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What needs improvement or reform? What is great about it?

2006-12-28 09:01:22 · 8 answers · asked by John_Manjiro 1 in Politics & Government Government

8 answers

I am an old bird and I wish we could set the clock back to the 1950's. Sorry about that. First of all we must stop thinking that we are the world ;s police and trying to shove democracy down every throat. Second of all we should start living within the budget, government that is. If we amassed these debts like they are we would probably be in jail or homeless in no time. We can improve 100 percent on health and medical issues for the elderly and kids especially. not sure I like a lot about us right now.

2006-12-28 09:11:49 · answer #1 · answered by antiekmama 6 · 0 0

Ohh, where do I begin. This country needs an overhaul. Spending is out of control. The tax cuts for the rich and big businesses needs to be eliminated. More emphasize on education because our children are falling way behind compared to other nations such as India. (scary isn't it) Welfare is a good thing but we need it to be reformed. Separation of Church and State needs to be enforced. More gun control and improvement on our correctional facilities. The list goes on..... Great things happening are harder to see but it comes from the good of people that still want to help out there. Look around, you'll see them. I hope our country can turn around and be great again, otherwise, the U.S. as a hegemony will soon be over.

2006-12-28 17:17:55 · answer #2 · answered by Jeff R 1 · 0 0

Seems most all has been answered in former answers but will make my comments also....but shorter version.
1) Gov't is getting more and more into human rights rather than dealing with corruption in their own backyard
2) No addressing major health plans for the nations elderly...the new program is not working as they thought it would...even costing some elderly more than they had to begin with
3) Rather than getting into all the foreign countries troubles (yes I know we have to fight terrorist) we should be spending more on protecting our own borders
4) Work on trying to improve Foreign Policy....worst have ever known
5) Send people out in the real world...in counties, small town American to really see how the Welfare program is just handing funds out to young 20 y/o that are able to work instead of paying their living just because they have children....maybe help them with getting vocational schooling if possible but at least give them incentive to get off the welfare rolls
6) Stop taking more and more from elderly programs that worked to put money into SS then are unable to even buy their medicines

We live in a wonderful country but it has been going off in a wrong direction it seems to me and gotten away from doing the job it was intended to do.....taking care of Americans

2006-12-31 00:36:19 · answer #3 · answered by Gypsygrl 5 · 0 0

kelikrist...: You claim that "Unlike many other countries, we have a flourishing marketplace". Well, if you compare us to third world nations then you are correct. However, compared to "many other countries" we're really not doing so well. We are heavily in debt; a vast portion of our population live in trailer parks and other sub standard housing; every major U.S. city has people begging for money in the downtown areas; what our government reports as the per capita income is clearly an indication that the majority lives below poverty level; By example, in Palm Beach County the median income for a household was $45,062 last year which is an unlivable income with half decent homes in this county costing over $700,000.00! With an income of $45,062.00 you might qualify for a $160,000.00 mortgage which won't even get you a hole in the wall. By the way, our 2004 HHS Poverty Guidelines claim that a two person household is at poverty level with an income of only $12,490.00 - not the aforementioned $45,062.00!!! A flourishing marketplace......... - Hardly so! We have a way too "big government" with too much government control over peoples lives and businesses. We have an abundance of rules and regulations everywhere! Also, we're taxed into poverty!!! The more you earn - the higher your tax bracket - in other words you get penalized for earning more, i.e. the person who only earns $56,000 per year pays 15% and the person who earns $60,000 per year pays 28% thus the latter taking home less than the former, and it goes up from there to 39.6% - not to mention State Tax, Federal Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Sales Tax, (I could mention thousands more but I think you get the drift). Ever looked at your phone bill lately.... - about 26% is tax, ever wonder about gas prices..... - well about a third of every gallon is tax! Tax, Tax, Tax - everywhere you turn! What does our government do with our hard earned money? Mismanage it and send it to undeserving countries! I have to tell you, I've been all over the world and there's one place that really stands out with a "flourishing marketplace; that place is Hong Kong! Hong Kong is a very wealthy and the freest economy in the world. While we have a disappearing middle income class, Hong Kong’s is growing - with that middle income class becoming wealthier every year! Here's why:
Low taxation - 16% flat rate income tax no matter what your income is, and ONLY income earned in Hong Kong is taxable. By comparison, here in the U.S. your entire worldwide income is taxable - i.e. you do business in Australia - your Australian earned income is taxable in the U.S. Last time I checked the IRS only allows you $75,000.00 foreign credit, so if you have a job in England that pays you $175,000.00 per year, you're taxed in England on that $175,000.00 and in addition you're taxed in the U.S. on $100,000.00! By the way, in Hong Kong businesses only pay 17% after deductions! Hong Kong has no sales tax, no capital gains tax and no property taxes (unless it's a property you own and have it rented out... - but that goes towards your income tax), In Hong Kong you have very strong property rights .... (hint: Eminent Domain). There is also little - almost no interference in business and no interference in peoples private lives! I could go on and on - but you can do your own research. Small government = prosperity!!! Big government = poverty!!! Back to the question at hand: My opinion on America? = A great country, we have mountains, oceans, deserts, many different cultures - BUT we need a smaller government. I think we need to get rid of welfare, social security, etc. and give the people the freedoms to stay broke or get rich because it is indeed a choice. The government should keep the peace, protect our borders and protect us from crime - but stay out of our lives!

