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I am about to be 17 and i am trying to conceive. I understand i may be too young but me and my fiance really want a baby. One of our friends is a soon-to-be-father and he always brings over his girls ultrasounds and i get a little jealous. I want a baby and i am in the condition financially,physically and mentally. What can i do to raise the possibility of me getting pregnant. I know have sex, (which we do quite often)and buy an ovulation test... but how can i buy it without getting caught by my mom?? please help me!!!

2006-12-28 16:17:06 · 16 answers · asked by lil_mama2120 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

16 answers

i know you are going to hear that you are really young. but you are and im sorry but you are. Im 19 and married and trying to start a family as well and its been hard. becuase my brother in law and his girlfriend just found out there having a baby. and im totaly jealous of them. we do everything and nothing is happing. the best ways to get pregnant from what i have been told is to relax dont stress it and do somthing to take it off of your mind and sooner or later it will happen. dont rush it. i wish you the best of luck and hope it all works out for you in the end. i know my post didnt really help you much but i know where you are coming from being young and in love and wanting a family so bad.

2006-12-28 16:23:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ummm...you posted this question because you want to be nagged at right? You know we're all going to tell you you're too young to be engaged let alone trying to conceive. Secondly if something is a secret it's probably not something that should be done. Listen, do a few things you want to do in life before having a baby. It will work out better I promise. You fiance will be there with you throughout the years if he truly loves you. You can experience life together. Having a baby at this age is more dangerous to you and the baby. You have a higher risk of preeclampsia and c-section. I know that you want to have somebody love you unconditionally, so if must, get that from your fiance, and put off having a baby for a few more years. Besides, you'll have a great time being "auntie" to your friend's baby. That's pretty fullfilling, I can tell you that! Make good choices for the long run, and take care!

2006-12-29 02:23:43 · answer #2 · answered by Honesty given here! 4 · 1 0

First and foremost you need to ask yourself if this is something you have to hide from your family it is obviously something that you shouldn't be doing. Please tell me how you are financially ready to support a child at the age of 16. You have not even lived life yet. I am sure you are still living at home so you possibly don't have bills to pay and don't know what it is like living on your own. Have you thought about things in their entirety? I was 19 when I got pregnant with my son, and although I wouldn't take it back for anything in the world I still miss doing the things I did before. It is hard when my husband and I want to have a night out every once in a while we have to find a baby sitter and that doesn't come so easily. Babies are really expensive, my husband makes really good money for his age and I am talking above 50k a year we are doing just fine financially but we have had our rough times. You have so much living to do, go out and have fun and enjoy your youth there is always time to have a baby once you get a bit older. Just enjoy being able to be with our boyfriend and in a couple of years down the road then start thinking about having a family. Yes babies are cute and cuddly and fun and all of that but you are still in high school are you ready to get up every couple of hours through the night to take care of a baby, and who would watch this baby while you are in school surely you wouldn't solely rely on your parents to take care of this baby while you are finishing high school. I don't know anything about you but what I do have to offer is my opinion and my advice. Sweety I have been there done that and let me tell you it is for sure hard. Having a baby changes EVERYTHING the way you go about life, it puts a strain on you and your boyfriend. What are you going to do if when this baby is born something happens where you two split and now you are going to be however many years old with a baby relying on help from others. Wait until you are older to start having a family that is the best thing I can say about it. Go to your local Wal-Mart and take a look at how much things cost, IE diapers, formula, clothes, and other essentials yeah you can have a baby shower but that stuff only lasts you so long and then you are on your own again. I really hope you think this through before making a life changing decision. Best of luck to you and I hope you decide that a baby is not what you need right now.

2006-12-29 01:57:19 · answer #3 · answered by ~ Lace ~ 4 · 0 0

While reading your questions, I was thinking...ekkkk 17....you have so much living to do before you should have a kid but who am I to judge. She is financially, physcally and mentally ready. Then I read your last line, without being caught by my mom. YOU ARE NOT READY!!! What, do you think your mom won't find out if you get pregnant. You just proved that you are not mature enough to have a baby (and you shouldn't be-no offence. You're 17). I know, it is annoying to hear everyone tell you you aren't ready when you feel you are. People aren't lying, we just have been around on this planet for a few more years and have more experience. please wait.

