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my baby is 10 months old and is becoming very difficult. i dont know whether I am just seeing it that way coz i am pregnant again and really tired or what...it's just he seems to be so hard to handle now. he cries at tea time and throws tantrums....its really hard to feed him when he used to eat really well. he cries when we put him to bed for ages when he used to be out like a light straight away. I feel like im not enjoying him any more coz he is such hard work.....i dont know what im doing wrong and im dreading having to cope with two...will it get any better?? is it normal for babies to be like this when they used to be so well behaved?

2006-12-28 09:23:20 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

26 answers

when they are about 2 to 3 they are great .

2006-12-28 09:26:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

your doing fine don't worry! My ten month old is the same way. It's just a phasee they go through. I agree with the comment above it usually passes at about 15 months. I have a 3 yr old that went through the exact same thing. He is a little doll now. The world is a little over stimulating to such a small child. He is realizing more things now. At this age they don't want to sleep because they might "miss out on something" I know this must be hard while you are pregnant. Maybe you could get someone to watch the baby for a little bit while you rest. Relax and enjoy yourself then when you get your little one back maybe you will have a little more energy and feel better and can spend a little extra time with him! Best of luck!

2006-12-28 09:44:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your little one is probably picking up on your tiredness! Try and change his routine a little ... he will be needing to use up a little more energy now, so try and play some active games during the afternoon, then build up to supper .... try perhaps eating something with him ... then when he has finished run a bath. Make the bath as relaxing as possible and once he is dressed again, give a five minute cuddle session. Then bed.
Does he still have a nap during the day? He should be having at least an hour during the day, if not he could be over tired by tea time? Perhpas you and he could lie down together, then you would get some much needed rest too!! He is going to be getting more and more active now he is approaching a year ... rope your partner in to help!! It does get easier, as long as you handle him as calmly as you can. Good luck!!

2006-12-28 10:39:50 · answer #3 · answered by lynne 3 · 0 0

Alot of factors could be in play here. If he is teething, it could be the reason for the fussiness. Freezing a banana and letting him chew on it could help you here. I have 3 children all under the age of three and i am only 22 years old! Things will always be hectic, as I'm sure you're learning, and all you can do is TRY to keep your sanity. Hot baths are a good "time out" for mom and it also helps with stress. Though you usually cannot do this UNLESS baby is sleeping, it does help ALOT. I have found that giving baby a massage with lavender lotion is effective and also makes them sleepy (sometimes!), AND makes them feel more relaxed. Keep in mind that when you are stressed, your baby picks up on this also. If you are short tempered with them it often effects their attitude. Not that I say TV is the answer to your problems, but "Baby Einstein" videos helped me out alot because it gives them something for their little minds to ponder, while letting YOU get things done either around the house or just to have some "me " time. This phase could last as long as your child is sprouting new teeth and as long as you feel you cannot control the happenings around you. That is what being a "parent" is all about. You have to be inventive and explorative to find solutions to problems you may encounter. I hope this has helped you. I know that I could've used some advice a LOOONG time ago about similar topics!

2006-12-28 09:40:36 · answer #4 · answered by besweet6090 1 · 0 0

I feel your pain. I'm 8 months preggers & have a 23 month old boy. At 10 mos your infant is just starting to become more mobile & independent...plus he may be having some separation anxiety. Because your body is changing physically & hormonally you may just have a short fuse. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed & fatigued. Hopefully you have some other family or friends who can give you some much needed & deserved relief.

Be sure you are taking care of yourself. Are you in your 1st trimester? Could the morningsickness or disturbed sleep be taking its toll on you? Throughout the early portion of this pregnancy i've constantly asked myself if I could handle two kids...especially with my oldest about to go thru the 'terrible twos'. I've had to remind myself that I'm not given more than I can handle. This rough patch may soon pass for you - just get help when you need it, eat well under the circumstances, & let someone else take the night shift so you can sleep better. Take care & Congrats!

2006-12-28 09:45:46 · answer #5 · answered by justntime2c 3 · 1 0

i know how you feel honestly i do when i had my first child 2 months later i fell pregnant again my son used to be such a good eater and now i have to force feed him he also trows those tantrums no mum likes to see.

but can i just make afew suggestions your son is probably feeling left out because by now you will be buying the baby all these new things and talking about it, but you wont have the energy to play games and do the stuff you used to when he was born i know hes only young and most ppl think or he doesn't know the difference( i can tell you he does)
as for the tantrums and his eating it will get better he sounds just like my son but hes starting to make progress now just give it time and be patient.
try to spend a little more time doing what your son likes to do for example if he plays with his toys you play too i know its silly but seriously it works my son loves nothing more then for me to sit and draw whilst he scribbles or to build houses with his building blocks whilst he destroys them
it is completely normal for young children to act this way as there changing and developing there own personalities also they like to see how far they can push you so they know what they can and cant do in the future. i hope this has been the right help you need and good luck. xxx

2006-12-28 13:16:18 · answer #6 · answered by louise l 1 · 0 0

Remember your son is going though a lot of changes,as are you. Try to be patient after all he is only young and still depends on you for everything. ,My daughter who has just turned 13mths used to sleep really well but has recently started to wake during the night again. Maybe give him water for a drink, sing to him and stay in the room till he nods off. As for the food issue if your son can see your getting stressed out he will pick up on your vibes and therefor start to throw a wobbler, its best just to ignore the bad behaviour and praise the good. If he is having stressful feed times he is more than likly not to eat. A hungry baby will eat so i know it sounds strict but give it a try and take it from there. Good luck and all the best

2006-12-31 09:32:44 · answer #7 · answered by colleenbloomfield 3 · 0 0

He is getting more awrae of things and what he can do. he will also be frustrated as he wants to do certain things but dosen't know how to so he has a tantrum to get his frustration out. my son is 2 and hes started to bite when he can't do something (e.g open a door, get into a cupboard etc). Maybe you feel this way as your hormones are all over the place and you will be tired aswell.

Just grin and bear it and count to 10 even though this is really hard! it will get better and your little devil will become your sweet angel again.

2006-12-28 09:42:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honestly flower it's just a phase and he'll go through many more, believe me. When I was carrying my last baby my now 2yr old turned into a two headed, green scaly monster, and I swear if I hadn't already been pregnant I'd not have had any more....but she's a total sweetie again now. No doubt she'll mutate again in the near future. So just bear with him and let him have his way if it means you don't get stressed and he'll be back to normal in no time. Good luck.

2006-12-28 09:36:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

my daughter was great sleepingf through the night at six months then boom she went right back like a new baby wanting bottles every couple of hours my heart was broke. I was cranky all the time because i used to get so stressed out but then she settled back down great! She is now 3 and was great again untill she gave her bottle of her own accord to santa now she wakes many times in the night not for a bottle but just calls ma amd da i think that is her comfort now. I dont get stressed just tell her that we are still here and that it is still night night time.The food is the same was great then bad etc... now she also has tantrums missedthe terrible twos! I ignore it they are trying to see the boundries dont get yourself stressed out. things will fall into place if you are consistant, dont shout because this lets them know they are getting to you!

2006-12-31 16:46:40 · answer #10 · answered by dwes 1 · 0 0

He is at the age when he is trying mew things and exploring his boundaries. He will also find it difficult to express himself as he cant talk to you yet ( well not in a way you can understand ). It will get better but I can understand you are finding it difficult as you are pregnant again as it will drain you. Do you have support from a partner or family who can help for a couple of hours?

2006-12-29 01:47:30 · answer #11 · answered by entertainer 5 · 1 0

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