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"naznzfz" had asked a question about our brain potential and so I wanted to know alittle more. Whats holding us back from using more then that 10%? what kind of power or abilitys are we capible of? We use our bodies everyday and know how to utilizie it. (not 100% but a number way up there). I know we use our brains more so why cant we unlock it to its full potential?

2006-12-28 15:00:29 · 13 answers · asked by infiniteson 3 in Social Science Psychology

13 answers

That is an awesome question! One that is exciting for those that thirst for such knowledge. Most people are not willing to do what is required to maximize brain power.

If you are willing to study neuro-linquistics programing and many other techinques to enhance ones personal power, you are willing to devote all or most of your time studying and practicing each day eliminating other none brain powering exercises.

Learning how to master mental arithmetics, doing math quickly without paper, learning a general body of language necessary to learn how to speak, read, and write foreign languages with proficiency, learning how to photoread or speed with a high percentage of comprehension, understanding the fundamentals of mathematics and science, mastering the principles of "Thinking" or studying logic, ....

I think if one can read and compehend information as quickly as possible, one will be able to study the many technigues more aggressively to advance ones brainpower. Being able to learn and use a large vocabulary will enhance reading skills. Learning how to and through practice improve memory skills will enhance ones brain power significantly.

Enhancing ones creativity will be a big plus. How to think creativitively new ways of solving mans problems is one of the most contributing factors to mankind. Learning what others achieved in the past is fundamental and often necessary in order to leverage oneself in a particular subject, but learning how to take that knowledge to a level where most stopped is an accomplisment that could lead to a Nobel Prize or something.

Mastering the fundaments, reading, writing, and arithmetic is the beginning, but when I say master, I mean doing each with the highest level of achievement and with greater speed than 90 percent of the rest of the world. Its exciting you are interested in maximizing brain power and intelligence!

Most desire it, but few and only a few are willing to do what is necessary to achieve it. It will require a lot of work, and I mean hard work! It requires networking with others in the form of a mastermind group as a support system. Alone, it will take longer to achieve because you can question a book but you will have to find the answers within it, which is limiting.

However, being able to ask a person possesing the knowledge one is seeking offers more. The ability of that individual to explain a subject in different ways that is more comprehensable. And your quested might be more advanced than the book or the book might be limiting. Either case, you must expand your resources beyond books.

You must seek out people like Anthony Robbins, Dr. Debono, and many other researchers regarding personal power and more. There is plenty of research out there in the market. And it can be rather overwhelming. Almost to the point where one must become specialized in particular areas. Thats one of the problems I see with maximizing brain power, one must specialize in today's information age.

It is not possible to know everything. Even if you dedicated all of your time trying to learn everything, new research is created every single day while you are learning yesterdays.

I do not like to admit what is impossible and what is possible because then again, not all information is necessary to learn either. Some information is trivial depedending on what information you are seeking.

Oh, my friend, what an interesting topic you are inquiring of. Please stay inspired and start your research. Starting learning one of the most important things, I think because being able to read is required. Not just average or regular levels of reading, but the highest levels of reading with the fastest speeds possible with the highest percentage of comprehension.

You will have to read a lot of information and choose the most important elements of each subject in this high speed age. Improving memory skills will also be essential is "memory recall" will be very important of course. Learning how to think. Studying logic, argumentation, language, will also enhance critical thinking skills which will be required to sift through information and the sources asserting it.

It almost appears to be a scientific endeavor. This subject, the subject of maximizing ones brain power is one I am thirsting for today also. I have begun tonight!

I love television, games, and more like most people, but I am willing to give it up at least spending less time doing those things to maximize brain power. Why is this so important?

Most of the wealthiest people on this earth do not possess or use as much of there brains, however, they do use the brains of others to enhance there abilities to build wealth! (smile) Its the truth!

Study the history of men and women that achieved great masses of wealth and you will discover individuals with leadership and vision but had people on there teams with specialized knowledge, more knowledge than they know about particular subjects. Of course, some of them are arrogant and flamboyant in thinking they are the brains of there operations, but lets get real about it! (smile) If Donald Trump was so smart, he would never have to file bankrupsy. He would know how to keep his wives happy and in love with him endlessly without ever thoughts of divorce and more. Problems will exist, but how one prevents preventable problems is another. Solving problems after the facts is another also. Not taking any vision and or leadership abilities away from Donald Trump or any other person for that matter. but few devote the time necessary to achieve a higher degree of brain power they possess.

