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Hi I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but I decided it was because I wanted to get some insight from some people my age.

Well first let me say I'm a 14 year old girl which doesn't really matter. But anyways here is my story...Almost a year ago February 12th my older brother who was 24 passed away. Me and him were really close and I miss him alot. I was just wondering if any of you have lost anyone close and what you did about it. Because I feel like some days I just don't even know what to do with myself. Please no silly answers, and thank you to anyone who answers me.

2006-12-28 10:11:05 · 10 answers · asked by :D 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

He passed in a horrific car accident, where two cars later drove over him when he was thrown from the car. So basically it was a sudden death.

Also I do believe that someday I will see my brother again and I know he is still here with me.

2006-12-28 10:21:55 · update #1

10 answers

Hi! I went trough the same thing several times... I lost a great part of my family in this past 2 years... people that where really close to me like my dad, a couple uncles, a cousin, grandfather, well... let's leave it there... Every time I was finally putting myself back together something else happened. I know how frustrating it is... I wanted my dad back... I wanted all those people back!!! I couldn't bear the tough of not seeing them again... Of not having them. So I started to close up... People asked me if I was fine and I told them I was great... when I was not!! I didn't told anyone my true feelings, and bottled all up... I couldn't take it anymore I got my grades down, I didn't had any friends left... I was indifferent to the word... and started to eat... to find a way to kinda distract myself... One day I saw this friend that had move away a couple years ago... she saw me and asked me if i was OK... and for the fist time in a long time I didn't lie... I told her everything... then she looked down, then she look back at me, smile, and told me that I wasn't as lonely as I tough I had her, my mom, and I had them.... I look at her like if she belonged on a mental institute... and she told me that they will always be with me... and that I could talk to them any time I wanted.... because a little piece of them will always be with me. So enven if it sound crazy sometimes I speak to them.... tell them I'm ok and stuff..... Though I'll probably never ever stop missing them specially my dad... I feell better. And another thing that helped me has reminding myself that ther's people that unfurtentetly is in worst condicions than me, and that I shoud feel gratefull because I'm healthy, happy, and sourrounded by people that loves me. I'm not shure If I answered your question... but hey... hope it helps.... I'm 15 by the way

2006-12-28 12:13:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have not experienced that before but my friends did so I think
you may be feeling many different emotions. You may be sad, worried, or scared. You might be shocked, unprepared, or confused. Your emotions might be stronger or deeper than usual or mixed together in ways you've never experienced before.
If you're grieving, you might be having trouble concentrating, sleeping, eating, or feeling interested in the things you usually enjoy. You might be trying to act like you feel OK (even if you don't) because you want to be strong for someone else. And you may wonder if you will ever get over losing someone who means so much to you. All of these emotions can be natural reactions to the death of someone close. They're part of the process of grieving.
Losing someone suddenly can be extremely traumatic, though, no matter how old that person is. And as the death occured suddelny It can take a long time to overcome a this loss because you may feel caught off guard by the event and the intense feelings that are associated with it.
No matter how you choose to grieve, there's no one right way to do it. The grieving process is a gradual one that lasts longer for some people than others. There may be times when you worry that you'll never enjoy life the same way again, but this is a natural reaction after a loss.
Here are some ways that might help you:
Remember that grief is a normal emotion . Be with others . Express yourself.
Talk about it when you can :Some people find it helpful to tell the story of their loss or talk about their feelings. Sometimes a person doesn't feel like talking, and that's OK, too. No one should feel pressured to talk.
Exercise because it can help your mood. It may be hard to get motivated, so modify your usual routine if you need to.
Let your emotions be expressed and released
Create a memorial or tribute. Plant a tree or garden, or memorialize the person in some fitting way, such as running in a charity run or walk (a breast cancer race, for example) in honor of the lost loved one.
It's natural for loss to cause people to think about death to some degree. But if a loss has caused you to think about suicide or hurting yourself in some way, or if you feel that you can't go on living after your loss, it's important that you tell someone right away.Counseling with a professional therapist can help too.
Thank you.

