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ok i have not had a period in 21 weeks. i went to the doc they gave me a urine test said it was neg. so they checked for fibroids it was neg. but now it is getting worse i have all the signs of being pregnant i know cuz i have been befor. all the signs of being pregnant, strange movement in my belly and every night i get REALLY GASSY and my belly grows like it is bloated this happends every night like from 5 till when ever the pain lets up enuff so i can sleep that is usually around 2or3 does any one know what this could be? please HELP if you can and Thanks to all who answer an GOD Bless.
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10 minutes ago
i look pregnant and some times my husband can even fill the movement in mu belly. i have to go to the bathroom a lot yet i am never thirsty and i dont drink much of anything till night time.. i have not been eating that much yet i do get cravings for things. i even took some at home test like 4 months ago and they were neg and the doc;s test was about a month ago and i dont have health insurance so i cant go to another clinic. the pain when my belly bloats is so bad that i will be bent over but it is not bad enuff to go to the E.R or anything i have a doc app on Jan 12 what should i do? should i tell them i want a heart doppler or some kind of test? i just dont know what to do.

8 minutes ago
i just got another at home test and i am going to take it in the morning.
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6 minutes ago
fill free to e-mail me and i can show you pic's of my belly if that would help

2006-12-28 12:04:36 · 21 answers · asked by Chanti 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

when the doc gave me my exam she said she felt a lump in my uterus they did a cervical ultrasound that is only were your pubic hair grows ans it was not close to my belly at all

2006-12-28 12:10:16 · update #1

i know it is not a false pregnancy i had an IUD in and i was not wanting to get pregnant and thnking about it all the time nor did i not want to get pregnant i did not start thinking i was pregnant till i did not have a period ans all the symptoms happend which was about 2 months. and the doctor only did the ultrasound were my pubic hair grows about 1 month ago.

2006-12-28 12:31:05 · update #2

21 answers

I've had 3 kids and each time the tests came back negative consistantly until about a week before I gave birth. Ask your doctor for a blood test that measures HCG and progestrin.

2006-12-28 12:09:15 · answer #1 · answered by Erica B 3 · 1 1

Ok, first i would evaluate how badly you actually want to be pregnant. Sometimes a woman can desire something so bad she actually stops having a period and begins to feel pregnancy 'symptoms'. If you can honestly say 'I do not wish to be pregnant at this time' then it's possible you have an underlying condition that the last doctor did not find.

How long have you been feeling 'movement'? If it's been 21 weeks, you should have only began to feel movment at the earilest 2 to 4 weeks ago, becasue if there's a baby in there it would have been too small to have been felt. If you're experiencing a lot of gas nightly you should evaluate your diet. Any movement you think you might be feelings could be your intestines trying to diegest. I would consider this an extreamly likely possiblity if this is only happening at night when you lay down. Early movments can feel a lot like gas, and in turn, if you've been missing your period for an unknown reason, gas can be mislabeled as early fetal movments.

There really shouldn't be anything that you could label as 'pain' during the 5th month of pregnancy, and if it's bad enough that it keeps you awake you really should see a doctor as soon as possible. You may have some form of intestinal malfuction if the pain is in your lower abdomen, and if it's been going on for a while you really really need to see a doctor. If you had an etopic pregnancy the growing fetus most likely would have ruptured your fallopian tube around the 12th week, at which point you might have expirenced excessive bleeding and severe abdominal pain.

Urine tests after a certin point are over 99% accurate when used properly, and i would have assumed that the doctor would opt for a blood test either in conjunction with or instead of a urine pregnancy test, which is ever more accuarate. False negitives generally only occur when the test is administered too early and your urine is not saturated enough with hgc for the test to read it.

If you ARE pregnant and you continue to get false negitives there's a problem with your production of hgc and it's likely the baby will not make it to term. Generally, however, when there is an hgc defficenticy the pregnancy terminates itself early on. If i recall correctly hgc is the hormone the fertlizied egg, upon implantation, releases into your body to prevent your sheding your lining in a normal menstrual cycle, under production of the hormones would lead to an implated fetus being shed with the uterine lining.

