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Why when i come on answers with a genuine question about my wife who has let herself go and has no respect for herself do i get a load of abuse? I still love her and care for her but she has no pride or respect in herself, i want to help her and US but all i get are comments about me being a pig. When a woman writes up about her lazy, selfish, pig of a husband all you wimmin back her and tell her to get rid of him, well my wife is a lazy overweight clumsy lump whom i no longer love or wanna be with and when i ask for advice on what to do i get nasty comments. Well wimmins lib/sisterhood is alive and well on answers, SHAME ON YOU ALL.

2006-12-28 04:37:35 · 39 answers · asked by qcumber man 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

For those of you who question the spelling of women............. back in the 70s/ early 80's when it was all the rage that is how they "women" would spell it. They didnt want any association with man/men that is why they left the "men" out of the spelling women, shows their intelligence really, so before all you youngsters question my spelling thats the reason why.

2006-12-28 04:56:35 · update #1

39 answers

babe.....go get urself someone new! plenty of girls out there will look after you! and as for this lot...anyone would think that theyre all god or something! keep correctin people on their spellings all the time!! so wot u lot.........get a life...people here are asking questions...not asking you all to put them right with the bloody grammer....oops lol...go on...all kick my ****...i spelt grammar wrong!!))

2006-12-28 09:13:51 · answer #1 · answered by im*horny 3 · 0 3

I'm sorry to hear you are having such an awkward time with your relationship.

Have you confronted her with your issues? Being supportive and positive is normally a good way to start. If you keep telling someone (and I'm sorry if this isn't you) that they are lazy, overweight etc etc, they will start to believe it and and it becomes a vicious circle which doesn't help them change their attitude.

Bottling things up and sticking your head in the sand then expecting them to resolve is never going to work. Talking about things and explaining (not arguing) is the way to move a relationship forward.

You both need to be facing the same direction looking towards the same goal - to have an amazing loving relationship.

Maybe you should consider seeing a relationship counsellor? They can really help, you aren't expected to know how to make everything work and that's what they are there for!

I was once told 'bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die'. The more angry you get about it wont resolve it you need to let go of the anger and bitterness as just shouts out about the problem rather than resolving it.

Hope this is a better answer that you've had before!

2006-12-28 05:05:34 · answer #2 · answered by curly_krill 2 · 0 0

Well, one of the reasons you may be getting negative feedback is that the word is spelled women, not wimmin. Look. you want to help your wife with weight and fitness issues. Try the buddy system. Walking is the best exercise, it costs nothing but time. Walk with her anywhere she wants to walk, a nice park, the local mall (do a few laps without stopping), go hiking in a nature preserve, etc. Walk around your neighborhood or down country lanes. Exercising together shows you care and are willing to help her. Then ask some important questions...Why is your wife's self esteem so low? Why doesn't she think better of herself? You may need to be a bit more complimentary, find something about her you do like and mention it. Compliment her virtues (good things) and do not mention words like lazy, overweight, etc. and then go out and buy a mirror and take a good look at the guy in it. Ye who are without fault, cast the first stone. Good luck.

2006-12-28 04:46:44 · answer #3 · answered by teacupn 6 · 0 0

No, shame on you for tarring everyone with the same brush. certainly did not call you a pig.....just asked you to think about your part in the 'problem' as I've done with others before, women included. Oh, sorry.........I'm 52 so I dare say I fit your stereo type of a wimmin's libber. Thing is......what used to be called wimmin's lib is now just called self confidence and independance .....back then women needed 'permission' to feel that way so had to make a stand against what used to be a world for men, ruled by men with laws made by men. Personally I still think it is predominently a man's world but men are kicking up now about being treated the way women have been for hundred's of years.
Oh, and before you retort with the usual comment I get for speaking my mind.........no, I am not of the persusion who loves same sex liaisons.
Happy New Year.......

2006-12-28 07:17:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree, but I think that if I was writing about how a man had let himself go, I would get a lot of answers saying don't be so superficial its what is on the inside that counts etc.

If she got more un-attractive as a result of having your children, you really need to give her a break.

You contradict yourself in your question, you start by saying that you love her, and then end on an insulting rant where you say that you don't love her. Whats it to be!?! You do or you don't!

Perhaps she is depressed, or perhaps she has reached that age, where you inevitably get fat, or like you said she is lazy without self respect. Lets face it she wouldn't be the first. Remember though there is always a reason, and without sorting out that reason she can't sort herself out.

