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7 answers

I have an exceptional I.Q. level (more than 30 points over the norm (100 is considered average)). That said, I do love classical and fast paced music, I also like jazz, rege, hip-hop, Celtic, bluegrass, old country, Arabic, electronic music, etc. In fact the only music I don't like is pop music (e.g. Britney Spears, Back street boys, and crap like that).

Classical music, and especially fast music (like psychedelic trance) invoke mental images and emotional states that are hard to mimic any other way. My fondest "music memories" looking back are when we used to dance all night to fast music (trance parties). Those were the days!

It is also said that those with I.Q.s higher than 30 points among their peers show difficulty socializing. It can be very frustrating dealing with those that find it difficult understanding you.

2006-12-28 09:03:38 · answer #1 · answered by stupidity_of_pride 4 · 1 1

Yes I like classical and "fast music". (Metal, techno, dance etc)

Why? well I don't know for sure. rap and r&b are so boring, as there is limited skill in writing the music. (hmmm, the same beat for every song played at different speeds, if you call that music so be it)

Classical music is complicated, with respects to how they were written, and as to how many people are involved with making a single piece of music.

There's not a whole of technical music writing in dance, techno, however I find that you can do some pretty cool stuff if you know what you're doing

2006-12-28 08:49:25 · answer #2 · answered by revoltix 7 · 0 0

There are a lot of people with high IQ that like different things, so yes you will find some that like classical and some that fast music.

you will also find those who don't like those types of music and prefer other genres.

2006-12-28 09:51:39 · answer #3 · answered by goldenbrowngod 6 · 0 0

I always thought intelligent people liked music slow and boring, cause I listen to fast stuff LOL.

2006-12-28 08:57:37 · answer #4 · answered by lonesome me 4 · 0 0

My I.Q. is 155 and I love Beethoven so go figure. He is classical of course, and played fast music a lot.

2006-12-28 10:09:23 · answer #5 · answered by Kreutzer 4 · 0 0

I listen to all genres of music, I find something I like in all of them, well except opera. I can't stand opera.

2006-12-28 09:51:40 · answer #6 · answered by sexmagnet 6 · 0 0

I consider myself quite intelligent. And yes, I do like classical music. But I also like different kinds of genres. of music- instrumentals, ballads, modern pop especially if they have a lot of romantic. and meaningful lyrics. Every night, I play my MP3. Otherwise I have problem sleeping. About the only genre of music that I don't care much for is heavy metal, and rap.

Listening to classical and opera music is really soothing for the nerves. It calms the restlessness in me. Smooth jazz has the very same effect. It places people in tranquil moods.

Now, there are other knuckle-heads that are emotionally deprived, so music can influence their behavior. You get some skin-head to hear Nazi or Racist music and he'll want to go out and beat up a homosexual or minority person.
A lot of people blame heavy metal and hard rock music for instilling violent acts in the adolescents. Maybe so.

Music can conjure romantic moods in lovers. It can inspire lofty ideas for the artists to be to paint great artworks. It can reduce depression. with an upbeat tempo or rhythmn. It can allay the anxieties of a lot of prospective fathers to be who are in the waiting rooms in hospitals awaiting the births of their newborns. It can ease the labor pains of the mothers to be. They play classical music or instrumental ones in operating rooms. Eases the awareness of time on the surgeons and help to steady his hands. Music can lull the apprehensive patients to sleep and help with the anesthesia of the surgical patients.

You get some depressed kid to listen to depressing music and he will attempt suicide, I think some kids that like gangsta-rap music may think it appropriate to use vulgar language, degrade females or commit crimes with handguns because the music encourages those ideals.

For these mentally challenged people, YES music does affect and influence them. Our emotions and thoughts can certainly be affected by music.I hope I help you conjure up a lot of ideas on the effects of music on one's psyche or way of thinking.

The following is my researched answer to a similar question on this subject matter:

What is the scientific explanation of why all people find some form of music pleasing?

There are five elements of music:rhythmn, melody, pitch, harmony, and interval. Rhythmn is the pattern of movement and is the most fundamental,emotional, structural and organizational element of music. Rhythmn can influence structures in the brain such as the limbic system (center for emotions, sensations, feelings)thru creating a trace.

Melody is the ability to express moods, thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a non verbal form of communication.
There can be a broad spectrum of emotion from happy and calm to euphoria and tranquility . In a melody, certain intervals can invoke certain emotions. An example is a longer upward interval jump followed by a slow descending series of notes is considered more upbeat and happy. This can be heard in the song, Somewhere over the Rainbow in the movie ,Wizard of Oz. The most obvious element that changes music is melody ,while rhythmn is the most unconscious element to cause changes.

Pitch is the sound caused by vibrations. By increasing or decreasing vibrations, the pitch becomes higher or lower. The faster vibrations creating a higher pitch, is usually associated with cheerful and happy music. Whereas the slower vibrations creates a lower pitch which is associated with dreariness and depression. The fourth element,harmony is how the the pitches blend togetherto make one sound known as a musical chord. Depending on the intervals between the notes blending together, moods can be created. A major chord is normally associated with cheerful music, while a minor chord (lowering the middle note in a major chord is considered a sad and depressive type of music.

The last element is the interval which is the distance between each note ,effects by engaging the right hemisphere of the brain, which are the intuitive, creative and imaginative methods. These methods directly affect the limbic system . While listening to music, the vibratory motion that moves thru the auditory cortex goes diresctly to the limbic system.

Thru the limbic system, music has the ability to bring forth a broad range of emotional concerns. These different emotional conditions can cause changes in the cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and immune systems. Besides evoking emotions, music can act as a distractor or divert attention for stressful stimuli. A stress response stimulates the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine resulting in the increase in R, RR, B/P, and anxiety levels.

Music may act directly on the autonomic nervous systemwhen the stress response is interruped and anxiety levels are reduced. It is also thru that listening to music, releases endorphins,esp beta endorphins, the body's natural pain reliever, that have been associated with pleasant emotions and pain relief.

2006-12-28 08:56:44 · answer #7 · answered by rosieC 7 · 0 0

you hear the wrong people..! explained!

2006-12-28 08:44:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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