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luck.i am very frusterated and upset ..anyone have any good ideas what i can do or try ?or does anyone know about pcos? PLEASAE HELP

2006-12-28 12:58:17 · 5 answers · asked by mizz_spoiled_bratt 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

5 answers

Sounds like you are on the right track. Make sure you are on a high enough dose of Glucophage (also called metformin..they are the same thing, but metformin is the generic term). The good news is that you will probably get pregnant, but you might need a higher dose. Here's some PCOS info and links. Good luck.

I recommend seeing a reproductive endocrinologist. They are generally more knowledgeable about PCOS and the correct treatment. Unfortunately, many doctors are not aware of the proper treatment.

The underlying cause of PCOS is insulin resistance (IR). The best treatment for PCOS is going on an insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin (1500-2550mg per day) combined with a low carb diet and exercise. There are a few important things to know:

1. Many women "pass" the test for IR, but still respond positively from the metformin. No one knows exactlly why..my thought is that the test is not a sure fire way of detecting the IR.

2. You must be on a high enough dose of metformin. I've heard women complain that their bodies dont start working even though they've been on metformin for awhile. Some doctors are hesitant to up the dose past 1500mg...but for some of us it takes more. I don't respond until my dose is around 2000mg a day.

3. It can take a few months on the correct dose, before your body is regulated.

4. It is important to treat your PCOS even if you are not trying to get pregnant. There are higher risks for many things (high blood pressure, blood clots, diabetes, and many other things) when you have PCOS, but if it is treated properly, then those risks are lowered.

When the PCOS is treated properly, all of your symptoms may not disappear, but they should improve some. It will also be a lot easier to lose weight (and keep it off). Our bodies work against us when we try to lose weight on our own, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

There are TONS of books about PCOS and dieting. There are two that I recommend. Here's the links at amazon for those:

I also recommend a couple web sites:

http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-bhp... This one is a great message board where you can ask all your PCOS questions or just chat with the women who are also dealing with PCOS. Good luck

2006-12-29 15:49:17 · answer #1 · answered by trevnme 4 · 0 0

I completely know how you feel. I have had PCOS for about 7 years now. But the messed up part was I was diagnosed as a diabetic type 2 for a few years and one day they ran a different test and said of wait you have PCOS! Its been very frustrating my husband and I have been trying for 5 years now and nothing. I have been on Actos, metformin and Glucophage. None have really worked except the Metformin is helping me lose weight and hopefully one day pregnant. If you would like some more information on it let me know. And good luck Ill keep my fingers crossed for me and you haha! Oh yeah make sure you cut your carbs down! And I am telling you its going to be hard as hell because everything has carbs but I want to b e honest with you and let you know it will help with any weight issues you might have or sugar levels it helps maintain. At least it has me... but its worth it I feel soo much better now.

2006-12-28 22:30:31 · answer #2 · answered by Meg 2 · 0 0

you need to see a reproductive endocrinologist. they need to run tests on you and not just tell you that you have pcos. you could have thyroid problems on top of this too. make sure they do a transvaginal ultrasound, glucose tolerance test (although the glucophage can work even if you pass this test), test your androgen levels, which are excess male hormone levels common to pcos women. after the results are in the repro. endo. dr can sit down with your hubby and yourself and you can discuss the best plan of action. you need to procede with what you feel comfortable with and never second guess yourself. any decision you make when ttc is the right one. i have been there. i was diagnosed 6 years ago. ttc for 2 years or so. 5 rounds of clomid, 7 rounds of injectables, 1 pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, don't know why and it doesn't matter anymore, just hurts like hell. and now a mother of a beautiful daughter through the miracle of adoption. best of luck to you. find a good dr. one that will listen to you and take the time to understand your concerns and find a solution for you.

2006-12-30 02:18:57 · answer #3 · answered by cagney 6 · 0 0

If I recall Glucphage is another name for metformin. I was on metformin. How long have you been on it? The next step, I guess would be clomid.

I was on metformin and it took about 4 tries for me to get PG. I lost the first pregnancy, by no fault of the PCOS. I waited 2 cycles and got PG 2 tries later. So you can get Pregnant.

If you've been on glucphage and had no luck for quite some time, talk to your OB about clomid. It was the next step my OB was going to go to if I had no luck on the metformin.

2006-12-29 00:06:03 · answer #4 · answered by kittynala 4 · 0 0

My cousin had PCOS and had to have a hysterectomy to fix her problems. She is still on the glucophage. Good luck, that is the best I can do for you.

2006-12-28 21:01:35 · answer #5 · answered by Karen 4 · 0 0

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