2006-12-29 03:05:25 · answer #4 · answered by Sven B 6 · 0 0


We are taxed way too much and if they need that much money then the goverment needs to manage it's money a little better.

Immigration (Goverment Exploiting)

SSI(Some of those deadbeats can really work)

Coruption(Congress mainly)

Prisions(How much dose a box of bullets cost?)

I'm sure you can think of some more but this is all I can at the moment. There are other little things that they waste money on like alot of useless studies and research that is mostly common sense.

2006-12-28 17:09:15 · answer #5 · answered by jack 6 · 0 0

Wchich America?The whole new world is America, so which one is it? North America, South America ?, Central America or the Caribbean ? The whole America need a stable , firm , assertment on values , back to agriculture, family values ,and the old fashioned helping hand of all of us!

2006-12-29 00:55:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I plead the 5th Amendment.
Homeland Security might be monitoring this site.

2006-12-28 17:10:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unlike many other countries, we have a flourishing marketplace. It is easy to make money in America. Also, gender equality. Women are able to start their own businesses, be CEOs, and may even be the breadwinner of the family! But I think the CONS outnumber the pros...

- Standardized testing is an inaccurate measurement of intelligence, future success in the career world, and is heavily biased towards those with good memory and the ability to pick up on something quickly. Most careers allow workers to use sources and references with work, so why do tests ban them? We need to stress the APPLICATION and UNDERSTANDING of material

- Instead of raising interest on student loans and cutting federal financial aid programs, our country needs to be encouraging higher education! There is an income gap forming in colleges, and it will eventually push students of lower incomes out because they cannot afford it. It also makes it more difficult for middle class individuals to pay!!

- We need to be focusing on our economy rather than helping out other countries. It is important to give aid to improve international relations, but it is careless to devote a large portion of our national income to foreign countries. We need to be improving our country before others

- CORRUPTION! Like I said in another post...I trust our government like I would trust a compulsive liar. There is much we don't know. Not just in the government. Look at Universities...atheletes are given full scholarships to college and drive around mopeds while dozens of low-middle income kids are denied financial aid to even ATTEND college. That's corruption right there...

- Healthcare needs to be made more affordable and available to all. If that means taxing more, so be it. We all have a right to live a healthy life. Some European countries give away 75% of their income, but look! They are some of the healthiest people in the world because they all have affordable healthcare. They are also well-educated because they can all afford college!

- Gay/lesbian rights. We should ALL be able to be legally married in the eyes of the government. No matter if we are black, white, gay, straight, cross-eyed, crippled, whatever! We are supposed to be the land of freedom and equal opportunity for all, and we are not following that...

- The focus of the criminal justice system: Instead of punishing individuals for forgetting to signal on the road or speeding, why don't we take that money and put it towards catching more dangerous criminals like drug dealers and rapists. Our criminal justice system is so concerned with catching people who are violating traffic laws, but isn't it more important to catch a rapist? I am more concerned about getting raped in an alley than watching a guy speed past me on the freeway. Yes, bad drivers cause accidents. But do we really think giving them a 'ticket' will stop them? It's just a cheap way to get extra income from citizens, and it does NOT solve the problem. If people want to speed, they will, regardless of the consequences...

- Death penalty for those who are guilty with 100% certainty. For the others, we need to be focusing on punishing them rather than giving them the lap of luxury. What is to stop a homeless person from robbing a bank? They win either way. They get the money and can finally afford to eat and have shelter. OR they go to jail and get free food, shelter, healthcare, counselors, entertainment, and they can work from jail and earn money. Prison should not be a place to pass the time. I believe that going to jail is not punishment. I believe that going to jail and having your rights taken away is punishment. We should not be giving them the good life while decent people struggle to get anywhere near that....

- Americans blindly follow celebrities, and it is really sad. We elect movie stars and wrestlers over well-qualified politicians with experience. Our political and social views are manipulated by celebrities. Why are celebrities made into Gods? Why do we think it is a good thing to spend $1,000 on a purse, or wear a $1,000,000 bra?! Anyway....

- Social Security...enough said

- Balance of incomes/homelessness. Why are we letting people keep millions/billions of dollars for themselves while people starve and freeze on the streets? I was watching a VH1 show about Celeb Moguls. They were saying that one of the daughters (or nieces) of the Johnson & Johnson empire has thousands of pairs of shoes, handbags, and clothing. Is that really necessary? Seriously... Our society admires the rich and looks down on the poor when it should be the opposite. I admire the poor for getting by because I don't know how they do it. I can't imagine living on a loaf of bread for a week. It's easy to spend money...why do we think that is special? Paris Hilton probably snaps her fingers and dinner is served... I think that it is plain selfish of ANYONE to keep that much money. I don't care if you earned it, you inherited it, or found it blowing by on a street. No one should have that much money.... Unfortunately, though, our government lets them. They also do not tax 'big businesses' enough. Companies like Apple, Google, Blockbuster, Walmart, etc.. make BILLIONS. I think they can afford to be heavily taxed...

Ugh, there are SOOOOOOOOO many more...

2006-12-28 17:45:50 · answer #8 · answered by kelikristina 4 · 0 0

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