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My daughter is 15 days old and if I put her down and she doesn't want to be she cries then I pick her up and she stops is this normal and should I let her cry sometimes? I don't want her to cry but everyone says that it is ok to let them cry sometimes I am a first time mom and I of course am worried about every little thing. But is she already spoiled?

2006-12-28 13:23:02 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

35 answers

She is not spoiled. You can't spoil a newborn. Something that is spoiled is something that has been left on a shelf to rot, ignored. Not someone/something that you pay attention to. When a 2 week old baby crys, she crys to communicate. It's your job to respond to those crys. Sometimes what she will need at this age is simply to be held. That is GOOD and FINE and it will not hurt her or "spoil" her for you to respond to that need. It's a survival instinct on her part. Remember, just 15 short days ago she was inside of you. She could see/hear/smell/feel/taste you ever second of every day for the past 9 months. Now, she does not yet have a sense of the two of you as separate beings. She is confused and scared when she can't sense you. She doesn't have a sense of the permenance of objects yet at this age either, which means when she can't sense you she doesn't know for sure if you still exhist. Her whole world was turned upside down just a few short days ago. Hold her. Pick her up and comfort her. Be assured that you are meeting her NEEDS and NOT spoiling her when you do so.

2006-12-28 14:21:16 · answer #1 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 1 0

You can NOT spoil a baby. If your baby is 2 weeks old and is crying it is because she feels she needs something. At 2 weeks old she likely needs to be close to you. At her age it is developmentally incapable for her to manipulate which is what "spoiled" ultimately means.

You can't hold, love or cuddle a baby too much. They are this little ONLY once and as a mother I am telling you right now enjoy every second as much as you can. It goes by so fast and you will hardly remember it. She won't be spoiled even of you hold her every second. Play with her as much as you can!!

It's OK to let her cry if you are exhausted or if you feel all of her needs are met. Everyone has different parenting philosophies. It won't hurt her to let her cry.

If you ever feel that you might hurt her (this usually happens when a mother is so exhausted that she is out of her mind and it's ok and normal to be frazzled, just don't freak out) then always put her down in a safe place and leave the room. It's ok for her to cry. Get some help from a parenting organization.

2006-12-28 13:36:37 · answer #2 · answered by choice478 2 · 1 0

Think about how long you carried her in the womb. now she is brought into this different place without mommy all around. NO, you can't spoil her. I have a book called what to expect the 1st year and it is great. I had the same question b/c my 93 year old gram would always tell me I was going to spoil my son for always holding him. Now at 11 months he just wants to be crawling and on the go. So don't worry, you aren't spoiling her. She isn't ready for the let her cry thing either. Her brain can't understand that you pick her up everytime she cries!

2006-12-29 13:29:25 · answer #3 · answered by hypnotic_wht_grl_21 2 · 0 0

In the first few months of life, babies can't be spoiled. Their crying means something - you should check her diaper, see if she is hungry, does she have a fever, etc. If she is not tired/hungry/sick, then she may be overstimulated (Is her environment too loud, too bright, etc? Are you playing with her when she is showing signs of being tired?). Babies at this age like to be swaddled and fall asleep in your arms. Being held by mom is the best comfort for a baby. Some babies need something to sooth them when they are put down - you can try a pacifier, classical music, or a mobile. Sometimes babies do just need to cry it out - if your baby still continues to cry each time you put her down after you have comforted her, try letting her be for 5 minutes before picking her up again. She may need the time alone. Remember that the two of you are just getting to know each other, and soon you will be better able to understand and interpret her cries. As a mother, your love and instinct know what is best for your child.

2006-12-28 13:37:05 · answer #4 · answered by Erika 7 · 1 0

Absolutely not. At 15 days it's called bonding. She can't tell you what she wants, so she cries. And more often then not, she just wants your security.

Every mom needs a break though.... have you tried an automated swing for when you need to put her down and she doesn't want to be? Sometimes the rocking will comfort her for those extra few minutes you need to make lunch, use the bathroom, or just relax.

Now, when she gets stronger and it's time to start working on tummy time.... you'll want to let her cry a bit. My son hated being put down. But as my pediatrician assured me, he needed his tummy time to excercise his muscles. I would set him down, and he would literally cry until I picked him back up. So we did a few 5 minute sessions a day for a couple weeks, then moved it to 10 minute sessions.

Crying is ok when they get a little older, particularly when she shows you she understands some things. Listen to your instinct, we have it for a reason. You'll learn your baby's different cries and know how to react.


