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23 answers

Tell them whats really in Area 51...

2006-12-28 14:13:29 · answer #1 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

Take a trip around the world, shake hands with all the leaders, see if they had a daughter I could marry and then marry as many as I could to make peace in the world, and then have a bunch of kids to fill that big White House, put swing sets up, have a kennel of dogs, and cats, birds, etc. Grow corn and tomatoes, etc., On thanksgiving open the white house lawn for free turkey plates, like a soup kitchen for the poor. Invite people in to see how the place operates behind all those hidden walls. Police the Congress, Senate, and the House to see they are doing the legit things for the people. Go from state to state and see the country a little more and visit with the common people, and see what they need? Make every state eliminate the death penalty until they really prove that those people really did the dirty deeds. Take the first born son I have and make sure he knows never to go into politics ha ha Oh and make sure there are jobs for everyone here and not overseas so they can import to us and we pay the price double, and plus we are jobless? I would put an embargo on all products that were made and distributed to us by any government that was our enemy,meaning the Arab oil et al. There are other places to get oil. And raise the minimum wage to 10 dollars an hour.

2006-12-28 23:01:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Start dismantling the parasitic bureaucracy of government and set up a team to study and eliminate all laws, rules and regulations that infringe on basic human rights. Initiate a complete study of all educational systems with a clear focus on student benefit through direct student/teacher interaction and positive influence. Revamp social services with an eye towards creating an environment that fosters accomplishment and inititive rather than welfare at any level. Abolish all forms of political special interest groups. Estqablish a scientific community with no political agenda to study the climate and determine what, if anything, we are really doing and address it in a rational fashion.

If all that didn't get me assasinated I'd be very surprised.

2006-12-28 22:00:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The first thing I would do is try to educate everyone on what exactly my powers would be and how they can best pervent me from useing them. I would then start educating people on what there powers are and how I cant stop them from useing them. Education of the world would be my top issue but it would only go to thouse that asked for it unless I saw a huge need and/or made a lapse in judgement. I would warn the people that unabsolute power can lead to corruption and I would have both probably.

2006-12-28 22:17:31 · answer #4 · answered by magpiesmn 6 · 0 0


A. create a new branch of government, the imperial branch. the officials in that branch are kings who get into office by heredity or by appointment by the emperor. their duties are:

1. to be the example of moral, ethical, and honorable virtue
2. to be commander in chief of their nation's army. the emperor is commander in chief of the imperial army.
3. administer the command economy

B. create a command economy. this is an economy in addition to the demand economy. the purpose of the command economy is to:
1. devise industry standards for everything from the data rate in a USB cable to the safety rating of cars.
2. train individuals in trades, administer apprentices, operate community colleges, etc.
3. invest in creating economies in 3rd world nations where economies did not exist before.

C. outlaw profit industries where there are monopolies. electric, water, health care, will all be operated as co-ops, where they are owned by the people they serve and profits are divided among them.

D. stop the spread of aids.
1. the imperial army will provide security and order for areas affected
2. doctors trained in colleges run by the command economy will research a cure and quarantine individuals with the disease.
3. the command economy will put resources into countries worst affected in order to combat the poor conditions that AIDS surfaces in.

E. promote literature, education, and the arts.
1. HUGE library
2. colleges everywhere
3. a big planetarium
4. astronomy telescopes

F. explore space. getting to mars will require long term planning. a 4 year president lacks the foresight to effectively colonise space because every 4 years they start over again with a new president. a lifetime guy with a son after him to do the same has the time necesary to plan space exploration.

G. create a new constitution with a bill of rights in simple, plain language, including commentary and explanations. each emperor will sign the constitution in his blood. each emperor's most important duty is to maintain the spirit of the constitution and protect it from perversions that representatives and other congressmen make up.

H. achieve world peace.
1. imperial oversight over all kings so tha tnobody invades a neighbor.
2. arming the general citizenry so that invasions can be resisted by everyone.
3. promoting economic stability so that each person has enough food and wealth
4. the imperial army "crusaders" will lead any wars against enemies of the empire, to include muslims, maoists, militant socialists, dictators, drug lords, etc.

I. achieve sustainment of our way of life through unlimited renewable sources of energy, clean water, and clean air. all materials that can be recycled will be recycled. no materials that cannot be recycled will be manufactured. through unlimited energy to recycle materials that already exist and to wash dishes and things, disposable items will begin to dissapear.

2006-12-28 22:30:39 · answer #5 · answered by Stand-up Philosopher 5 · 0 0

I would think out a way to get other countries to destroy their weapons, and then I would destroy ours.. Then I would find ways to encourage citizens to be better stewards to the environment. I would make it so that jails only housed people who committed violent crimes, not pitiful small violations. I would employ the death penalty, I would make harsher punishments for very violent crimes, I would invest the nations wealth in Microsoft stock... haha,,, pay off the debts owed to other countries, find smarter ways to improve the educational system without causing huge drains on tax payers dollars.

2006-12-28 23:11:18 · answer #6 · answered by oneclassicmaiden 3 · 0 0

Universal sign language for all, to enable every race/nationalities to be able to communicate with one another (even the deaf and dumb). There will be no language barrier then.
Universal principles of life, perhaps make it a religion for one and all to follow - these 5 simple rules for happy living:
1. free your heart from hatred
2. free your mind from worries
3. live simply
4. give more
5. expect less

2006-12-29 04:43:57 · answer #7 · answered by TK 4 · 0 0

Form sports teams for each country and when problems arise, they would play a game and the winner would prevail with their way.

War would be replaced by football or water polo.

2006-12-28 23:45:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I second Bob, and I'd tell those lazy bastards to govern themselves, but first I'd abolish taxes. Then I'd allow myself free groceries and living expenses for the rest of my life. Get rid of stupid things like the war on drugs and abstinence teaching, and I'd use the money funded for bullshit to actually feeding and clothing people who need it.
Of course this is idealism.

2006-12-28 22:24:36 · answer #9 · answered by CrowsFeet 2 · 0 0

First act execute any that might oppose me. Elect my self Emperor. Rise taxes start a secret police to enforce my will. Also would start indoctrinateing the youth. Long live the emperor!

2006-12-28 22:18:12 · answer #10 · answered by felixtricks 3 · 1 0

1st, i must find some really experienced advisors and councillors.

as life is complex, so is politics.

the negative and positive is sometimes on a very very thin line.

2nd, i must take care of my health and of course, must have a family doctor.

3rd, i must try to answer yahoo answers at least 2 answers each day.

4th, whatever books i read i must be as neutral as possible.

5th, whatever advice and news i receive i must also be as neutral as possible but still having humanity.

6th, i have to pray at least once every day.

7th, i must love the world just as i love the country.

mercury of love

2006-12-28 21:58:25 · answer #11 · answered by mercury of love 4 · 0 0

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