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i am in love with my girl n she feels the same we said that if we have our baby that nothing will split us up..and right now we've gone through her miscarriage & shes only 15..that was hard for me because my uncle is going through that..we both want to have our child..we will stay in school and go to college...we want to have a child of our own...we are in love & we know it will last forever..what should i do?

2006-12-28 14:49:55 · 25 answers · asked by youngin' 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

25 answers

If you both are head over heels in love, this can wait. Having a baby is a serious, life-changing thing and high school/college is an important part of your life. Babies and education are meant to be separate phases of your life, so wait til after college. You'll be so much happier as an adult raising a child. You'll be able to give him or her your undivided attention and won't have to focus about your next test in math.

Best of luck :)

2006-12-28 14:59:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous :) 5 · 4 0

first of all, knowing is great, just keep on knowing and wait. Assuming you are the same age, you both are way way too young to properly care for and support a child. Most places won't even hire you until you are 16, and actually you even need a high school diploma to be a garbage collection person. You can't even get married yet, and in some places the relationship you have is illegal if you are older than her because she is still a minor.

My sister in law had her first child at 18, she thought she was ready, she wasn't. Their son just turned 2 this month. She never finished high school, she hasn't had a job since just after getting pregnant and she now lives on whatever money her now ex fiance sends her. They were in love from about your age. They were supposed to be getting married last month, instead she moved back home and out of the states, she just found out that she is 3-4 months pregnant with their second child and will be raising both children on her own on welfare. She didn't have the time or money to go back to school.

If you have a child now, you have 2 or 3 more years of high school, then 2-5 years of college depending on your program, if 2 get pregnant now, your child will be up to 7 or 8 years old before either of you are finished college, providing you have the money to attend after having a child. Do you really want to ship your child off to daycare for someone else to raise while you finish school and hopefully get a job. It is much easier to wait, finish school first, find a job and get married. If you both just know this is going to last, it won't be hard to wait until you are older, have jobs and get married.

I sincerely hope you both wait, if you have to ask in here you are really really not ready to have a child.

2006-12-28 23:15:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For one, you are way too young to be having a child. Do you know how much a child will cost? On average a child would cost about $10,000 its first year, that is not including miscellaneous things like diapers, clothes, etc. How do you intend on paying for that. How do you plan on going to school, working and raising a child? Now, I am assuming you’re probably between the ages of 15 - 17, what jobs are you going to get that would support this baby? Do you intend on having your parents financially support it.

I used to be like you. I wanted to have a baby and wouldn't let anything stop me. Then my friends started having children and I realized that is no joke. What are you going to do when you go to college and you have 3 finals coming up the next day; your child has a fever over 100 degrees and needs to be rushed to the hospital. Or its 4 in the morning, you stayed up all night doing a project, and your child has just woken up. It’s really fussy and all you want to do is put it to bed, so you could get some rest. But the baby has another agenda.

Your girlfriend is probably miscarrying because her body isn’t ready to produce another life. If the two of you keep trying and she keeps miscarrying, the chances of her being able to have a kid in the future are slim.

You guys are so young and you have your whole life to live, why would you want to throw it away for a child. Don't get me wrong, a child is a blessing, but when you’re not ready emotional, financially or physically they can be a burden. You don’t really want to miss out on all the beauties of being young. You live your teenage years only once. After you finish school, and are well off then you can think about a baby.

If the love between you and your girlfriend is that strong, you two should stay together. Work on building a future together.

In closing, before you go and make any mistakes, think about that child. Think about what you can and can not give it. Think about the connection you will have with it once it comes. Think about the finically set backs you’re about to cause for yourself.

2006-12-28 23:13:01 · answer #3 · answered by Bison0809 2 · 0 0

I know it's hard to have thoughts of your unborn baby and what if thoughts, im sorry for your loss. Try and believe everything happens for a reason, it wasnt the right time, so live your young lives and when the time is right and you guys are still together try again. Replacing the pregnancy is not a good idea. Get through high school, be young, babies change EVERYTHING and they are EXPENSIVE. Also there is a lot of risks to teens carrying a baby under the age of 17, which could be the reason for the miscarriage. I know theres a nice pretty picture in your head of having this glowing family and baby but trust me it's not what you are picturing. IT's a lot of work! Babies are a blessing but for the sake of everyone try to cope with this loss and wait. Use protection!! BEst of luck!

2006-12-28 22:57:45 · answer #4 · answered by estkijedsco 4 · 2 0

If you know that it will last forever, then why not wait until after you both get an education. Don't you want to be able to give your baby the things that only a decent job can buy? It is obvious that her teenage body is not yet ready for pregnancy, if you love her that much, you will think of her health and wait. Last but not leaste, you can not take care of another person until you can take care of yourself, and at your age, that's not possible without relying on others. Take pride, for your girl and for the baby that you want to have together and complete your educations and get married before you reproduce, then shame won't get in the way of you being a happy family.

2006-12-28 22:56:22 · answer #5 · answered by flisagrose 2 · 3 0

I dont doubt that you and your girlfriend have a very special relationship. but you are still very young, there are many things in life you still need to do and experience, as well as your girlfriend. racing a child is not easy, specially when you are a teenager, since you can't even take care of yourself. i'm 22 years old, and im going to have my first child, it hasn't been easy, and the baby isn't born yet. i can only imagine how much harder they are going to get. i really don't think having a child a this age is the best idea, specially now that your girlfriend had a miscarriage. take things easy, don't rush yourself into something you are going to regret when is too late.

2006-12-28 22:58:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Please put the child part on hold until you're twenty-five. A child needs adult parents who have enough education to earn a good living. For that matter, you need and deserve enough education to earn a good living. College is exhausting enough without a household, bills, and a child in the equation. If indeed you are still a couple at twenty-five, you will be at the ideal age to parent a child... past your own childhood, but with great energy...just the right time to start on that family journey.

2006-12-28 22:58:22 · answer #7 · answered by silver.graph 4 · 1 0

Young girls sometimes miscarry because their bodies are not mature enough to carry a child to term. Wait until she has fully matured into a woman before even thinking about getting pregnant.

In the meantime, volunteer at places that have kids in need, like hospice, the hospital, a shelter, a boys or girls ranch, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Special Olympics, so you have a better idea of what kids need. It will also give you a chance to grow closer as a couple.

2006-12-28 22:55:51 · answer #8 · answered by TeacherLady 6 · 3 0

If your in so much love then you don't have to have a baby to prove it. Find someone that has an infant or baby and ask to take care of it for as long as they will allow to see what it's like. Raising a child is hard and she's still a child herself. You should want to explore more together and have some fun you have lots of time!!

2006-12-28 22:54:50 · answer #9 · answered by tiffani_0602 2 · 3 0

You have all the time in the world to have a child. I understand you love each other but you have to remember are you and her both ready to get a JOB, go to school take care of the baby and still get good grades? and what if the baby comes out with a deformity you have to be prepared and have money. if you're meant to be you guys can wait. dont rush you will never get your teenage years again...best of luck!

2006-12-28 23:47:00 · answer #10 · answered by Jessica 1 · 0 0

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