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Many people do not sympathise with how Palestinians and other Islamist movements are fighting their cause: blowing themselves up and killing innocent lives. But what means are these people supposed to use when they are not allowed to build their own weapons unlike other more powerful states? The powerful states have killed many innocent people during colonisation...aren't these acts of terrorism as well? Just because these powerful states no longer need to employ terroristic methods for claiming territory for themselves what gives them the right to brand similar methods as terrorism when other nations use them now?

2006-12-28 07:13:51 · 18 answers · asked by charlie c 2 in News & Events Current Events

18 answers

No resources, and no real right to the land.

Here is the truth:

From 1517-1917 Turkey's Ottoman Empire controlled a vast Arab empire, a portion of which is today Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine. During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany. When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain. Because no other peoples had ever established a national homeland in "Palestine" since the Jews had done it 2,000 years before, the British "looked favorably" upon the creation of a Jewish National Homeland throughout ALL of Palestine. The Jews had already begun mass immigration into Palestine in the 1880's in an effort to rid the land of swamps and malaria and prepare for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally large immigration of Arabs from neighboring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few Arabs there or those Arab masses that immigrated into this area along with the Jews!

In 1923, the British divided the "Palestine" portion of the Ottoman Empire into two administrative districts. Jews would be permitted only west of the Jordan river. In effect, the British had "chopped off" 75% of the originally proposed Jewish Palestinian homeland to form an Arab Palestinian nation called Trans-Jordan (meaning "across the Jordan River"). This territory east of the Jordan River was given to Emir Abdullah (from Hejaz, now Saudi Arabia) who was not even an Arab-"Palestinian!" This portion of Palestine was renamed Trans-Jordan. Trans-Jordan and would again be renamed "Jordan" in 1946. In other words, the eastern 3/4 of Palestine would be renamed TWICE, in effect, erasing all connection to the name "Palestine!" However, the bottom line is that the Palestinian Arabs had THEIR "Arab Palestinian" homeland. The remaining 25% of Palestine (now WEST of the Jordan River) was to be the Jewish Palestinian homeland. However, sharing was not part of the Arab psychological makeup then nor now.

Encouraged and incited by growing Arab nationalism throughout the Middle East, the Arabs of that small remaining Palestinian territory west of the Jordan River launched never-ending murderous attacks upon the Jewish Palestinians in an effort to drive them out. Most terrifying were the Hebron massacres of 1929 and later during the 1936-39 "Arab Revolt." The British at first tried to maintain order but soon (due to the large oil deposits being discovered throughout the Arab Middle East) turned a blind eye. It became painfully clear to the Palestinian Jews that they must fight the Arabs AND drive out the British.

The Palestinian Jews were forced to form an organized defense against the Arabs Palestinians... thus was formed the Hagana, the beginnings of the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF]. There was also a Jewish underground called the Irgun led by Menachem Begin (who later became Prime Minister of Israel). Besides fighting the Arabs, the Irgun was instrumental in driving out the pro-Arab British. Finally in 1947 the British had enough and turned the Palestine matter over to the United Nations.

The 1947 U.N. Resolution 181 partition plan was to divide the remaining 25% of Palestine into a Jewish Palestinian State and a SECOND Arab Palestinian State (Trans-Jordan being the first) based upon population concentrations. The Jewish Palestinians accepted... the Arab Palestinians rejected. The Arabs still wanted ALL of Palestine... both east AND west of the Jordan River.

Our Palestinian Cousins started the '48 war, and in so doing released the warlike appetites of a nation of survivors, a people with no place to run, who had repressed their rage for millennia, and had now earned full title to it!

On May 14, 1948 the "Palestinian" Jews finally declared their own State of Israel and became "Israelis." On the next day, seven neighboring Arab armies... Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen... invaded Israel. Most of the Arabs living within the boundaries of the newly declared "ISRAEL" were encouraged to leave by the invading Arab armies to facilitate the slaughter of the Jews and were promised to be given all Jewish property after the victorious Arab armies won the war. The truth is that 70% of the Arab Palestinians who left in 1948 -- perhaps 300,000 to 400,000 of them -- never saw an Israeli soldier! They did not flee because they feared Jewish thugs, but because of a rational and reasonable calculus: the Jews will be exterminated; we will get out of the way while that messy and dangerous business goes forward, and we will return afterwards to reclaim our homes, and to inherit those nice Jewish properties as well.