2006-12-28 19:10:53 · answer #2 · answered by Dejla 3 · 0 0

I am not your age, I am 28, but dealing with the loss of a sibling is hard no matter the age. I had just found out I was pregnant when the call came in that my sister had passed away. She went to bed one night and didn't wake up the next morning. It has been almost 6 years ago that this happened, and really the pain still lingers, but it is up to you to make the decision on whether or not you want to live in sorrow, or make your brother happy and go on with life while always remembering what you two had? I don't know your religious views, or whether you believe in life after death, but I know that I believe my sister can still hear me and see my children, so on really sad days, I cry, but I talk to her as though she is sitting by my side. It isn't easy, and if the sorrow just can't seem to lift, give it time, but don't be afraid to go and talk to someone about it as well!

2006-12-28 18:16:45 · answer #3 · answered by hntrmommy14 2 · 0 0

I lost my grandfather when I was 17. He was the closest thing I'd had to a father, and it ripped me into to see him go. There's nothing anyone can say that's going to make it better. This happened nearly 7 years ago now and there are still times I want to cry. It doesn't go away, but it does get easier. There will be times in the future, when you'd do anything to see him again, and to have him see you, and what you've accomplished. I know it's hard to deal with the death of a loved one, but you're brother wouldn't want you to not live your life. Talking helps, it really does. Find one person you can confide in, cry with, someone that can help you grieve. It's tough, but life goes on. Yours will too. Best of luck in the new years, to you and yours.

2006-12-28 18:19:54 · answer #4 · answered by Patty O' Green 5 · 0 0

I am older than some of you My mother passed away last year andIam still grieving. Grief counselling helps.Believe that your brother has gone to a far better place. There is no time limit on grief. TrY Aand keep busy. If it helps go to his grave or whatever and talk to him. Write your thoughts in a diary.Talk to you parents about how you feel.

2006-12-28 19:06:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sorry. When I was 15 I lost my dad, we were very close, and to make matters worse my mother was also an alcoholic. So I felt very alone all the time. For me, writing was how I coped, I would write poetry, songs, and anything that came to mind, I realized that I was really angry at my dad for leaving me alone. So I wrote him a letter a really long one, I told him how much I missed him, and how much he meant to me. After I wrote it I burned it, I burned it because I wanted the pain to be over, and to move on with my life. And after a while it helped. I kept thinking that my dad would not want me to be sad that he died, but to be happy that he lived, and that in some small way he always will through me. Your Brother would not want you to be sad, he would want you to be happy. And he will always live on in those who loved him. In time I you will understand that. I wish you all the best Sweetie, Cherry Red

2006-12-28 18:20:44 · answer #6 · answered by CherryRed 3 · 0 0

Honey, I feel for you. Just this September my very best freind of 11 years passed away. I am still greiving. I try not to think about it even though that isn't good for you.

It really takes time. I don't think we ever get over it, I really think we just learn to deal with it.

I am not sure how your brother passed but he is in a good place. He is looking down on you and making sure your doing good.

2006-12-28 18:15:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

when i was 9 i lost ny father which my mom wasnt even married to but i still think about him every night
but im sorry to hear that u lost ur brother
i was never close to my dad he never had a job and i lived with my mom and grandma but even though i still miss hom
but to deal with it u well never really can u just have to exept that he is in a better place now and u will eventually get over it

2006-12-28 18:20:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am sorry for your lose that has got to hurt like he*ll.
i hope people will be nice to you on this sight as well, some answers i myself have given in the past were not the nicest but this time I will say i am sorry that you lost your brother and yes i do believe that one day you will see him too.

2006-12-28 19:56:44 · answer #9 · answered by picture 1 · 0 0

when i was twelve i lost my father to this day i miss him you never get over it you just learn to deal with it the best thin that can help you is to go see a therapist

2006-12-28 18:14:44 · answer #10 · answered by doobiemanrfrank 3 · 0 0

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