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The first time I got pregnant I told my mom first, she got pissed. I made her tell my dad. All he said was "Oh well" and didn't speak to me the whole nine months. No lecture on that one, he just ignored me the whole time. The second time I got pregnant is when the lectures started, he made me feel like sh*t. The first one was unplanned, the second one was planned and this one was unplanned. Yes I do believe in marriage and yes I do believe in birth control. I was onbirth control. I'm just not ready for marriage. I love my kids and my parents love my kids, they just think they need to control me still. I'm not ready for my dad to ignore me and I'm not ready for my dad to lecture me in the hospital after I have this child, i'm too emotional for the whole thing. There, that is the story basically in a nut shell.

2006-12-28 07:03:00 · 14 answers · asked by wendylotr 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

hun i know what ur going though.reallyi have 3 wonderful kids.the first my parents were like what r u going to do (meaning have it or not have it) and i knew i wouldnt give him up for the world.the second same thing what r u doing blah blah blah.and by the 3rd i really didnt even want to tell them u know.i finally told them when i was 5 months.it's ur choice hun just know that these are things in life that come along but ur baby will always be there .look hun if ur able to have sex and have kids then u should beable to tell them.they are just concered thats all.best of luck

2006-12-28 07:17:28 · answer #1 · answered by laase12 2 · 0 0

I suppose I may be a good one to answer your question from your dads point of view. I am a single dad with three daughters that live with me, the oldest is 18. It doesn't sound like you are in you late teens, or 20's? Anyway, your dad probably just doesn't know what to say, hence the ignoring. They may seem controling because they think you are out of control having kids you have difficulty supporting? (You may be rich for all I know). At first the politiclally correct thought was that single parenting was as good as having both parents. Now that the subject has actually been studied, children with one parent around are many times likely to have psychiatric problems, be criminals, and HS drop outs. Your parents could just be expressing worry, even though it's driving nut listening to them complain. At some point when you feel you can talk to them without getting to pissed at them, you should have a sit-down with both of them. No arguing. Crabbing at you in the hospital is bad timing on your dads part.

I have no idea what all of the specifics are of your situation. But I can tell you this. I work with emotionally and behaviorally disturbed (EBD) kids in a public school .... about 80% of the kids I work with have one parent at home.

2006-12-28 07:24:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

here is my answer just tell you dad and mom together and if they try to lecture you say I'm not gonna listen to you and all these people telling you that you should be married to have a baby not true i have two beautiful children and am not married working full time supporting my kids on my own no finical help from anyone my mom helps with me taking kids to day care but that's it and just keep ur head up and just so u know birth control does not always work depending on the pill is how well it works nothing is 100 percent sure except not doing it i got my tubes tied and said no more

2006-12-28 08:21:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok, tell them both. Then immediately follow it with "I was taking birth control but still got pregnant, so apparently God has a reason for this child. You can love us or ignore us, but this is still your grandchild".

Just get it over with and tell him. Waiting is only stressing you out more. I don't see how you can commit 18 years to kids but cannot commit to a marriage, but that is your business. Might think about a tubal after the birth. Its much better birth control than pills.

2006-12-28 07:07:07 · answer #4 · answered by Velken 7 · 3 0

Forgive me, but you sound as if you feel entitled to becoming pregnant whenever you wish with little foresight concerning the child's future well being [preferably being with an intact mom and dad who can financially support him/her].

If you are living with your parents and they are provided bed and board and whatever else they have a right to have an opinion on your multiple pregnancies and understandably may be concerned with your judgement.

Birth control works when used according to directions and faithfully.

I do not cease to be amazed at young men and women who feel they are not 'ready' for marriage, yet are ready to rear a child - which in my opinion is the most challenging [yet rewarding] feat in life.

2006-12-28 07:11:42 · answer #5 · answered by sage seeker 7 · 3 0

How old are you? You seem a little on the selfish side thinking of only what you want in life, what about you children, can you provide for them as a single parent? Why would a mother of 3 not be ready for marriage? And do they all have the same father? I agree with tuffy's answer.

2006-12-28 07:43:55 · answer #6 · answered by JKS 2 · 1 0

You know what things happen. A dad is always going to be a dad there is no stopping that. The first time i told my dad he yelled it wasnt his problem. As soon as he started realizing i was getting bigger he got happy. He was there when my first child was born. I think your parents are the ones who think you arent mature enough. Just take it easy dont let what they say bother you. I know its hard and since you are going to have 3 they should have learned by now how to control their feelings. Good luck

2006-12-28 07:15:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the super Empty- Stone Temple Pilots Pillar Of Davidson- stay return To Innocence- Enigma objectives- The Cranberries distinctive good ones obtainable have not got a sparkling decrease well known.

2016-10-06 03:18:13 · answer #8 · answered by vanderbilt 4 · 0 0

If you're still living home or if your parents support you financially in anyway, it's their business. If you're a self suffiecient woman taking care of her children along with help from your babies daddies, then they should just respect you.
It all depends on who's raising the children.
You're parents are only looking out for your well being and the well being of your babies.

2006-12-28 07:13:08 · answer #9 · answered by BIZ Z 3 · 1 0

i don't believe you need to get married to bring your kids up in a loving safe home. but just like my first answer you just need to tell them, then all you can do is ask them to give you their support and love, if they won't do this, then im very sorry for you. i hope this works out.

2006-12-28 07:09:47 · answer #10 · answered by kimberley123 3 · 0 0

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