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ok...this is really hard to phrase right without making me sound like a freak....

numerous of times i have posted a similar question but i still havent found what i am looking for...

i am a 17 yr old girl,healthy (as far as i know) and i have a loving family. I am NOT depressed.

I have this 'thing' that whenever i come across a hospital, ambulance,doctor,paramedic ect i get this horrible feeling....

a feeling that i want to 'harm' myself...but the thing is really i dont...

I dont know if you understand what i am trying to say but i reall need some help...

I have never being hospitalized before but if i dont get help i will be soon...hopefully not with your help.

please dont say tell your parents/friends...dont just dont believe me OR take it to heart....that makes the situation even harder...

your help would be GREATLY appreciated....

2006-12-28 09:09:00 · 10 answers · asked by I_Luv_P!NK 3 in Social Science Psychology

10 answers

I am a paramedic and your problem is not uncommon.

I do understand what you are saying, but to able to address this issue you are going have to face certain facts and this is going to be hard for you...
You may not have depression (or at least not consciously) but you do have a psychological disorder of some degree at the very least.
The advice that I or others may give you needs to be accepted and considered with an open mind - no conditions on your part such as "please don’t say tell your parents/friends".

Some people feel the way you do when they see doctors or paramedics etc. It's not that actually want to hurt themselves but rather that they see such people as professional carers and the sufferer believes that such people may offer some comfort to ease something that is troubling them (subconsciously or consciously). This is not uncommon. Perhaps your mind is telling you that the only way you can have contact with these people is if you are hurt, or if you hurt yourself. But as you have recognized you don't really want to hurt yourself and this strongly suggests that you really need help and attention for the underlying issue.

This is only a small piece of guidance for you and you will not find a complete and definitive answer on an internet message board. You need to talk to someone one on one to sort this out.
That could be trusted doctor, a counsellor or perhaps even a close friend. You have the self-awareness to recognize the problem - I hope you can follow through and get some help.

2006-12-28 22:27:19 · answer #1 · answered by scedex 2 · 0 0

You sound like a normal 17 year old girl. To have these eerie feelings about hospitals, ambulances, doctors and paramedics are normal and common even among adults. Hospitals and ambulances denotes crisis, illness, emergencies, injuries and especially death. And who's not afraid of death or the fear of the unknown? If anybody tells you that they are not; they are lying. Self mutilation, or "cutting" as it's called is also normal. Even when you conjure thoughts of suicide. That's a very healthy attitude.

All these thoughts are pretty scary and quite puzzling for a teenager such as yourself. Below are more explanations for all these emotion upheavals, you're going thru. I'm doing so in the hope you'll understand and be able to accept all these healthy fears.

Mood swings can be caused by stress, chemical imbalance, , environment, diet and hormonal changes such as in pregnancy and especially in teens during puberty. And they are all normal.It's all part of the growing up process.

Adolescence is described as a period of "storm and stress". This period of time could be marked by turmoil, turbulence and frustrated idealisims- regardless of environmental factors. Cultural, spatial and familial factors play a role whether a teenager ever experienced mood swings or not. Most researchers agree that it is a combination of biological and emotional factors that affect a teenagers ' moods.

Biological factors:

The prefrontal cortex of the brain which is responsible for self control, judgment, and planning is undergoing a lot of changes during adolescence.
While teenagers have very strong emotions and passions. They don't have the mechanism in place to control these emotions. This is one reason behind the teenage mood swings.

Another biological factor is that this is when the body starts producing sex hormones as well as going through a major growth spurt. The physical changes that teens experience cause them to feel strange and perhaps confused or uncomfortable, and this erodes their sense of security. Because of the effect that this has on their psychological state, they may strike out or experience conflicting moods.

Emotional Factors

Teenager have not yet developed the ability to deal with the pressures, frustrations, and anxieties of life. As their lives become more complicated and adult-like, they don’t have the built-in coping mechanisms that adults have developed to help them deal, so they are prone to react very emotionally to situations. Also, teenagers are typically very preoccupied with identity formations and becoming entities with lives separate from those of their parents. This, again, can cause confusion or frustration. While the world seems to be changing constantly around them, they feel as though they can’t keep up or handle the pressure, and this will inevitable lead to a slightly off-kilter emotional state.

So don't be too hard on your self. Ride it out. You're not a freak. You certainly don't need a psychologist. By talking it out ; putting it ouf of your system will give you a chance to reflect on all these healthy fears.

2006-12-28 09:29:43 · answer #2 · answered by rosieC 7 · 0 2


Firstly try and relax, and try not to panic, stessing out is unlikely to help.

I've had feelings of doing things, which I wouldn't really want to do myself, however I'm not aware of an obvious trigger such as in your case. Perhaps you have a fear of hospitals, though that seems strange that you would want to hurt yourself if your fearfull of them, so perhaps you feel you need to go to one.

I'm very short on advise really, if you feel this is so serious I think you should go and see your Dr, with your age, he or she shouldn't be allowed to tell your parents anything you say (though you may want to check), he may wish to reffer you to a psychologist for an evaluation, dont be frightend if he does, this is normal and is a posative thing, as it may find the route of your issues and offer you a solution, which is what you want isn't it.

In the mean time, I guess you could try and avoid walking / travelling by the hospitals in your area until you can see your Dr.

Take care sweetheart, keiko.

2006-12-28 09:21:05 · answer #3 · answered by Keiko 2 · 1 1

a physcologist would be a good start. Letting your parents know of this would be the first thing I would do. As a parent, I would hope my children would come to me with this so I could help them. IF you really feel that you might do yourself harm you owe to your parents and to yourself to tell them so you can get the help you need. People on this site can't help you, even if someone knows what the problem is you will still need medical help.

2006-12-28 09:19:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Perhaps it is a phobia, and therapy would be something that could help. Phobias are created by the unconscious mind as a protective mechanism. At some point in your life did you or anyone close to you ever experieince a traumatic encounter with any of these things?

2006-12-28 09:15:37 · answer #5 · answered by Brownie 5 · 0 1

You DEFINITELY need to speak to someone. I don't care who it is, but you seem to.

So, no parents, no friends. OK, how about a school psychologist if you're in school. Or a family therapist, there are several run by the state that will work with you financially.

Stop waiting for an easy fix on here, and go talk to a professional. Please.

2006-12-28 09:13:02 · answer #6 · answered by SLASH 4 · 1 1

My opinion is that whenever you pass by a hospital, ambulance, etc., you perhaps crave the attention people receive when they're hurt or injured. I know this sounds difficult and I know nothing about you, but that's my guess.

2006-12-28 09:14:13 · answer #7 · answered by Fire Millen 2 · 1 1

Well I think that you are feeling out of place. You have a fear about something that haven't let go or afraid to talk about. I will say that you should communicate with your parents and explain them your hallucinations. They might help you and understand better what is going on with you.

2006-12-28 11:02:28 · answer #8 · answered by ♥Complicated-World♥ 3 · 0 1

It could be that you are so frightened of death. I know that you have a long life to live, and I hope that this is just a phase you'll grow out of. However, I advise you to seek psychiatrist help because then you'd know for sure. Good luck.

2006-12-28 09:14:04 · answer #9 · answered by seek_fulfill 4 · 0 1

wow- tough one. If you really think you kight hurt yourself, you need the help of a professional. There are couselling services available that your family doesnt need to know about if that's important to youj. If they are really loving and supportive though, it would be best to have their help with this matter.

2006-12-28 09:12:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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