them it could just make the situation worse. Take responsibility for your actions. If you don't feel like you can raise a child right now, you might want to look into adoption. If adoption is something you are really looking into you should find info on the Internet about adoption agencies and such and have that info to share with your parents when you tell them. Have a plan. Raising a child is expensive and time consuming. It can also be very rewarding. In the end your the only one that knows what is best for you. Although your parents may be mad at first, hopefully they will continue to love and support you in whatever decision you make.
Good luck!

2006-12-29 00:54:37 · answer #2 · answered by bree 3 · 0 0

Well, first wait untill they are both avaliable to talk to you at the same time. Ask them to set down and have a chat with you. Then tell them. You want the setting to be as calming as it can be. Also, know that they may react in different ways. They may get mad, they may yell, they may cry. But try as hard as you can to keep your cool and don't let your emotions get away with you.. If you are pregnant, it will make your parents feel better to know that you are able to handle telling them about something serious. I wish the best for you. I hope that if you are pregnant, that everything will work out for you and that your parents will be very supportive of you. Good luck!

2006-12-29 00:36:11 · answer #3 · answered by Mrs. SmartyPants 3 · 0 0

Honestly there is no easy way to tell your parents; however it is best to tell them sooner than later. I was 16 when I got pregnant and told my mother on Christmas Eve, which I don't recommend :). It is now 12 years later and although very rough @ first it has turned out well. Family support was a big factor in my success. Admit your err, take responsibility, and continue to move forward. Wishing you the best!

2006-12-29 00:45:33 · answer #4 · answered by Krazee 3 · 0 0

I suggest you be direct in your approach. Just say it out loud. That is the hardest part for most girls. Say "I am pregnant". Be prepared for a variety of responses. Anger, sadness and disappointment are common responses.
However, trust that your parents can handle the hurt and disappointment. Trust they will recover and help you make the best decision for you and your baby's future. Most parents want the best for their children and act in their best interest.

If there is a crisis pregnancy center in your area, I advise you go there for confidential counseling. These are wonderful christian agencies that will provide free pregnancy tests, information about your baby's development, and free helpful parenting classes. Most importantly, they provide confidential one on one counseling regarding your pregnancy. They will not disclose your information with your parents or anyone else. Yet, they will counsel you and your parents together if you desire. It is very helpful to talk to a more neutral party that can offer practical help to you. These counseling services are completely free to you.

God has a perfect plan for your life and your child's life. Your pregnancy is not a surprise to Him. Turn to Him for encouragement and guidance. I pray you will have peace in your heart as you share this information with your parents.

2006-12-29 00:49:44 · answer #5 · answered by soso 1 · 0 0

You should talk to your parents about it because one way or another they will find out and it will be better if you tell them. Another thing that you need is their support because it will make you feel so much better knowing that they are by your side nad that they will be there to help you out. Sometimes you will get yelled at but at the end they still care about you and they will help you because you are their daughter.

2006-12-29 00:40:07 · answer #6 · answered by Karolina 1 · 0 0

well...u do need to let them know. I dont know if it will be a shock for them or not, depending how much they know about what u do. Just sit down with them and calmly tell them. they may freek at first cause it may be a shock. but they will get used to the idea and actually be really excited. it is a nerve racking thing. their baby is having a baby! but u will be fine. u arnt the first and wont be the last. Good Luck and God Bless

2006-12-29 00:36:43 · answer #7 · answered by goober 4 · 0 0

Yes. i know it would be hard but you should tell your parents as soon as possible so they can get you medical help. Understand that they will be upset and allow them to be, Do not expect them to be happy, once they get used to the idea it will get better. Choose a good time and tell them, explain you know it was a mistake but that you need help to decide what to do with your life and how to have the baby.

2006-12-29 00:21:38 · answer #8 · answered by fancyname 6 · 0 1

depends on how old you are, my sister-in-law conceived on her 18th birthday, that is actually the date the dr gave her. Honestly, just sit down with them and tell them. You need to start getting regular check-ups and be sure to take prenatal vitamines everyday, or a multi vitamin and a seperate folic acid, that is what I did while pregnant with my son and what I am doing now in prep to conceive.

2006-12-29 01:04:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course you should tell your parents, even though they might get mad, but thats your parents and they love you and only want the best for you. and they will find out sooner or later, and I would rather tell them before anything else.

2006-12-29 00:54:34 · answer #10 · answered by misty blue 6 · 0 0

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