They guessed wrong; and the Arab Palestinians are still tortured by the residual shame of their flight. Their shame is so great because in their eyes running from Jews was like running from women. So much for the blatant lie about Jews throwing out all the [Palestinian] Arabs! The remaining 30% either (1) saw for themselves that these Jews would fight and die for their new nation and decided to pack up and leave or (2) were driven off the land as a normal consequence of war.

When the 19 month war ended, Israel survived despite a 1% loss of its entire population! Those Arabs who did not flee became today's Israeli-Arab citizens. Those who fled became the seeds of the first wave of "Palestinian Arab refugees."

The Arab propagandists and apologists almost never mentioned that in 1948, Arab armies launched a war against a one-day-old Israel. Instead they focus on the main consequence of that war: the creation of Arab refugees, stating that Israel "short of genocide" expelled 800,000 of them. This not only disagrees with UN estimates of a bit over 400,000 refugees but also ignores the fact that most of the Arabs/Palestinians were encouraged to leave by the Arab World itself!

Perhaps they should just voluntarily move on and forget the land that never was their to begin with.

2006-12-28 07:26:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Well, on this my wife and I have talked many times. We truly feel sorry for the Palestinians. They had land - the world didn't want the Jews, so the world gave the Jews Israel.

Let me start by saying that, to me, this "war" between Palestine and Israel reminds me (a history buff) of the Native Americans when their land was stollen and their people were killed off by settlers in the United States in the mid to late 1800s. In this, the Jews play the "cowboys" and the Palestinians play the "Indians" - the Indians lose, by the way. It's sad, but true. They were murdered, tortured, and humiliated. Now, there are a handful left - and they're dying out rapidly. Again, very sad.

I don't know if the Palestinians can win, without getting a power on their side. The Indians had the French, but they were used by the French, and the French abandoned them.

The Palestinians cannot have the Americans - because the Jews have us in their pockets. They are so deeply ingrained in our society and political machine that our government cannot get away from them.

The Palestinians need to regroup - lay low for a little while - stop the terrorist activities, and become a small states. Maybe for a decade. During the latter part of this decade, they shoudl find a way to 'woo' a power like Russia, or China, or maybe even some other Middle-Eastern countries - like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. An organized Palestine can help in Iraq, help with and befriend the Iranians, and become a player for peace in the region. Leave Israel alone for now.

I know it's a long time, but in 20 years, when Palestine has many friends and allies in the area, and possibly around the World - then the fight begins.


Something I like to say - keep your friends close.....keep your enemies CLOSER!

But, the trick is - laying low for a decade or two - biding your time, and growing your power sources. Biting your tounge when Israel shouts at you, and learning to say "yes, master", while hinding a knife behind your back.

It will take time, courage, will-power, and humility - but in time, if Palestine is willing to do these things - the rewards can be great!

Not that I would ever condone such a thing - it's just the way I think.

I think that if the Indians could have put their tribal differences aside and could have united in the American West in the 1800s, and could have allied themselves with some other powers (British, Mexicans, Spanish, French, etc.), they could have beaten back the expansion westward, and they might still own half of what is now the United States today. If only they would have allowed the takeover for a couple of decades, while building these relationships and gathering their resources and knowledge against their enemies.

Think about it!

2006-12-28 07:27:46 · answer #2 · answered by gatesfam@swbell.net 4 · 0 2

How is killing innocent civilians going to accomplish anything but piss people off and cause more blood shed.
I don't agree with anyone that uses terrorist methods for anything. I don't agree with the way that thousand of innocent Native Americans where killed and I am ashamed that that is part fo the history that this country was founded. All I'm saying is if you have a problem with a government don't take it out on the people that can't do anything about it. I mean a child that is killed in a suicide bombing is not going to impact the government in a way that will make them give you what they want, it is only going to piss them off and make thier restrictions on you harder.

2006-12-28 07:25:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Instead of fighting, have a football game between the palestinians and the Isrealis. What good is fighting anyway? Only innocent people get killed. There is no winner in a fight.