What are the rewards of this power? Wow, if I had it today, I would be able to quickly and rapidly find answers to any questions I may have. Better yet, I will have the right information in my possession to make the best decisions possible in terms of either preventing problems or solutions to any problems.

It would certainly allow me to be more creative and inventitive. It would indeed make one a better entrepreneur and perhaps allow one to amass wealth quicker than most. With certain knowledge, one will be able to pick the best players to be on there business teams which is an awesome ability. And there are so many rewards, unlimited opportunities in todays environment. All the best my friend!!! You are welcome to stay in touch with me via yahoo messenger regarding this matter and others. --- Stanley Pall --- stanleypall@yahoo.com

2006-12-28 15:43:13 · answer #1 · answered by Stanley Pall 1 · 1 1

Insightful question. Here is a short article from Bringle that addresses the 10% theory:

It is a myth that humans only use a fraction of their brains. Even through scientists are still trying to unravel the mysteries of the human mind, every part of the brain is known to have a function. From an evolutionary point of view, larger brains would not have developed if there had not been an advantage to do so.

The origins of this myth are unknown, but it might have originated from a researcher named Karl Spencer Lashley who lived about a hundred years ago. He removed parts of the brains of rats and showed that they could still perform certain tests. The problem with these results are that the rats were only tested on tasks that required the parts of the brain that had not been removed. If the rats had been given other tests, they would have certainly failed.

2006-12-28 23:17:46 · answer #2 · answered by Beverly (Bea) 4 · 1 0

One word. Oxygen. Our brains can only reach a limit because of the O2 saturation required to fire all our synapses, however since we are limited in our Oxygen absorption rates, our brains are limited in that sense, so until we as humans either evolve more or find a way to make ourselves absorb more, our brains remain as they are, HOWEVER, brain overload is quite possible if we indeed find a way for more brainpower, it's like knowing there's more beyond the glass ceiling, but being unable to reach out without dieing...

2006-12-28 23:25:25 · answer #3 · answered by Cory W 4 · 0 0

There's plenty of possible explanations, though none of them may be true.

But I think that it is an act of self-preservation. We can only handle so much, so we do not use more than we can take. If we used our full potential, it could be fatal, and it could cause too much stress on our bodies.

But I'm somewhat insane, I suppose. But it is not true that we use only 10%. We do use 100% of our brain, but we may not use as much of one part of our brain for one activity, but we may use it way more for another activity. We do use our brain to our full potential.

2006-12-28 23:13:51 · answer #4 · answered by The World Ends with You 5 · 2 0

That's a figure that comes up a lot which is honestly such a general estimation because we know so little about the actual inner workings of thought. I really wouldn't worry about it. I mean who knows positively what's happening in our head when we remember and solve and relate and rationalize. Is it reallly all little electric impulse? What else don't we know about?

That 10% thing has got to go. Makes a good movie plotline though.

2006-12-28 23:10:51 · answer #5 · answered by Serious 2 · 0 0

I'm not sure that the full portion of the brain is meant to be used in conscious endevors. proportionally , I'm sure large areas are needed simply for motor functions and the autonomic nervous system and such.
Large portions of cerebral activity,especially in men, is taken up just thinking about sex related stuff. If we could just harness that portion and channel it toward creative activities we might get up to 11 or 12% usage. What do you think?

2006-12-28 23:09:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look at the destruction we cause with are ten percent. It is probably an act of evolution so we don't become extinct. Imagine that people could make things burst into flames at will. What happens when they are in rush hour traffic ?

2006-12-28 23:06:52 · answer #7 · answered by felixtricks 3 · 0 0

We would become like the mentats in the movie DUNE. Super intelligent with lightning fast reading and comprehension ability.

2006-12-28 23:09:11 · answer #8 · answered by david m 5 · 0 0

A newspaper article mentioned people's heads exploding when they used too much of their brain capacity. Odd article.

2006-12-28 23:06:21 · answer #9 · answered by Clown Knows 7 · 0 0

using 10% has lead to today's world. imagine if all the 100% had been utilised. amazing world would have emerged.

2006-12-29 02:28:50 · answer #10 · answered by sona_d 3 · 0 0

all epopel wouldnt be as stupid. everyone would be healthy, and technology would be amazing. everyone could co-exist in peace and "psychic" abilities owuld be available to us

2006-12-28 23:09:00 · answer #11 · answered by xXBrudu BXx 4 · 0 0

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