2006-12-28 05:20:48 · answer #5 · answered by As You Like It 4 · 0 0

That not true for me I 'am totally on what is right for women and men .Women stop doing this be fair put yourself in his shoes she does need to get her self back the way she was ,but try being a little more commpassionate. I think the ladies are being hard on you because theway you say it not exactly what you say. Remember women are very emotional.Don't call your wife a lump even if she looks like one. That verbal abuse you should know that calling names and yelling won't help her you are tearing her down worst trying working out with her eating healthier with her if you are not in love with her anymore leave and get a divorce don't abuse your wife it's not the God kind of love. She may try to do better if you were nicer to her. I know how you feel but there is a right and wrong ay to do and say everything. God bless you Alright women show a little love to our guy on answers

2006-12-28 04:47:34 · answer #6 · answered by tellthetruth 3 · 0 0

If your wife is letting herself go there has to be a reason. I know that for me it has to do with self-esteem. Try getting her cloths and tell her that you saw it and thought that it would look good on her. Then have her try it on. Sometime wife's need help to feel good about themselves. If the man that they married doesn't take interest in them then why should they. I know this cause I have been there more then once. It may not be the cause but I thought that I would just add my two cents in. As fir everyone else you need to understand that most men are stuck on looks and that alone. It is just what other men have done and you just got caught in the cross fire.

2006-12-28 04:58:20 · answer #7 · answered by sscott12414 3 · 0 0

oh poor you. Havent you drawn the short straw....LOL.If it makes you feel better I think you should blumming well tell her about herself...its a disgrace that she would allow herself to grow so huge that you have to roll her in flour to find a wet spot.Shame on her tut tut. I just wouldnt put up with it...I would tell her either she sorts herself out or she will find herself in the divorce courts.On a serious note though if you are reallly unhappy and im being sympathetic honest, you should talk to her.It might hurt her when she finds out that you don't love what she looks like or the person she has turned into but then the truth does hurt.Do you really not want to be with her though???Truthfuly though your reasons for not loving her are shallow if its just because she no longer resembles Katie Price (Jordon) However if you don#'t love her leave her.

2006-12-28 04:53:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you have been unloving in your attitude towards you wife - yes you have, alright Mr Man - you want thwe woman you married back? by her a gym subscription, help with the chores so shes got time to go, help with the kids, buy low fat/low sugar alternatives , you know muller lights, low carb chocolate, cook her a nice pasta salad, with some meat and low cal dressing,jacket potatoes, make sure she has time to eat breakfast - weetazbix is good with skimmed milk- or maybe she just has had ebnought of you and wants you to go, and will take better care of herself once youve gone??? Still sweetheart when a womn has a child hre body changes asd do her hormones, you cant expect her to have kids - and still ahve the same figure/breasts, so shes let herself go has she - get your hand in your pocket sboko in into the salon for a facial/haircut/buy her some face masks, buy her some clothes and lingerie - ones that actually fit her = not the sizes you'd liek her to slim into, the shame in on you - for not doing all of these things int he first place, before moaning, I hope you have deeper pockets than your attitudes - when you have done all of this and for say 6 months - which is a long process of change - then you can moan, oh yes and and buy her some glitter shoes - pretty ones, or better still go to a boutique - ones she can walk in. Oh and instead of putting her down try and build up her self esteem by saying positive things to her like - you look nice in that basque I just bought for you - and yes they do all sizes, your new hair colour/cut looks nice, those shoes look so pretty on you, wehile you at it - perhaps she needs a course of anti=depressants, I hope you have said the comments to her face that youve said on here tut tut

2006-12-28 09:11:38 · answer #9 · answered by Mercy J 2 · 0 0

I don't know about "wimmin" but women will have various views. Perhaps your question was poorly worded?

Both women and men are sometimes guilty of "letting themselves go" when they become involved with someone or after marriage.

It's a topic that the person should discuss with their partner. Perhaps get couples counseling. If things are not going to change, then move on. I would find it unappealing if I got with a guy and he changed afterward, becoming less physically and emotionally appealing.

2006-12-28 04:41:02 · answer #10 · answered by . 7 · 0 1

First spell women right. Second I understand you. I agree that women do need to keep themselves looking a certain way for their men. Depending on how big she actually is. If she is obese then yes I understand you concern. If you are upset cause she doesn't look like a supermodel then get over your self. There are roles women and men should play in a relationship.

2006-12-28 04:48:05 · answer #11 · answered by reapershotty 1 · 0 0

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