You should proably try to drink more water and avoid carbonated/caffinated bevereages. Avoid foods that make you gassy and try to cut down on salted things that might cause bloating and fast food.

2006-12-28 12:23:17 · answer #2 · answered by angeltear757 3 · 1 1

You could not be producing enough hormones for a urine test to detect it. Ask your doctor for a blood test and an ultrasound. Not to scare you , but I did have a friend that thought she was 6 months pregnant until the doctor did an ultrasound and found a tumor growing. I have also know people to think they were pregnant, so their body acted that way. I am wishing for the best for you and your family.

2006-12-28 12:19:53 · answer #3 · answered by bugjrmom 3 · 1 0

I'm not sure what to say but I do know that the ultrasound would be close the pubic line during the first trimesters because the uterus is located just above your bladder.I feel that you need to have a second opinion because if your not pregnant that you can have some other problems.Or maybe even a tubal pregnancy.Good luck to you.

2006-12-28 12:21:25 · answer #4 · answered by kuel_lady_di 2 · 1 0

Yes, you need something done. Even if it's not a baby, there is something bad wrong and he should have known that instead of just saying, "oh well, you're not pregnant". It might even be a tumor. Go to the er if you can't go to a clinic, the hospital will work with you on the bill, but your health is more important.

2006-12-28 12:09:16 · answer #5 · answered by #1 Buckeye Fan!!!! 4 · 1 0

Wow first of all get another doctor if this one is aware of your symptoms Your doctor should have done an ultrasound.
It could be any number of things but you must not let your fear rule over your judgment. your husband should be very supportive at this stage. Please go to a Doctor that cares. OK!
This one seems not to have your best interest at heart. He should of got you checked out with( Xrays - ultrasound) and more blood test to see what is wrong with you. He should try every thing at his disposal to help you.

2006-12-28 12:14:02 · answer #6 · answered by Mijoecha 3 · 1 0

Have the doctors run another test as well as do blood work. I would just take care of yourself until your January 12th appointment. At the appointment, tell them of any pain you're having, tell them all of your concerns, ask them as many questions as you can think of. Thats what they're there for and thats the only way you'll know what could be wrong/right. Good luck! :)

2006-12-28 12:14:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous :) 5 · 1 0

if you haven't had your period in 21weeks you sound like you are pregnet.
this is when you go to your doctor and demand a ultra sound
becuase if the blood test comes back negitive then it may be something else
and that means you need to get it looked after
also here is something a sign you can look for you should be feeling movement about this time 12 weeks is 3months
if you are sick in the mornings for like three months ten to one you are pregent also yes cravings come with pregnecy i had loads of them like cold pizza for breakfast or pickles and ice cream
GO TO THE DOCTORS you should be on prenatile vitimins.

2006-12-28 12:15:06 · answer #8 · answered by tealee 1 · 0 0

there is not something you may do on the instantaneous. In some weeks or months, once you experience each and every thing cooled down, invite him over for lunch or something. basically both of you. and quietly clarify why you probably did not opt for him doing any style of drugs. more desirable typically than not elevate his father's death, in case you do not concepts guilting him. yet i have been through sorta the option. A cop who hated me, because my relatives offered a house out from below him, reported he got here upon heroin in my vehicle at the same time as i became coming domicile from college. although I wasn't charged my father and mom advised me to leave the domicile. previously my commencement though we reconciled, so there is desire, basically supply him some time.

2016-10-16 22:12:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sounds like you need a blood test to confirm how much hormone you have in your blood - if this still is inconclusive you need to have a internal scan to check if everything is ok inside of you. If you are feeling this way best to be checked out - as if it has gone unnoticed you could be putting both of you at risk - if your not, there might be something else that is causing all these problems

2006-12-28 12:07:51 · answer #10 · answered by schmushe 6 · 2 0

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