P.S. everyone is right about them growing too fast. You'll miss her being so needy. (I'm listening to my 4 and 3 year olds in the other room.... I miss it so much)

2006-12-28 13:39:10 · answer #5 · answered by immortal_angel_01 2 · 1 0

No--I don't think she is spoiled at all--some people believe that it is okay to let a baby cry but I totally disagree with them--if your baby is crying, what does your heart say? To pick her up, right? That's because that is what you would want someone to do for you if you were crying--Your little girl is new to this world and gets frightened easily, etc..It is your job to love, nurture and protect her--Crying is her only way of communicating with you--of letting you know that she is hungry, scared, hurt, tired, afraid, etc..If you ignore her cries, who else can she turn to--and how else can she express herself?...Yes--it can become tiring when a baby cries all the time--this may be why some people say--oh--you're spoiling the baby--that is ridiculous to me--No one said that being a parent was an easy job...I rarely let my son cry--and he is a wonderful child...and we have a great relationship--he knows that his mother is always there for him...

Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to stop children from crying--it nourishes them and comforts them--makes them feel safe--and sometimes you only have to do it for a few moments--then your child calms down naturally--instead of unnaturally bawling for what seems like hours...

Good luck -- follow your heart and trust your mother's instincts...--don't listen to what other people say...

2006-12-28 13:38:20 · answer #6 · answered by Shay 4 · 1 0

Honey YOU CANNOT SPOIL A NEWBORN BABY! Sorry to yell but it makes me crazy when I hear someone say that! Please, please do not listen to anyone who tells you that.
Think about it....your tiny little baby has been held tightly inside of you for quite some time. She has felt the warmth of being held inside of you, she has been able to hear your heartbeat and she has been able to hear your voice. Why should it be any different now? Of course she is going to crave those very same things now. When you pick her up and she feels the familiar warmth of your arms, the sound of your voice and the beat of your heart, she is comforted and happy. She needs to be held and loved as much as she needs to be fed and clean. It is a very real, important need. The thing about spoiling a newborn baby was never more than an Old Wives Tale....there was never any reality to it.
How do you feel when your baby cries? Like you want to go pick her up right? How does it feel when you pick her up and she instantly hushes? Wonderful and magical right? How can it be wrong? I remember with my first baby ( I had 5) wondering what magic I had in my arms that could make my baby so happy. It is just the magic of a mothers love. Babies grow up SO fast and soon there will be problems in her life that all the love in your arms cannot fix. Enjoy this precious time when you are her whole world. Go by your instincts. Trust that little voice inside of you that tells you to go to your baby. YOU are the best judge of what to do. She is YOUR baby. Don't let anyone tell you that you are spoiling her! You do what you feel is best!
Enjoy your baby. And by the way, congratulations.
Lady T~

2006-12-28 13:38:00 · answer #7 · answered by Lady Trinity 5 · 1 0

I know what you mean my baby boy is exactly like that he wants to be held all the time doesn't want to sleep alone in his crib he can sleep on my tummy for a hour and two minutes after i put him in his crib he knows it and wakes up wailing. don't let your newborn cry always be there for her they say for at least the first 3 months and what our parents did was the opposite I know cause my mom and Nana both tell me that my baby will be spoiled and i will never be able to leave him with anybody. but new studies show that a new born that is held immediately when it cries will be a more independent baby,toddler and adult down the road so do what you think is best for your baby trust your self and hey its your baby. If you feel really frustrated it is better to let your baby cry most likely will cry her self to sleep. make sure you try everything first though before you give up on her for a few minutes. It is tough to constantly be there with no hands free but I believe in the end it will be worth it.

2006-12-28 13:42:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You can't spoil a baby until about 4 months old. If you put her down and she cries then she just wants to be comforted and feel secure. I too am a first time mom and now my baby is 4 months old but the first 2 months I pretty much held her nonstop. Congrats and good luck.

2006-12-28 13:27:50 · answer #9 · answered by mdoud01 5 · 3 0

NO. Although some babies cry that much and some don't 2 weeks is too young to expect a baby to understand things. Yes it is ok to let them cry sometimes but it is very hard to hear them do it, especially when they start screaming. Pick her up and comfort her, that will teach her who you are and that she can always depend on you. As she gets older you can start easing off and you will know when she can be expected to understand that no means no (probably not until after six months) and you don't jump everytime she cries.

2006-12-28 13:30:06 · answer #10 · answered by El Tigre 3 · 2 0

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