You have YEARS to have a baby! Think about how much you have changed since you were 7 years old (10 yrs ago). Your friends, your values, your dreams etc...You will change that much again in the next 10 years. Enjoy them, dream, grow, learn, experiment...but not with having a child. Do that later :-)

2006-12-29 00:26:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think it's great that you're wanting to settle down and start a family...I just think you're doing it WAY too soon. You not even considered old enough to vote, let alone have a beer....and you think that you're truly ready to raise another person? Don't be jealous of what your friend is doing. Be happy for him and learn as much as you can from someone else's situation. I just turned 25 and a majority of my friends have families. Of course, I would eventually like one, but I haven't done nearly all of the things that I would like to be able to do without having to pay $10 an hour for a babysitter or have someone else rely on me for every single thing. I absolutely LOVE my friend's kids and have learned so much from seeing each of them become parents. PLEASE enjoy being young...cause once you have that lil' one it's GONE and there is NO turning back. Don't rush...enjoy your fiance, have fun planning the wedding of your dreams, travel with your new husband. Just enjoy life. Good luck with whatever you decide...but if having a baby is really what you want to do and you really think that you are ready in every way, why are you trying to hide it from your mother? An adult that is ready to start a family should not be afraid of their parent's finding out or "getting caught"- they should be thrilled to tell them the good news.

2006-12-29 00:27:42 · answer #5 · answered by Jessica M 1 · 1 1

wait. wait wait wait. I was 20 when I got pregnant with my first. I got pregnant on my honeymoon. I love my son more than life itself, BUT... I missed out on alot of the things my friends were doing. My husband and I wanted kids really badly too, and we thought it wasnt a big deal to have them right away.. but you need time to enjoy being a married couple before immediately beccoming a family. Please wait. You may feel like you are ready.. but feeling that you are ready, and truly BEING ready are two different things. A baby is a 24 hour 6 day a week commitment. You will be giving up every second of your time, every penny of your money, and every inch of your being to this baby, and you must be prepared for that. If you need to hide the pregnancy or the fact that you are trying to get pregnant from your mom, then you shouldnt be getting pregnant. Spend time with your friends baby and get familiar with what it is actually like to have a child. When you are married... a little wiser.. a few more years under your belt.. then you will be better prepared to raise your child

2006-12-29 00:22:12 · answer #6 · answered by Kristin B 4 · 3 1

if you're worried about getting caught by your mom, then you are too young for a baby. wait until your friend has her baby, and wait until that baby is about 6 months. then i'll imagine you'll think different. i know it's hard when it's what you want, but you have time and you need to go to college and get a life, (and i don't mean that in a bad way dear) and live in your own place and truely be ready to add a child into your life, because your life stops when you have a child and becomes theirs.

2006-12-29 02:47:22 · answer #7 · answered by cagney 6 · 1 0

I started trying for my first baby at seventeen too so you can do it if you want! And don't worry, it took me eight months to get pregnant with my first baby. About 60% of couples conceive within the first six months. 95% conceive within the first year. You do not need to buy anything. Just enjoy life and it will happen when it is suppose to happen. Remember your baby gets to pick it's birthday. Good luck!

2006-12-29 01:32:22 · answer #8 · answered by aimeeme_g 5 · 0 1

truthfully i think you may need to rethink this. i know you say that you are ready for a baby, but if you are worried about being able to buy an ovulation test without your mom finding out, i seriously doubt that you are truly ready. what are you going to do when you do get pregnant? not tell your mom? if your were seriously ready for a baby you wouldn't be worried about your mom finding out because you would be very open with what you want.

2006-12-29 00:22:37 · answer #9 · answered by *~ riddles ~* 3 · 2 1

Dam girl your only 17!!!!!!!!!!! Your financially set???? how is that possible? No one ever financially set, especially at 17. You need to enjoy the rest of your TEENAGE YEARS, get married, make sure you both have secure JOBS! then in about 5-6 years have a child.

2006-12-29 00:50:11 · answer #10 · answered by missjewl 3 · 1 1

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