2006-12-28 07:22:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Any "movement" that believes followers of another religion (race, etc.) should be "driven into the see" and/or destroyed, is obviously a non-peaceful movement that needs to addressed with AK 47's and Hand Grenades. Any movement that attacks harmless innocent civilians, is weak, cowardly, and deserves nothing more than to be crapped on by every living creature that can do so. Anyone ignorant enough to follow a movement like that needs to be educated, then kicked in the face for thinking thats a great idea.

-My Point-
Palestine obviously does not want peace. If any islamist movement truly wanted peace, they would stop blowing sh!t up! THINK ABOUT IT.
The U.S. was doing nothing to islam, or muhammadajibooby and his movements, and they attacked and when the worst attack happened they shat their pants, and we kicked their ***.


Any self-respecting, descent person would never have any feelings of sympathy for any person, religion, country, or "movement" whose soul cause is to kill, or harm any innocent civilized non-believers. What you have said, is pure foolishness.

2006-12-28 08:39:31 · answer #5 · answered by S_CK_IT_HO 1 · 3 1

Palestinians are fighting back the only way they can. Because of Israel they have nothing, no hope and nothing to lose .Its Israels behaviour that's condemned by the world outside of America ,and Israel who is the aggressor backed up by the USA .Whats the greater crime a person with a bomb strapped to them blowing up them self and a few people ,or Planes flying over a country that's done nothing to them ( Iraq) and killing hundreds of thousands .The way decent people in the world see it the worst terrorists are America and Israel . Israel is fast running out of sympathy and America has no respect left

2006-12-28 15:00:35 · answer #6 · answered by keny 6 · 0 1

They have the weapons alright. The old Soviet block supplied them and Syria and Iran paid for them. Syria and Iran still support the Palestinians, especially the Iran Regime who deny the Holocaust and would push every Jew into the sea and watch them drown. Don't confuse colonialisation with proxy states. Iran is fighting Israel with Palestinian blood.

2006-12-28 07:34:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I say "Bravo" to Suspendor for a clear, concise and understandable history lesson. As far as what are "these people (terrorists) supposed to use...", how about all the weapons being smuggled into the country by Syria during their so-called cease fire? Please go to:

This tells how honorable Hamas is in their willingness to come to some agreement with Israel on living together in peace.

2006-12-28 08:03:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anji 4 · 1 0

Just Say 'Arley Barley' to each other and things will be
'Grand' or is it as usual,loss of face is unacceptable
You say no resources, what have they been using for the last
30+ yrs in this conflict Bow's and Arrows ?
Give It Up, Nobody asked them to fight.

2006-12-28 07:47:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

move away from israel if it's so undesirable. it's easy and relatively trouble-free. very simple solution. besides it was the israelis who revitalized the backwater levant region - before they arrived the place looked like a bad 15th century mural. if we can't give the jews a little peace and a few square miles of land, what does that say about the human race? come on now, let's have more peace and compassion for our fellow humans

2006-12-28 07:40:57 · answer #10 · answered by Super G 5 · 3 0

i'm not shocked. i have grown up understanding how the 'Palestinians' tried time after time because the starting off to kill and wreck israel. those fools are THERE in palestinian refugee camps because they were inspired through all the encompassing Arab Muslim international places to flee Israel for the couple of days it would take to wipe out Israel. they were advised that once they lower back in a pair of days, they does not basically get their property/lands/etc.. yet as well get what the now-useless Jews would have left in the back of. yet OOPS! israel received. then israel paid those who fled for regardless of they left in the back of. Jordan, Syria, Egypt etc.. refused to settle for those refugees. those 'palestinians' were compelled to proceed to be in refugee camps deliberately for tutor: as a hammer to triumph over Israel over the pinnacle with for fifty years - to 'tutor' to the international how propose the Israelis are. now 3 generations of those unique approaches of the Jew Haters have now lived in refugee camps. that's not palestinian land. not in accordance to the UN and under no circumstances in accordance to the actual undeniable truth that any extra land became received through Israel in wars all started through OTHERS.

2016-10-16 22:09:08 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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